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stercus tauri

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Everything posted by stercus tauri

  1. New poll shows Americans are finally supporting more equality,. http://www.newsweek.com/same-sex-marriage-support-highest-level-americans-609256
  2. Ok. Jim Parson got married but that is the character he is best known for. No state or local governments collapsed and no clergy from any denomination has been jailed for not performing any wedding either, and it's been a while now since gay marriage has been legal. Just a couple who is happy. https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/jim-parsons-marries-longtime-partner-190900223.html
  3. The US drug policy has created problems all over Central America and Mexico is the buffer between such poverty and violence and the US. Desperate people will do this. We need multilateral solutions.
  4. I'm curious as to what those basics principles are that are not being followed.
  5. That's what he said. https://www.yahoo.com/digest/20170511/trump-takes-credit-inventing-phrase-priming-pump-10630465
  6. Conway said it was an example of "sexism."
  7. KRAUTHAMMER: Comey's firing is 'inexplicable' and 'implausible' https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/krauthammer-comeys-firing-inexplicable-implausible-002939932.html
  8. I can 100% assure you all questions stay as part of the confidential medical record and is not shared outside the medical office.
  9. Oh, God, I don't trust Hillary either! I don't know of anyone that does trust Hillary. I just don't see what that has to do with the Russian influence in our elections, just like Russia did in France, the Baltic states, Germany, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, or anywhere else in Europe.
  10. How do you get abolishing the second amendment out of legitimate questions that affect the health of the patient?
  11. Exactly. I would be saying the very same thing if Clinton fired Comey for investigating her emails or anything else. Since it's not Clinton in the White House, everyone gets a pass. This is called Willful Ignorance by the blind defenders of Trump.
  12. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity can see what this was all about. ​Janet Yates. Preet Bharara. James Comey. They all stood up to Trump and he bashed them down. Gosh, that's what Putin does. Anyone seeing a pattern here?
  13. Clapper said otherwise. So did Comey and he was fired. Janet Yates said there was a problem and she is gone, too. The CIA said there was collusion. The NSA said there was collusion. So did Homeland Security. In fact, 17 US security agencies said there was collusion. If you have evidence there was none, you need to get on the list to testify!
  14. Trump was praising Comey during the campaign and now says those very things he praised, is why Comey is being fired. Hypocritical to say the least.
  15. It is a legitimate question. The AMA, Emergency Nurses Association, Association of PAs, the National Institute of Health, etc., ad nauseam, all rely on the evidence that it is a health issue. You may not like it, but it is a health risk factor.
  16. It's your right to refuse but if you don't answer the health impact questions, the provider doesn't have to continue seeing you. Your choice. Providers choice, too.
  17. Funny thing is that the letter Trump wrote to Comey, and the reasons listed by Rosenstein, are completely different.
  18. Florida. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/17/515764335/court-strikes-down-florida-law-barring-doctors-from-discussing-guns-with-patient
  19. Maybe you didn't hear the same statements I did. He explicitly said there was direct information about the Russian-Administration collusion that he would only share in a classified meeting.
  20. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity know what this looks like.
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