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stercus tauri

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Everything posted by stercus tauri

  1. You need to be more truthful. She was not a permanent member of the security council as Bannon is now.
  2. Red herring again. Jarret was not a permanent member as is Bannon. That is 100% wrong. Nor were the joint chiefs of staff or director of intelligence excluded from being permanent members. All previous administrations have kept the political strategy side separated from the national security side. Even Karl Rove was not on the security council. Not until now has the White House Chief Strategist had a permanent seat on the security council. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_National_Security_Council
  3. Red herring in order to move the discussion to something extraneous and avoid the topic at hand. Steve Bannon. Alt Right. On Security Council. No national intelligence director unless specific to intelligence. No joint chiefs of staff unless specific to that position.
  4. The flu shot doesn't give a person the flu because the vaccine does not contain an active virus. If you got sick after the shot, it was because you were already infected with something, or contracted a fast acting virus of another sort. It was pure coincidence, not the result of the vaccine.
  5. Maybe a bit of exaggeration. Not much. View image on Twitter Follow Sean Doolittle ✔@whatwouldDOOdo Thank you so much A's fans! A million, a million and a half people showed up! Largest crowd to ever witness an A's Fan Fest. Period. 6:37 PM - 28 Jan 2017 321321 Retweets 1,3851,385 likes
  6. That's like saying someone can't be racist because they have black friends. My oldest son played all-star baseball this year. Does that make him qualified as a Hall of Famer? ​Point being Bannon is on the security council but no other person in Bannon's position has ever been on the council, while the national intelligence director and the joint chiefs of staff are only brought in on a as needed basis. Insanity.
  7. Joint chiefs of staff and teh director of national intelligence will only attend when the discussion pertains to them. A neo-fascist on the security council. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38787241?SThisFB%3FSThisFB
  8. You're not understanding the risk pool. Those risk pools are for the people on the ACA policies, not employer plans. That is exactly the point I was making because it is the risk pool of older, sicker, more frequent uses of the delivery systems that drive those ACA plans and that is not the same risk pools as employer plans. The small group plans were required to offer more benefits so the plan didn't result in being a major medical only.
  9. He was shot after parking his car behind an adult entertainment store. He ssid he had parked there to go into the liquor store. Only his iPhone was taken but not the thousands of dollars in cash he had in a bag. ​It's all true. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-lawmaker-shot-adult-entertainment-store-storm-relief-money/
  10. Smh. Just smile, say it's your decision, and move on. Heard that all during school, all my career, and I say it everyday now.
  11. Since you won't answer, let me help you. Here is what the actuaries said about health insurance premiums. You're right! It is based on the risk pool. That means those employer health insurance risk pools had nothing to with Obamacare, just like the actuaries said. What a surprise. https://www.actuary.org/files/Drivers_2016_Premiums_080515.pdf
  12. I want to make sure I understand what you're saying here. You are saying the insurance premiums are based on how the actuaries price the risk pools and premiums go up because the risk and cost of servicing those pools go up? Is that what you're saying?
  13. I want to make sure I understand what you're saying here. You are saying the insurance premiums are based on how the actuaries price the risk pools and premiums go up because the risk and cost of servicing those pools go up? Is that what you're saying?
  14. There is no East Paulding Football Booster Club any more.
  15. I want to make sure I understand what you're saying here. You are saying the insurance premiums are based on how the actuaries price the risk pools and premiums go up because the risk and cost of servicing those pools go up? Is that what you're saying?
  16. I'm just amazed that insurance rates will go up based on age, use of the coverages, area where you live, credit score and such. And they go up every year. Is it like that with all insurance?
  17. It's really sad for the families but after three years, it's time to stop. https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAlVSf3?m=en-us
  18. I know. I feel the same way. But I'm willing to bet the Coach purse is a knock off. The jewelry is fake, too. The car was bought used and with a lot of miles. I'm just saying that we don't know but that is a pretty good bet because they couldn't get the real stuff or off the new car lot without a really good credit. score. That just doesn't happen in the real world. I know there are people who do rip us off but I'm willing to bet those are very few and far between because the system may have its faults but it eventually catches up.
  19. They buy what they can to give lots of stomach food at the cheapest price.
  20. https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAlSxkf?m=en-us After 146 years. Times change I guess.
  21. There is no way I my kids will play football. My husband and I decided they may do whatever sport they want, except football.
  22. Very good job. You're doing exactly what Goebbels did. Impressive.
  23. National Review is making a mountain out of mole hill. Then again, National Review is an extremely far right site that spins things almost to the point of being Alt Right. I expect nothing less from them.
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