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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Actually talk to another person, face to face, on purpose.
  2. Shenanigans, that's a good word. It certainly fits the bill. she·nan·i·gans SHəˈnanəgənz/ nouninformal 1. secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.
  3. If I still use it, it ain't archaic. It is cutting edge.
  4. Hey, maybe you can get your guy, to help my guy, get his gold bars out of the country.
  5. The Texture will include you on his plan to get his money out of the Sudan.
  6. What?? CRT Monitors and television sets. Corded Computer mouse. Wrist watches. Ice cube trays. Using an oven. CD players Manual toothbrushing. I still use my VCR, and all of the above. (ok, not so much the oven) I got my first CD around 9 years ago. The wife gave me a DVD player 6 years ago. Is that you Al?
  7. I will be happy to help you as soon as I get my friend's gold bars out. Until then all my efforts are going to help Mubombo. I have to go now, someone from Microsoft has called and my computer has viruses and they need me to send them some of my computer info so they can go in and clean out the viruses.
  8. I haven't noticed any hinky e-mails, but then I have been pretty busy lately trying to help a young man get his gold bars out of Nigeria.
  9. It is a tough one, that is for sure. I certainly don't have the answers, if I did, I would be shouting from the rooftops. But I have to think that looking at the 'why" instead of concentrating on the "what with" is a step in the right direction.
  10. Pubby, When I took a tour of the Hoover Dam a few years back, the tour guides were not allowed to use the word dam when referring to the....dam. Some nut had complained and the order came down to not use the word dam when referring to the....dam. The had to use other terms, the most used one was Water Retention Structure. I kid you not, this is the absolute truth. We had fun with our guide trying to get her to say the word dam. As HWM and said, my post in this thread was referring to the Hoover Dam story from Subby last week. Again, I truly do feel for those who were flooded by t
  11. I agree with your entire post, starting with the first sentence. "First, let me say that I hate that this happened and I hope the victims have a quick recovery." My first reaction to the story was also, how did he manage to get 20 of them? I wonder what would have happened in 1940 if he had started stabbing kids? Would he have managed to hurt 20 people or would he have gotten the crap beat out of him? We will never know for sure, but I know where I would put my money if I had to bet on the answer. I also wondered about the VT thing a few years ago. But I would never judge someone
  12. I am truly sorry for those who were affected by this tragedy, I saw the video of the guy who lost his collection and had his house swamped. But can someone please change the title of this thread to "Water Retention Structure Video from WSBTV"?
  13. Good question. I know this, for a lady that wasn't born, she sure likes giving me what for. She told me a few weeks ago that I wasn't to old for her to tan my britches, I told her I may not be to old, but she wasn't even born so I wasn't worried. She said, "I was too born.", in a voice like someone who has been accused of stealing cookies when they were innocent.
  14. Funny, babies seem to handle the gates just fine.
  15. Good news! (at least I think it's good news, I'm not 100% sure) The state of GA decided that my mother had indeed been born and last Friday she received a birth certificate. She can now get her DL (that she has had for over 60 years) renewed. However, my mother is not happy. She said she was really looking forward to telling some cop that he can't give her a ticket, the state of GA says she doesn't exist.
  16. Bishop said Taylor should not be condemned for one bad decision. "She could have been at a bar or at a club and leaving her children in the car," Bishop said. "Here's a woman who is an example of someone who is trying — who is trying to better her situation and doing what she can to provide for her children." I guess what we should start doing is saying: I know he/she raped them, but he/she could have killed them, so let's not hold one bad decision against him/her. He/she could be at a car or a club and drinking and partying away the money, he/she made one bad choice and beat
  17. I don't disagree with your opinion at all. Especially about protecting the criminals more than the victims. Things seem to be upside down and backwards a lot of the time nowadays. But, like you say, that is just my opinion. I miss the old days.
  18. Seen them back in the day, I think one of my aunts had one, before they "moved on up to the east side".
  19. The hold up has been the autopsy. It has taken this long to get it completed, I presume tests and things. I have had a chance to speak with Judge Beavers under normal life conditions, quite few times, and I can say that I have never heard him say anything that would make me think he is soft on crime or criminals. Sometimes, and I do not know enough about this topic to know if this is one of those times, the bond amount is sort of standard. I do know that if the bond is considered excessive, then it can be reduced by another court. I am not a fan of low bonds for people who are accused of
  20. You get a bond unless you are a flight risk. It can be really high (unusual for it to be really high) or it can be lower.
  21. My grandparents on my mother's side didn't get a house with an indoor bathroom until 1971 or 1972. My mother gave her mother a washing machine with the ringer on top, they tricked us kids into running the clothes through it, we thought was fun. Same for churning the butter.
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