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Everything posted by sutler

  1. I am so tired of the people we elect to office call each other names and make public statements that barely have any truth to them. The last I heard this morning is that Obama will get everything he wants; Reid is still blasting the House Speaker on the fact the GOP will not give in completely; the GOP wants to curb the budget which may hurt some people. It appears that we will pay much more taxes, more insurance costs and there will not be any cuts that will help the debt in the country. What happens next year? In two years? In four years? BTW, Congress is getting raises and more
  2. The specialist told her on Thursday that if it isn't any better by next Friday, he will prescribe something. He said it may be virol.
  3. The Giants looked dead today so it made the Falcons look much better then they are.
  4. Person has congestion, sore throat, bad cough and after two visits to doctor , no good solution. Any suggestions for something off the shelf that may help symptons?
  5. Where is a good place to see outdoor Christmas lights in Paulding County or west Cobb?
  6. We liked Hellman's but at one time , while on a tight budget, we used Bama mayo. My five year old daughter noticed the difference and wanted to go back to Hellman's. It has been Hellman's for twenty years now.
  7. I have been to many night Xmas parades. They are great unless it is real cold.
  8. Maybe the band should not be required to attend the game. That would solve some problems and keep it simple.
  9. In the past, the principal could put pressure on the bus supervisor to get busses earlier. In today's times of cutbacks and budget crunch, that may be harder to do. Parent pressure makes a lot of difference.
  10. Doesn't Scanna do the gas? I got a letter from Gas South/Greystone waning me to switch to Gas South.
  11. On more then one news service they mentioned today that Obama was wearing a hearing piece at the last debate and possibly had one in his ear at the first debate. Is that playing fair?
  12. sutler

    Food tax?

    Why does the Publix not do the extra tax?
  13. sutler

    Food tax?

    Today I made a purchase at WalMart and they charged a 7% tax and then a 3% tax. I asked and they said the 3% was a state food tax. Anyone heard of this before?
  14. Have you seen anyone still wearing Members Only jackets? I read they are a fashion item again.
  15. My son has an ASUS netbook and laptop. They are very good but the replacement parts such as batteries and AC adaptor are expensive. We had to order them online to get them.
  16. I have purchased laptops from Best Buys, Dell and Microcenter. The best deals were from Microcenter where the last purchase was an HP Pavilion that was refurbished and was about $400 but they had some cheaper. I recommended them to a friend and he got the same computer that was $500 or $600 at Staples for half the price at Microcenter.
  17. Why not remove Congressman immediately when they can't pass a budget or other policies?
  18. They are having budget problems throughout Georgia and each year make cuts in the amount allotted to the school systems. Then the local systems have to make cuts to get a balanced budget themselves. How can they not hurt the funding for public schools if some of this funding goes to charter schools?
  19. I think all of the discussion is miss-leading and at times outrageous. The schools in Georgia with the exception of specific private schools are supported by the public taxes providing for utilities, maintenance, books, technology, etc. Charter schools are public schools that have been allowed by the local boards to experiment with curriculum, scheduling , etc. but they are still public schools. I can't see the logic in taking tax money to fund charter schools and not funding the other schools on an acceptable level. I think that better scrutiny of teachers is needed but one issue
  20. At the present time, charter schools are actually public schools. I guess they become private schools later with the public paying the bills? How do you keep the kids out if they want to attend the charter school? Do the non-charter schools close when the money is not there to fund them?
  21. No clarification yet? I thought someone would love to jump on these questions.
  22. I'm sure I have some misunderstandings about this , but: What if every parent wanted their kids to go to "charter schools"? How is that done? These are not private schools but are actually public schools with some freedom in curriculum, etc. Do we want businesses from other places to control the charter schools they start? What if no money is left for the public schools ( as you call them) to survive? Feel free to elaborate on this.
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