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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. I am a bad husband, I would think of my wife, while eating Papi's cannolis. (that kinda came out wrong, you know what I mean)
  2. I always called it the fish song also. It is, Wet Dream or Let's Get Tanked.
  3. (if it has ever been posted) It is a whale of a song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j0JGkqS2Ps
  4. Three thoughts come to mind. 1. Those look delicious. 2. Doesn't Papi know he is screwing up the curve for the rest of us husbands? 3. If he has to suck up and screw up the curve, he should make some extra for me. Really, I just had one thought, where's mine. (yes, I am selfish that way)
  5. I like a lot of people I might not vote for, in fact, I love one left wing nut liberal like a wife, in fact she is my wife, but it would be hard for me to vote for her. Our politics are......like......left and right. (guess who's right, in both uses of the word )
  6. I got your back, whatever name you use. :-)
  7. I helped. I've said many times, I think Pubby's a good fellow and fun to talk with. And I do appreciate his removing rumors that have no credibility.
  8. Stay...away...from...the...basement.
  9. I am feeling better, we need to play soon. We can cheat so you want have to add so much.
  10. Funny, my doctor said the same thing.
  11. I am right next door to Winston-Salem, the home of KK. I need to get out and find my one with the sign lit up.
  12. Dang, pubby got edited by a mod. You go Rafe! Just having some fun, not meant in meanness or seriousness.
  13. When we were in Boston a few years ago, I noticed there was a Dunkin Donuts on almost every corner. I wondered why there were so many and looked it up, DD started in Boston. You can't swing a dead cat up there without hitting a DD. On a non related note, when I first started traveling in NC, I found that Pepsi was the big soft drink in most C-stores. I wondered why, because I was always raised that Coke was a southern drink and Pepsi was a northern (NY) drink. I found out by watching the History Channel. Pepsi was actually invented by a guy in NC. Back in those days Coke and Pepsi we
  14. Your parents were taught this way in the 70's? In grades 1-6? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Well this settles the issue for me, if mrnn uses it, then it must be bad. (just busting on my liberal buddy, not serious)
  15. Finally a thread that I am good at, opinions, you asked for em, I got em. Movies today are horrible, made for 14 yr olds. Today's actors all look and act alike, the actors from the 30's - 60 had their own look, their own style. Also, all of today's actors, with a rare exception are young kids, the older actors were men and women, not kids. The ex is crazy crazy. The wife is just normal woman crazy. Technology is making mankind dumber. Exercise is the leading cause of heart attacks. Things were better in the old days, that is why they are called the "good old days". As is apparently
  16. Have you spoken with a therapist about this?
  17. I'm younger than her, I can out run her.
  18. As long as you like some kind of donuts.
  19. I was surprised when I saw this and saw that she was married. For some reason I thought she was gay, seriously, I thought she had come out and everything. I don't know why, but I did. I guess I had her mixed up with someone else.
  20. Congratulations to all who participated and to those who helped put on the event. I would have liked to seen it, I bet a good time was had by all.
  21. Have you ever had one when the Hot-n-Fresh sign was on? That is when you eat them.
  22. Old people, like me and low , can't remember what we did yesterday, but we can remember 30 yrs ago like it was yesterday.
  23. Good job pubby. I always tell my wife, if the story doesn't make sense, there is a reason it doesn't make sense.' Usually because it is not the truth. And some stories are just so badly told, it is easy to see they are not the truth. Then "we have a very, very serious issue in this county."
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