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Magic Mommy

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Everything posted by Magic Mommy

  1. Maybe it has more to do with not liking the "fake" image that I felt Paula represents. Or maybe because I am not a racist. That may have something to do with it, too.
  2. There is a very young wife who stands near her husband who is wheelchair bound and holds up signs asking for donations. The first time I saw her was as Food Depot and 61. I know her name, I know his. First names, not last. I stopped to read the sign one day and they are younger then me. (I found out later he is 28 years old) The husband has had 3 strokes since March 21, 2013. He did not have insurance and was the sole income for his family. The day I stopped to talk with her, she hit me hard in my heart...NOT LITERALLY. It was the desperation in her eyes, the tears in her voice. I did
  3. What does Wendy have to do with Paula? Because Wendy is black? I've heard Wendy go OFF on the use of the N-word, she would NEVER approve of it, doesn't use it, and has fied people on her staff for using that word. I don't know if I missed Wendy's comments, but two posts mention Wendy as if she is comparable to Paula. I fully disagree as a fan of Wendy's. (I have never been too keen on Deen) As for my opinion on Paula, she embarrasses me because I consider myself a proud Southern Lady. I am embarrassed that women like Paula continue to give us a bad name, that the rest of the country
  4. Do you have any relatives in Alabama? They do not have emmissions and you could get that family member to register the vehicle under their address, get an Alabama tag, and then come here. I know someone who did this and they went home every year to get their sticker. That's how they got around the stupid law.
  5. Will there be another event? Or is there somewhere locally to purchaset the book? I have an event and will be working during that time. Thanks!
  6. I took this one at Cloudland Canyon in April. My husband said it's a defect in the tree's DNA that results in muliple "main" trunks. But I like the old stories, too.
  7. Sending our prayers for your family and for you in this time of loss.
  8. For us, meat in general is a treat and that includes chicken. We do a lot of pasta, salads, and casseroles now. We may do a meat dish 2 nights a week, 3 if there were extra hours that pay period. I miss the days when we had a meat choice for the main meal of the day. Edited for my poor grammer.
  9. I buy my steaks at Sam's. I haven't been in this week, but last week, the price was what I am used to. We get 6 thick, top round cuts for about $12-!5 for the package. once in a while we'll get ribeye or t-bones for about $10 more for a pack of four. But these suckers are HUGE for a four count package and I think it's a great price for such a thick cut. Of course, now that I mention it, the price will go up. So also try West Metro.
  10. But....50 is the new 20! Happy Birthday!
  11. Hanging in there! Busy with the kiddos and make sure everyone stays entertained this summer! I hope you and the family are doing well!
  12. Same think in my neighborhood, Moonie. Again, VIDEO is the best form of documentation. You can get an officer to come do zone patrols without it, but if you provide video of the speeders and reckless drivers, it will have much more impact. Get the license plate info in the shot if you can.
  13. And destroyed by landowner...2013.
  14. Google "Sports Collectors" and find out how to contact someone. Don't just take them to the shop or try ebay. Do the research. Your Dad kept them in that condition for a reason. Also, sorry for your loss.
  15. Last year was our first official "Memorial Day." We actually had the conversation that it used to be the kickoff to summer, but for us, it will never be that way again. We lost my nephew just days before, in fact, his body arrived back on US soil on Memorial Day itself. My sister woke up before dawn to find that someone, we still don't know who, lined her driveway with American Flags. It was such a powerful moment for everyone who saw it, that my children felt we should do something at our house, too. So this year, we headed out to the local party store, which stocks "made in the USA
  16. Remembering my nephew. We decorated the front of the house and will be planting flowers in his honor.
  17. That was awesome and I would have missed it without your post. Definately something to think about. I love her response and the apology that followed. MY heart grew three sizes, too!
  18. Thank you. I am familiar with MUST. The backpack program used to service the children in our school. I have been told that our school no longer participates due to lack of donations. I went to lunch yesterday and not one child recieved a bagged lunch. There was more then one parent standing by with wallets in hand. That was AWESOME to see and I just love you guys so much. I don't know if it was because of pcom or not, but the timing was just perfect.
  19. That sounds a little snarky, I don't mean it to be. I wanted to show support on the smaller portions for weight loss. Not everyone responds well to a diet. I've also exercised, but just a lot of walking, nothing too strenous. Good luck on the journey and keep us posted on your progress so we can cheer for you!
  20. I lost 50 lbs this past year by doing three things: Absolutely NO fast food. No desserts at least 5 nights a week Smaller portions. I am well aware of a "correct portion". The choices and portions at lunch are not my issue. To be honest, if my kids like the choices, they'll buy. If they don't, they take from home. Not every child and family is able to make that choice. It just frustrates me that a child who doesn't have money on his account is served two pieces of bread with one slice of cheese and a mayo packet. Some parents just forget, or their child got extras and ran
  21. I went to lunch at school today. Three children in my son's third grade class recieved the bagged "lunch" and a notice that they can not "charge" a meal (too close to end of the year) Their lunches consisted of two slices of bread with a piece of cheese in the middle and a mayo packet. No drink. Yes, I bought their lunches. This is not the first time in the past few weeks I've had to do this, in fact, I even started to post on here about it but held off. Today, it was THREE children. One of the children, 3rd grade, cried when he saw what was in the brown bag. That's what caught my att
  22. Thank you all for the warm thoughts and prayers. I could feel my strength renewing as the day went on. I am sure my sister could too. I am glad today is here, though. Now, to get through Memorial Day. For my family, Memorial Day was always the kick off for summer vacation. It was our big BBQ weekend. My father (Marines) and husband (Army) served, many other family members who recently went into the Navy in my nephew's honor. But now that we've actually lost someone IN service, this coming weekend has a whole new meaning for us. I hope that no one who reads this will ever have to th
  23. It's been one year since the sudden loss of my nephew, The NAVY Diver. Obviously, it has effected all of us in many painful ways, but unfortunately, it was also the event that completely divided our family forever. While our hearts may never heal, I am asking for prayers for my sister and her family, for all the extended family, and for ourselves. Thank you.
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