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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. You do have a cute nose, I say go for it. I think they are very pretty (most piercings are ). Me, I am a HUGE wimp. I can sit under my artist's tattoo needle for 8 hours straight and do often, but by god I am scared to death to be pierced. I only have my ears pierced once, and had that done 40 years ago, lol.
  2. Yep, most days I want to strangle my 'baby'. He is 22 . I have never had one single day of grief out of my 24 year old. I think the problem is that my son and I are SO much alike, we bump heads constantly and he drives me INSANE. My daughter on the other hand is like valium. She is a calming influence because she is just so darn 'zen' all the time. So I'm wondering if the children that are driving you nuts are the ones that are most like you? I think eventually we do get over it, btw .
  3. I have to agree . My son is an assistant manager at a CVS, and he has the habit of saying that as well. I have tried for years to break him of it,. I think it really is a habit, so I don't think much of it when it is said to me, it just grates on my nerves a little bit. I honestly don't even think that the people who say it really think that much about it so I let it go . It might be more of a generational thing.
  4. I agree, and I say wear whatever the hell you want to wear when you want to wear it .
  5. Oh yeah, Mike Rowe is definitely HAWT . I too, have always had a thing for John Cusack...and Robert Downey Jr. *panting* lol
  6. I don't even like blondes and I would be all over Eric, lol. But my main T.V crushes would hands down have to be these three: Dean Winchester: Jensen Ackles Castiel : Misha Collins & Last, but NOT least, Dexter: Michael C, Hall
  7. Hey, congrats!!!! Beautiful photo .
  8. I know, right? I could be a hellion in my teen years. But by god, I never skipped class or did anything that could get me into too much trouble because I would need to be locked up to keep me away from my Mama. We were more scared of her than any law enforcement agency...that woman grabbed me up and carried me under one arm when I was 16 years old for mouthing off to her, lol. She was scaaaaawy, when she was mad .
  9. I would but I am all the way in Powder Town... I hope you find someone to join you!
  10. Awwwwww, my bestie does mine as well . 33 years and counting (she hates for me to say how many years it has been because we met when we were 12, lol) , at this point she is more my sister than my best friend .
  11. The more of us heathens, the better, lol...
  12. Oooooooo, the eagles are pretty! I have always loved crows too, the bigger the better . I also (as you know) love, love LOVE Canadian Geese . I can't even explain why, but the call they make while flying is one of the most soothing sounds in the world to me. Beside the fact that I think they are beautiful. I have some ambient cd's with Canadian Geese calls .
  13. Fixed it !!!! Sorry for the 'oopsie'. When they do close, we are taking yall all out for a beer !!
  14. I need to note, as he just pointed out that they haven't closed yet. But, I have a good feeling about it and he has worked with them so well. They have only the highest praise for how he has made the whole confusing process easy for them. So again, I can't sing his praises loudly enough .
  15. I did not, I'll do it right now!
  16. He helped my Taylor, Stephen and A.J locate their first home in RECORD time!!!!!! They couldn't be happier, my grandson A.J is SUPER excited . HIGHLY recommend him, can't recommend highly enough !!!
  17. Yeah! I did see many of the other 'Odd' books at the store yesterday as well. Glad you found the first one to bring in!
  18. My daughter looks absolutely nothing like me at first glance. We do have the same mouth, and cheeks...vocally people always confuse us. My son on the other hand is my spitting image . Here are my daughter and son when they were young: Me (lower right) and my younger sister, Genelle in 1975. It's funny that many of our customers at the store always assume that Britaini is Susan's daughter because of her hair, eyes and darker skin tone. It's alright because Susan claims her .
  19. I'm totally not saying that it was not the 'right' thing to do, btw. It was not the thing which will give them pause, but as far as us being a dignified, honorable people it was the right thing. Still not what I wanted them to do, however. I wanted them to poop on his head and wrap his pieces in bacon .
  20. I think this is one of the first times we have agreed with one another . Your point is my point as well. We ARE the better people (when compared to terrorists), no question. The point is about deterrents - these people are NOT rational. They do not think like we do, have NO value for human life. Their one SOLE purpose is Jihad and paradise after martyrdom. (Let me add even though I think it is obvious I am talking Muslim terrorists, not all Muslims). Our being respectful to his carcass is not showing them a thing but weakness, imo. If they thought that paradise was not what they were
  21. LOL, right? I know I have heard many people wonder what would be so awesome about a bunch of women who don't know what they are doing . We all know from their credit card trails that these fanatics tend to frequent strip clubs in the coming days/nights before they blow themselves to hell. I couldn't care less about offending their sensibilities...they don't need a reason to do what they do. It isn't like giving that assclown a respectful burial is going to prevent a single thing they intend to do to us or anyone else. I say take away part of their initiative by disrespecting their
  22. I seriously doubt he was really given a respectful, Muslim burial...as I posted in my FB status yesterday "I can't help but hope that means they chopped him into itty bitty bacon wrapped pieces AFTER they took turns pooping on his head ." They wrapped the fanatics in pig carcasses when they stormed that school and slaughtered children in Russia, and it got the message across. The ONLY reason they are willing to sacrifice themselves to kill innocents is their promise of paradise in the act of martyrdom. Take that away from them, and watch how fast they fold. Oh, and Blazing Saddles ,
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