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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. No, I do not mind at all. Some signs I remember:: The sores on the face are a dead giveaway. Sudden weight loss, 'meth mouth' ...teeth begin to look really bad. Meth causes the gums to shrink, and the time it takes for this to happen varies from person to person. Also, with our family member there was a deep cough. Fairly soon after after the smoking of it began it was very noticeable. Scratching the skin frequently, general manic behaviour.
  2. Quick question...why not? I would rather post things on FB than I would here. Why even have a FB account if you don't want to post? At least there you are among a select group of like-minded friends. I don't get all the ambiguity regarding FB, I really don't.
  3. Hey, that sounds like fun. Can I eat a steak while participating????
  4. Thanks guys! I have a very close family member who is a recovered (fully, thank god) 6 years now, meth addict. It also causes completely psychotic behavior, my loved one was actually institutionalized for awhile. The cutting with the draino, etc. is another reason for the sores on the faces, beside the feeling of bugs in the skin. The recovery rate is not very high, it kills you slowly in so many ways. I know of many teen girls in particular, who thought it a great quick way to she pounds . I think speaking to their (people in general) vanity, is a great way to caution against ever eve
  5. Yeah, he and LL are at the top of my celebrity death pool. I think the guy is a d**chebag. Always has been. He is a self entitled, cowardly, sniveling, woman beating brat. I purposely avoid anything he is in because I can't stand to look at him .
  6. Yeah, I guess so, if not for the comment about the holocaust and slavery.
  7. Wowzers . I remember growing up it was a big deal (at 14 and 15) for students to be kissing out behind the school buses .
  8. Haha! I'm sure it's kind of like a train wreck...you don't want to look but you just can't help it, lol.
  9. I've never watched an episode either, but I see them make fun of it on 'The Soup' and other comedy shows. Seriously, you could not pay me to watch it, lol. I'm pretty sure brain cells commit suicide as well .
  10. A fellow nerdy just posted on FB, and I thought it was funny so I wanted to share .
  11. HAHA! My husband and I just watched the video twice, your POOR kitty, lol. Adorable! We have three kitties in the house, one mini-Dachshund and my little Chi Emma. The felines outnumber the canine children here . LOVE them all!!
  12. Because (speaking for myself here) I clearly have nothing to hide...and many times when a question is asked your 'personal' information could be helpful to someone struggling with something themselves. That's been the case more than once in my experience. Hence the reason my real face and name are on my profile. Just my two cents.
  13. My experience. I homeschooled for a total of 12 years (including kindergarten). However, during my divorce I had to place my children in public school for 2 years. My son was academically tested when we came home from Germany (by the Paulding school system) and was bumped from kindergarten to second grade. He was a year younger than his classmates, smaller physically and emotionally behind. Halfway through the year he began to exhibit 'concentration problems'. I was called into a parent teacher meeting where they informed me that in the teacher's opinion he needed to see a dr. and be pl
  14. Brian Keene's observation,..I agree 100% . Why Borders went bankrupt
  15. While chewing gum, backwards .
  16. I understand. I grew up in Powder Springs, on Old Lost Mountain Rd. We moved here in the mid 70's. I graduated from McEachern in 1984. Back in those days no one ever even bothered to "Take a left" at the end of Old Lost Mountain to head into Paulding because there was nothing out there but farm land. Has changed quite a bit in the last 25+years. I also find it amusing that I am the last living member of my family that still lives in 'Powder Town' and not migrated to Paulding .
  17. I realized that about Florence's (my Aunt) Chi's now that I have my own. They would sit in her lap and nip at us, or chase us through the house. They scared the crap out of us as little girls . I know now they were being protective and not mean just for the sake of being mean. My son-in-law is the same way with their Chi's. He bought Emma's mother for Taylor as a gift and he personally fell in love with the breed, so he got a male for himself . My Emma looks exactly like her daddy, Bruno. My hubby is crazy about her as well, and he wasn't sure how he would feel about such a small
  18. Chihuahuas are so funny. I am a Rottweiler, Great Dane kind of girl. Always disliked chihuahuas because of bad experiences with my great aunt's 5 (or so) as a child. Christmas before last my stepdaughter and SIL gave me Emma as a Christmas present... . She has stolen my heart like no other, my little princess. I lost my Mom 7 years ago this September, Taylor and Stephen imformed me that they were gifting me this little chihuahua (a 'surprise litter) before she came into our home. Mom came to me in a dream and named her..."Emma". So she was named, and I love her SO much. I had not la
  19. When my Emma had it I hand fed her boiled chicken breasts and lots of water. I held her for almost 24 hours. I took her to the vet and they told me nothing was wrong but I could hear her tummy rumbling like crazy and she was whimpering, scared the crap out of me. Within 36 hours, she was better, btw. I wish you luck with her, it hurts so much when your babies are sick .
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