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stercus tauri

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Everything posted by stercus tauri

  1. If it crosses state lines, or organized crime, or something bigger than jerseys.
  2. You mean cutting funding for the public TV that seeks to help everyone, including the poor children? You don't say! Next thing you know, Trump will go after lunch programs in schools, after school programs, elderly meals, and push programs to aid the wealthy send their kids to private schools. Wouldn't put it passed them. Adding a child on the autistic scale to "Sesame Street" is a great idea. Just hope they don't cut PBS now.
  3. The article said there were no pictures or videos or anything.
  4. Don't know what that is but I hope you find what you're looking for.
  5. You believe that what he did makes him a "rapist in the making." Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe he is just 15 years old and did something really stupid. I don't know and neither do you. Then you said, "probably nothing will happen to him." That is where I have the problem. You've now taking a situation that went from one level to a broader picture of crime against women, criminal statutes, societal problems, and everything else. Give that line of thinking a few more posts and the kid would be responsible for all the gang related activity in Northwest GA. ​This is not a liberal or conservative
  6. SMH. So a teenage boy does something stupid and that means it is open season on another minority group. That is really sick.
  7. Shhhh! Don't talk about shooting pool because that could be considered support of gambling. Next thing you know, we'll be talking about dancing. Jesus would not be happy about those sort of things! But you can support not feeding children, denying family planning options to women, not protecting the alien or the stranger or the different, or always deny equality to gay people because those are things Jesus would want us to do! Right?
  8. With so few family planning options, is it any wonder why the states with the biggest problems are as they are? Let's not forget about sex ed being taught as if Ralph Reed wrote it.
  9. It is common practice. No big deal on this. I'm sure when the situation is reversed, all the Trump supporters will have a hard time with it.
  10. Says Trump and Kelleanne Conway are batcheeze crazy. “It’s crazy what we’re watching everyday. It’s absolutely crazy,” Smith said. “He keeps repeating ridiculous throwaway lines that are not true at all, and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we’re some kind of fools for asking the question.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/well-history-foxs-shep-smith-says-he-tries-to-avoid-quoting-kellyanne-conway-203227790.html
  11. He was certainly before my time but the article was interesting!
  12. A power of attorney is a final document and part of all estate documents. Why would you ever use software that doesn't represent you in the event someone has to speak up and say, "this is what they were trying to do and the law changed to be X but when we put it together, it was Y?"
  13. I'm curious as to why you would have something as important as an estate/final documents and not have it drawn up an attorney who will represent your wishes in the event something go wrong?
  14. Soros is boogey man behind all the liberal media and the protests?
  15. I spent the two weeks prior in Walker and Dade Counties because of the flu and other outbreaks up there. Dealing with these sort of sicknesses will wear on you so I was looking forward to this week with the kids at home. I forgot how exhausting and exasperating it can be! Just a few more days!
  16. Kids are home. It's tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Tonight is hot dogs.
  17. I take a week off every year at this time because the kids are out of school and I can't wait to go back to work to get some peace again.
  18. I'm sorry but I don't think anyone has said anything about a bill takin away a right of a US citizen. You must be confused about another topic.
  19. I just spewed my coffee all over some patient paperwork!
  20. This is not Germany. They don't have the vetting process we do. Completely different situation. Diversion again. The article gives the evidence that says your statement is more fear mongering than fact. Alternative facts don't count. You are so right! Trump has just so unified us and brought everyone together! Even the whole world is unified behind Trump and he has cured all the rifts with the other world leaders. Amazing job. Amazing. He is already in the history books as the greatest president ever, after just 2 weeks. Greatest ever.
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