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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. "Take and bake" pizza from Sams.
  2. MrsB


    Yep. And that is why I love you to death. Seriously. STFU Seriously. Are you talking to ....?
  3. MrsB


    Oh Lord Have Mercy. LOL
  4. See? This is why I love you... I *still* hate black trash bags. And I will never, EVER take BabyB to a scary movie until he's old enough. Oh. :raiseshand: ME!
  5. MrsB


    I hope not, 'cause you aren't. I love you to death
  6. MrsB


    Meh. I disagree. I have met and gotten to know some pcommers IRL and they are not what I expected. Some of the best people in the world are actually viewed very differently on here.
  7. MrsB


    you waffle. LOL
  8. MrsB


    Nah, I don't think so Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. Maybe I am exhausted. Maybe I am irritated at MrB. Maybe I just want to drink margaritas all day and not have a screaming baby to deal with. But, for me, people being snarky on pcom is not even on the radar of important things for me. I mean really. It is just not that big of deal. Just my two cents.
  9. I went in high school and loved it! I do not remember any tips to give you, though. Except I do not think you can stay on Cumberland. It is a wildife refuge. You can only get there by ferry. Go to Jekyll and St. Simon's Islands, too.
  10. Lol! Why this makes me laugh, idk I've never met DIS in real life, but I think he's pretty cool! Lol
  11. Lol @ this whole thread. I swear, y'all crack me up. And all I have to say is thank God this opened after I was pregnant, since I craved and ate my weight in cupcakes
  12. As MrB said the other day, "I liked her better when she was Madonna". I may not care for her music, but she is incredibly talented and a smart business woman. People said the same thing about Madonna how many years ago? 25? 30? Yea, my point. Madonna is still around, rich, and well known. So will Lady Gaga I am sure.
  13. Well, ya learn something new every day
  14. Oh, you don't get your passport the same day, jsyk. It takes a bit to get it.
  15. Take it to the Powder Springs post office. I just let them do the pics, too. I had mine done at Walgreens and they were done wrong.
  16. Lol, girl I stalk you I rarely get time on the laptop and posting on my phone is hard... Tho I lurk a lot ...
  17. Well, now I can just use sleep deprivation! LOL
  18. LOL... It has been a long time since I have seen 6 anonymous users lurking....
  19. I am good, and it is great!! Even with colic, I am loving it! LOL I know, I need to post more pics; I have been a little preoccupied lately. Poor baby got his shots today, so he's not feeling too hot.
  20. MrB is into the Civil War. I, personally, would suggest books by Shelby Foote. He is the "the" Civil War author.
  21. I lurve NC. And her stairs are scary.
  22. Homemade 16 bean soup and cornbread. Yes, I know it is hotter than Hades, but I had leftover turkey from last night's dinner and a bag of beans are cheap, and we be broke. Hope MrB doesn't care, lol. Oh, and grilled cheese.
  23. I love my Sirius. My fave is Jam On, then next is Polital Right, Fox News and CNN. And there is another that starts with an L I can't think of... it's mostly 90s stuff.
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