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Everything posted by gwilli8866

  1. This is exactly why I took early retirement. I was driving from Hiram to East-West Connector to I285 to I400 North every day. It took me over 1 hour with me leaving my house at 5:30 am. I got to the point that I was scared every day that I wouldn't make it home that day after seeing all the horrible accidents each and every day. I just wasn't ready to tempt fate any longer. My nerves are so much better now. Now I hate even driving in Hiram after doing my other drive to work for over 10 years.
  2. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...=122446&hl= Check out this thread.
  3. Heard that 1st air rescue cancelled due to fog in the area. Hope that she is OK. Rescue said abdominal, femur, foot and lower extremity injuries. That is all I heard.
  4. This came across the scanner somewhere around 4 am today. Armed robbery/carjacking at the Citgo on Hwy. 61. Black males (descriptions give) pointed a gun at the person and took the car. SO was right on top of it and spotted the car on Hwy 61 and started following it. Chase ensued and the perps turned onto either Gregory Ct or Russell Lane and bailed out of the vehicle. Dogs were brought in to track the perps. They located all but one of them so I guess this was the straggler they were looking for. This is just the jest of it - you can hear all of it on the scanner archives. I was awake
  5. This came across the scanner sometime between 3-4 am that this was an "armed robbery/carjacking from the Citgo on Hwy.61. S.O. was right on top of it and spotted the stolen car on 61 and the perps bailed out of the car somewhere around Gregory Ct or Russell Lane right off of Hwy.61during the chase that insued and they called the dogs to search. You can probably hear it on the scanner archives. I heard it live because I could not sleep. This is just the jest of it all the details will be on the archive.I agree that the S.O. did a great job in getting these guys. It could have been much wor
  6. I have the 10-Codes but they always give a status code also. Anyone know what those stat numbers mean?
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