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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. That is mine as well!!!! I love Michael Stipe , and REM is my favorite band OF ALL TIME!!!!
  2. I kind of just assumed it had to be done when my son was born (I was young and stupid). However the thought of it really bothered me. My father came to me and told me I could have it done if I wanted, but he never had been and didn't see that point. I made the decision not to. My pediatrician instructed me on how to care for him, and to teach him to care for himself. He is 22 and has never had an issue. Honestly, I am really glad I didn't...and he says he is too.
  3. Thanks Guys! I really do appreciate all of the input, and your taking the time to offer suggestions and advice. We are actually looking at a Sunbeam . I will let everyone know what we decide...my daughter is going in on it with me .
  4. Oh, one more question Surepip. When you refer to a stone for your oven do you mean for instance the Pampered Chef kind? I have the largest stone they sell, and we use it all the time. I absolutely love it .
  5. Thank you both SO MUCH for your input!!! I very much appreciate it . Surepip that was so much information, thank you for taking the time to type it all out. I am going to print this sucker off so I can keep it, lol.
  6. I generally want to punch the pageant Moms in the throat . I scream at the television, lol. Britaini is like "Mom, why do you torture yourself with that crap" .
  7. Yes...watch 'Toddlers and Tiaras' a couple of times and you will be ready to kick in your television screen.
  8. I want heavy, hearty breads with crunchy crusts like we used to buy in Germany . But I have never made homemade bread in my life. My mother used to do it, and now my sister is making her own. Just got me thinking that I haven't had decent bread since we have been back in the states and I would REALLY like to make it myself. I have a slight disability in that I have limited usage of my fingers (very little strength in my hands, also) so loooong periods of kneading, etc won't work for me. I was thinking a machine might alleviate some of that problem.
  9. Anyone have a particular brand you love, is there a type I should steer clear of? Thanks in advance .
  10. Haha! I still wear my Doc Martens today . I bought them in German about 18 years ago and I swear, they are the best damn shoe investment I ever made .
  11. I don't have the password, either. I promise I am a girl...bewbies and everything .
  12. I was a book nerd (big surprise), but also heavily into punk rock (early 80's) . I was a mediocre student at best but hung out with an accelerated group, a few of my close friends from school are now university teachers, a preschool teacher with a nursing degree and an anesthesiologist living in CA. I think I was their project, always encouraging me to follow more academic pursuits. Clearly, I did not . I was the antithesis of the sporty girl, VERY rebellious...still am, lol. No boyfriends in school either, hanging out with friends, going to concerts (stalking Adam Ant) and voraciou
  13. Our Mom (3 girls) waited to have ours done until the summer between 4th and 5th grade. We were terrified and I remember thinking how badly it hurt . I had my daughters ears pierced at around 4 months old, because I knew one say she would want to have it done. I had our pediatrician do them and I still remember her reaction. She looked startled for about 5 seconds, and then it was over. No crying, no fear, nothing. She's almost 25 now and I know as much as she hates needles she would never have willingly have it done when she was older.
  14. My artist's name is Richie, I've been using him for years and he is pretty freaking awesome . I won't even use anyone else unless he suggests them to me. Here's his FB page, tell him Rhonda Walton sent you . Tatu Richie
  15. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!!!!! :wub: :wub:
  16. HAHA! They love that. Trust me, my husband is one . He told me they radio ahead down the interstate to make sure the rest of them notice as well.
  17. Preach it . Also to add, having multiple tattoos keep me OUT of the sun. Ultraviolet light fades the ink, and I'm sorry but I have too much money invested in my body art!
  18. Yes, thankfully. I just can't fathom anyone wanting to go through life constantly inebriated. My father-in-law is like that. It just boggles my mind (yes, even on Sundays). Early dementia, ill health, etc. I just do not get it. With the FIL I think it might be a depression/self medication thing. Very sad. The thing is, the blue law doesn't change anything for the alcoholics or drunk drivers...they are gonna do it anyway. For those of us, law abiding responsible citizens it is an unnecessary inconvenience. I feel sure it will be overturned.
  19. I drink and sometimes I do get giggly and stupid. But I do it AT HOME, and act stupid with my husband . #1 reason for hangovers, is not enough water consumed with the alcohol. I don't have any alcoholics in my immediate family, my parents were tee-totalers. I understand my maternal grandfather (who was an ass anyway) was a raging drunk. I'll vote yes. Idiots who drink and drive , and underline idiots... are going to drink and drive whether alcohol is sold (in stores or bottle shops) on Sundays or not. Generally idiots who drink and drive have a drinking problem, and no blue la
  20. GREAT choice! That is definitely something you will never regret. All of my work is something significant for me, spiritually or tied to my children, or for my Mom. I've never regretted any of it . My skin tells a story .
  21. Nah, I saw a 70 year old man literally COVERED in ink. He was in shorts...saggy and in the condition of a 70 year old man . I have to tell you I was more interested in taking in all of the images on his skin (which were amazing) than I was icked out by the general conditon of his body. I'm not the least bit worried about what mine will look like in 25 years, I know my skin will be a lot more interesting than if there were nothing there but stretch marks and freckles . I'm never naked...I'm tattooed .
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