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Everything posted by gwilli8866

  1. Dr. Sacks said that it was caused by stress - no blockages, not overweight. Left 25% of heart dead because he was in denial that it was a heart attack. He explained it like "you get a charley horse in your leg -he got a cramp in the heart muscle, and when the cramp eased it had caused the to blood to clot in that area and that is what caused the heart attack". Very scary and a real eye opener. Be careful out there!
  2. He worked for Crownover Refrig. out of Macon and then National Convenience Stores out of Houston, Tx. He had a heart attack when he was 38 so he hasn't worked in 20 years.
  3. Sounds like you do the type of work that my hubby did until he had a heart attack and retired. He installed commercial heating & air, walk in coolers, ice machines etc.
  4. I think that normally when a unit freezes up it is low on freon. At least my Mom's does that when it needs more freon.
  5. Not a doctor but sounds like a pinched nerve.
  6. Try making homemade peppermint ice cream - it seems to soothe the stomach also.
  7. Fried tilapia, french fries, hushpuppies and cole slaw. Sour cream pound cake for dessert.
  8. When I make pasta salad I steam broccoli and cauliflower and carrots to put in it also. Add cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, celery (or celery salt) with a mayonnaise dressing. You can also add bell peppers and black olives. Always make a huge bowl of this when we go to Florida and it is very good when you come in from the beach - just eat it with Ritz crackers or something similar. I use the tri-colored rotini noodles.
  9. Glad to hear your sister in law and the kids are ok.
  10. My mother suffers from gout and has found that if she takes about 1 oz (couple of tsp) of cherry juice (from GNC) every morning, she no longer has gout attacks. The black cherry juice is very tart and needs to be mixed in water or some other juice that doesn't have too much sugar. Someone told her to try it and so far (6-9 months) she hasn't had a issue with gout. Worth a try.
  11. WOW, that would scare me - my 550 is high enough but 7000 WOW! What is it now and what meds has he been on? They have put me on 3 different ones and none of them seem to have any effect on it.
  12. Mine is blooming but no okra pods yet - shouldn't be too long though
  13. My triglycerides are 550! Dr. put me on meds for it but it hasn't come down much. I think alot of it is hereditery. My cholesterol is also through the roof. Everyone on my Mom's side of the family have high triglycerides and cholesterol. Dad ate bacon and eggs every morning and everything fatty that he could find and his were always normal. Genetics play a part in these too. I wouldn't worry too much if it were me.
  14. Thanks, and yes I am excited. So good to actually have some "good" news for once.
  15. If he had the payroll might have continued instead of being cutting short by his death! SAD
  16. You are right - they are truly a blessing. They are God's way of thanking us for having our own children and surviving it. LOL I can't wait to find out what the sex is so I can start shopping . . . in fact, I may not wait but just buy some generic items. Love shopping for baby clothes.
  17. Probably not as much as Kristy was! Three pregnancy tests and all were negative . . . strange but it may have something to do with her diabetes. She will have to go to a high risk doctor but hopefully everything will be fine. Can you just imagine Steve if it is a BOY???? Blood work and a sonogram confirmed that she was 10 weeks.
  18. She just went to the dr. a couple of days ago and until then I think she was in denial! Steve is absolutely thrilled! I'm sure it will be OK to give them a call. Steve is even wanting to video tape the whole thing. They did videotape the girls, her mother and brother's reactions to the news. He is such a sweet NERD sometimes! Gotta love him.
  19. YES!!!!!! She is 10 weeks now. Thank you Beach Bum that was very nice of you to say that.
  20. Thrilled to get the news yesterday that my stepson and his wife are expecting. It was quite a shock - they have a daughter that just graduated from high school this year and one going into middle school this year. They are thrilled and so are we. Another of God's blessings on the way . . . .
  21. Yes it was very nice of them. It is a long time to be in an airplane whether it be coach or first class. You will love it over there. We did the 10 day cruise with a 3 day stay prior to cruise and a 4 day stay after the cruise. We stayed in Papette at the Intercontinental and stayed in one of the huts over the water. Very nice but I really preferred the Jr. Suite that we stayed in after the cruise. Nice to be over the water but you either have to walk a long way to the dining room, lounges etc or call for the transport to pick you up. Tahiti is just an awesome place to go. Just a FYI -
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