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Everything posted by sutler

  1. sutler

    Chas Henry

    What is Chas Henry doing now? Did he get a college degree?
  2. South Carolina has the better coaching in games but Georgia has an explosive offense at times. S.C. 27-UGA 24.
  3. We need to be careful that Americans do not start attacking Muslim icons in our own country. That would lower us to the level of these hot-headed, somewhat militant individuals all over the world. They accept our money, gifts, support and anything they may need but they use their weapons against us. We have had weak Presidents before and survived as a nation but it took strong leaders to step in and make some tough choices. That may or may not happen this time so the future is in question. We have become a submissive nation allowing many things to take place that would not have happened
  4. sutler


    If they were to apologize to us for burning our flag, destroying our property or hurting and killing our people, they would be lynched by their own people. That is a sign of weakness.
  5. More attacks on more embassies. More burning of U.S. flags. Is this why we pay billions to these countries/ Is this really "small mobs" or is it an organized effort to show their true feeling toward Americans?
  6. I agree with many of your comments. I wonder what is the best approach to use for our future.
  7. We have both military and civilian government employees stationed in countries all over the globe. Should we have them there if we cannot support them and keep them safe? Should we bring everyone home? Should we stand up for our rights or allow the rights to be trampled? Does anyone have thoughts about this that you may want to express?
  8. When my kids went through EPHS ten years ago, this would have been condemned by the students. I don't remember anything like this happening back then. School had great teachers, a lot of sports' teams and good Fine Arts. Best school in county by far.
  9. Could be new students and it has become a tradition.
  10. Is there not a technician at Comcast or Fox that can fix this? Have they noticed the problem?
  11. Voting is not a right in the constitution if I remember correctly. It is a privilege. Also, many stores require an I.D. to use a credit card or cash a check.
  12. I have read so much recently about the feds ruling against required photo I.D.'s. Does that mean we don't have to show our I.D. in Georgia to vote or make credit card purchases or buy liquor?
  13. One local store in south Cobb sold a trumpet that had been painted gold with spray paint. It didn't work but looked good and and was dirt cheap.
  14. It's no "racket". If a school wants to buy a tuba for their band, the store will give the school the tuba for cost plus 10 or 20 percent. That means the school is using less tax money to purchase the tuba. Certain instruments are purchased by the school for the students to use in school due to their uniqueness and cost. In Paulding County, there is very little budgeting for the bands and at some schools , almost nothing. Fundraisers and band booster clubs help provide the equipment. Carroll County, Douglas County, Cobb County are much more supportive.
  15. The only kickback is discounts on school bought equipment and weekly service in the band room. It doesn't help if you do not have the knowledge and training to get the best results. It doesn't help if you do not have the knowledge and training to get the best results.
  16. Not that I would disagree with you, but wouldn't it be better for a parent to follow the advice of the band director who is the professional dealing with teaching band. There are many points I could make from my kids being in band but I think parents should listen to the "experts" and this in this case that would be the local band directors.
  17. If you check, you will discover the final cost is the same regardless of the payment structure.
  18. Paulding Music is a satellite store for Music and Arts/Guitar City. The instruments that all the stores sell or primarily made in China. Musical instruments are somewhat delicate and can be damaged if dropped, mishandled, etc.
  19. Speaking from having my kids in band: I have bought instruments from four different stores. All the music stores that are legitimate stores use quality instruments that actually cost the same. Some have cheaper payments at the beginning but the final cost is the same. As far as "local" stores, Paulding Music actually sells instruments from a national chain called Music and Arts which was owned by Guitar City. The band director recommends a store for their reputation and the fact that they will provide a service rep that comes by the band room each week to do instrument repairs. Pa
  20. If I was re-locating to another country, I would be prepared to speak their language. I would not want to be "in the dark" so to speak. We live in the U.S.A and not south of the border.
  21. Why can't they learn English since we didn't re-locate.
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