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Everything posted by gwilli8866

  1. I live off of McClung also and the power came back on about 4:10. I went back and listened to the archives and the signal 48 was on Billy Bullock Rd not on the McClung Rd. accident.
  2. I think I heard on my handheld scanner that there was one confirmed signal 48. I think it was in reference to this call but am not sure, I haven't listened to the archives. Our power has just come back on. It was off for about 1 1/2 hours. Sorry for the double post - my computer/DSL is acting up.
  3. I think I heard on my handheld scanner that there was one confirmed signal 48. I think it was in reference to this call but am not sure, I haven't listened to the archives.
  4. These are great! Too bad Adam wasn't born a girl. He is a camo nut. When they were telling him about fitting him with the compression garments for his burns he asked the nurse "Can I pick out the color?, she said yes, and he said Do they come in camo?" They don't but I thought "Only my child would ask this". Like I said he has a good attitude toward all of this burn stuff (right now anyway).
  5. They ate dinner with us last night and they are still struggling just to accept everything that they lost. It is just emotionally trying just to accept this. I guess they are doing as good as could be expected under the circumstances. Just please keep them in your prayers.
  6. Yep, they just left. Guess they were hitting the hot spots. From the looks of the house I don't see anything else that could burn.
  7. I just left Grayce's house and the fire dept still has the road completely blocked and is still hitting the hot spots and knocking down some walls that were ready to fall.
  8. Hey guys! This was one of our own's house. It was GRAYCE's HOUSE. We live next door and hubby saw it when he went to the barn and called it in. We were able to get her two little yorkies but we didn't see the cat. It is totally gone! Everyone say a little prayer. She had gone to vote and I finally got someone to get her on her cell phone. She is just devastated as you can imagine. Thankfully, no family members were home.
  9. Rescue 5 responding to 10-44 threats - Clyde Cole Rd. Caller advised threats with a gun
  10. Just went over my house to the LZ - 40 yom showing positive signs of stroke within the last hour Prayers said for this gentlemen I have had 2 TIA (mini strokes) and it is a terrible feeling - hope he does well by getting to the hosp. so quick.
  11. There was a thread yesterday about a 2 1/2 yo special needs child not breathing on Ridge Rd. CPR was in progress - then was transported - Emergency Status. PRAYERS FOR THIS FAMILY!
  12. Thanks, I heard them say they were transporting emergency status, I just didn't know what RLS was. Good to know your shorthand so I can keep up!
  13. This was on Leslie Path in Nebo Ridge Mobile Home Park. I was listening also. It is sometimes hard to understand the dispatchers. Keep on posting - I'm not fast enough to keep up with all of the transmissions from dispatchers.
  14. That is right around the corner from me. I would like to know also.
  15. They do interior commercial drywall and acoustical ceilings I think.
  16. I saw that in the other thread but since it didn't list the other address (only the one that was confirmed) I didn't put things together. Prayers for his family.
  17. That's right - confusing sometimes - I should have said Signal 48 I guess sorry for the confusion
  18. No, 10-48 is confirmed DECEASED Sometimes they say signal 48 instead of 10-48
  19. The SO didn't say anything about a traffic signal - I am confused The flashing lights they are talking about are the emergency flashers on the witness vehicle and on the secondard 10-50 that occured in the backup
  20. 278 in area of Goldmine Rd. - in front of Locklear Dr They are still working this accident Sending some traffic down the eastbound lanes at this time
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