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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Because the flu-like illness started outside of the normal flu season, most are operating under the assumption that all flu-like illnesses presenting during that time were H1N1. It is true that the tests available in doctors office can not distinguish between the seasonal (H1N5) flu and the "swine" (H1N1) flu. Some health departments are able to differentiate and the CDC is, as well. Once you're sick with a flu-like illness there is really no need or point in determining which one you have. You treat the symptoms and watch for any changes. The main thing to watch for with H1N1 is if the p
  2. Even in the drizzle, it was a large turn out and well done for a first time.
  3. In its current form, it isn't that bad. The biggest worry with it right now is the secondary infections ... not the flu itself.
  4. Still planning on trying to get by there ... if the kids are well.
  5. A number of our crafters still speak highly of the show.
  6. Looks like the rain may cooperate and hold off until later. I sure hope so.
  7. Call the hospital and ask them. While some doctors offices may be open to working with you on such a situation, adhering to the divorce decree is a matter for the divorced couple, not the doctor's AR department. Whoever is on the paperwork in the doctor's office as the responsible party is who they can and will bill.
  8. The rolling meth labs aren't as common as they used to be. It's all about shake - n - bake these days.
  9. What kind of vendors are you looking for and how much $ for a spot?
  10. Shame on you ... where is your concern for her purse and her food stamps? (She needs therapy ... of the baseball bat variety)
  11. Is her phone somehow going to save her baby from something like a house fire? link
  12. I used to drive from Hiram to 85/Jimmy Carter Blvd every day when I first moved down here. Funniest thing ... it usually took me the same time to drive that commute in the morning as it used to take me to drive about 18 miles back home. The drive home across the top end was a whole different story. 2 hours was about the norm ... some days 3-4 hours. Not a chance in h-e-double-l that I would do that ever again. Good luck.
  13. For the briefest of seconds when in full visibility ... but NEVER with the keys in the car. Not even in my own driveway.
  14. Thank you ... my poor little brain was getting worn out trying to figure that one out.
  15. Not to sidetrack the thread but ... how/why is a patient from an MVA on 75 being transported to Paulding Hospital? And I too am glad that there were no serious injuries.
  16. Hubby's job ... Cobb Govt. ... BC/BS HMO ... family of 4 ... under $250/month.
  17. Holy crap ... I'd be checking out the other option, too. We pay $15 co-pay and $10 prescriptions. Nothing for blood work .... nothing for x-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds ... my only "real" complaint is $100 for an ER visit. (Used to be $50.)
  18. What HMO do you have that is so expensive for you?
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