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Everything posted by nowens98

  1. $20 office visit/urgent care/specialist $75 ER and we currently pay $0 premiums for a family of 6 and have a low deductible of $300 ind/$700 family. This is our current coverage! Thanks to the healthcare reform, we will will be paying a lot more in 2011...we are currently reviewing our options for enrollment.
  2. I am going to Georgia Breast Care in Marietta. Thanks for the prayers!
  3. I have a history of fibroid cysts in my breasts. I have several lumps right now and called my OB/GYN's office b/c one is painful and my lymph nodes under my are have been sore. I was referred to a breast specialist. I am a little nervous since they want to see me tomorrow! I had an u/s 4yrs ago and was denied a mammo a year later b/c I was "too young". I pray that it is nothing....
  4. I met my husband on May 17, 1998. I didn't even want to give him my number at first, he wasn't my type! I was nice and gave it to him and we were married on New Year's Eve of 98! So were were together for 7 months. I had NO plans to get married until I was in my late 20's...if ever! I was only 19 when we married, he messed my plans up but I wouldn't change a thing! We will celebrate our 12yr anniversary this NYE and we have 4 amazing & beautiful children!
  5. Maybe the person your friend sent the email about had a bad experience at the Cherokee County Northside? I have 3 nieces and 1 nephew that were born there (the Northside in Atlanta) and my sisters both had great experiences! Good luck! I am sure everything will be fine tomorrow!!
  6. I got an implant 11yrs ago when I was 19. I am sure a lot has changed since I got mine done. I have seen ads that you can have them completed in one day, back when I got mine it was a long, drawn our procedure. I LOVE it and am so happy that I got it instead of drilling away 2 healthy teeth to put a bridge. I did have to have the crown replaced 3 yrs ago on it b/c I chewed too much ice during my 3rd pregnancy!
  7. Sorry to hear GLW I will keep him (and you) in my prayers!!
  8. Walmart usually has long sleeve leotards that I *think* are around $10 in the girls underwear section, you could pair it with some tights. I would just put a long sleeve shirt or turtle neck 9depending on the temp) & tights or leggings under it. My kids are being 8yr old- the White Queen from Alice in Wonderland 6yr old- the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland 3yr old- Jessie from Toy Story 2 & 3 1yr old- Woody from Toy Story Hubby & I haven't decided on costumes yet. I went to the Halloween store in Hiram and my son was terrified so we had to leave...
  9. I am not sure about stones, I know that when it stops functioning the only treatment is to remove it. I had mine out on a Fri and felt great by Monday.
  10. Even if there are no stones and they say the ultrasound is ok, get them to order a HIDA scan. This will test the function of the gall bladder. My u/s was fine, but my gb was NOT functioning! I hope you get some answers soon!
  11. Mushroon & Provolone patty melts W/ roasted potatoes. The patty melts call for sauteed mushrooms & onions with flour & dark beer to make them saucy...I drank the beer and used beef broth in the mushrooms/onions! It's been one of those days Needless to say, my kids are not on my nerves as bad now!
  12. We LOVE Netflix! Even more since we can stream thru the Wii....oh, and you can watch it directly on the computer,too! I recently got a Droid and there's an app that I can update my queue on!!
  13. Hmmm,I don't know why they don't call me anymore.I started getting calls from some Inspire something that picks up but I know nothing about them. Maybe kidney fund doesn't pick up where I live anymore I PM'd the endless yardsale.
  14. I used to get calls from them every month and always had stuff for them. I don't know if they pick up anymore. Around the time that I stopped getting calls, I noticed donation boxes around town. They wouldn't pick up furniture unless it was already outside if I remember correctly. I thought someone on here had mentioned a thrift store that picks up. I just want need the stuff GONE by the weekend!!
  15. I have a large entertainment unit and an electric organ that I need out of my house ASAP! Does anyone know of a place that will pick up and give a tax reciept? TIA!
  16. I just looked on ebay and there are tons on there! It may take a few days to get but if no one here has it, that may be a good alternative!
  17. It wasn't too bad, you just have to be very still. They do an IV and the first medication that they give you is similar to a dye and the second injection mimics a gb attack...very painful but passes quickly (2-3 min). It took about 3hrs total for my scan, but my Radiology Tech said the time could vary from 2-6 hours. I slept for the first 1.5 hrs!!
  18. I also agree with the gallbladder. If you get sent for an ultrasound and they don't see stones, demand a HIDA scan. THat will test the function of the gall bladder. Anything over a 30 is "normal" and when I had my HIDA my function was at a 6. I had it out 3 weeks ago and feel 100% better!! I hope you feel better soon so you can take care of that new lil guy!!
  19. I am 5' 1", so yes, very short and I 31yrs old. I was in a size 1 before I got pregnant with #'s 3&4 back to back, so I am so proud to have gotten the 20lbs off.
  20. I got on the scale today and it was right at 120!! I have lost the 20lbs I had to lose after having my son I partially contribute it to being so sick with my gall bladder since I had no appetite. I had it out 2 weeks ago and feel so much better! Hopefully a week at Disney won't cause me to gain any back....maybe all the walking I will do will work off all the GOOD FOOD I will be eating! When I come home from vaca, I am going to start working out so I can tone up and try to lose my belly...that is the hardest thing to get off, but after 4 kids I think my only hope is a tummy tuck.
  21. Las Palmas may have outdoor seating but I do NOT recommend eating there If you are in Dallas and want Mexican I would go to La Cocina by Kroger @278 & 61. Much cleaner with MUCH better food! And a patio!! Jim N Nick's & Buffalo's also have patios....that is all I can think of right now.
  22. I don't like water rings either, or drops of water around the sink. And I also wash my hands all day long! With 4 kids I am constantly touching something that makes me run to the sink to wash. Oh, and I like even numbers...that is why we had a fourth child even after I was advised not to get pregnant again! Now THAT is OCD!!
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