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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I always wondered what the heck that place was. What do they sell besides food?
  2. better to cry than choke on silky material. Like I said, she will eventually learn to fall asleep after a few nights of a routine. She won't be crying all night. my daughter would cry when I first layed her down but after a few minuets she always stopped. And once she got used to the routine she sang and cooed herself to sleep. It's ok for babies to cry sometimes. They are babies, thats what they do. it's not cruel. Babies absolutely need their mama's but it's better to have a sane momma than a sleep-deprived momma.
  3. Once you start rocking it's hard to stop. Which is why I never did. I put my dd in her crib to sleep from day 1. I plan to do the same for the one i'm having. My advice is to let her cry it out. I know that is soooo hard to do but she will eventually get used to going to sleep on her own. If she wakes up after 20 min. try to wait it out to see if she will fall back. I don't suggest letting her cry for hours, please don't get me wrong. maybe set a "cry time" for like 10 min. If she dosen't fall back to sleep within that time pick her up to soothe her and try again. Good luck!
  4. considering I have The Help sitting on my coffee table looking at me as I type. That would be my vote! I'll wait for the poll though.
  5. Count me in! I like DGITW's idea of having a poll to pick the book.
  6. I would go in a heartbeat!!! It's also one of my favorite movies, but i'm just too pregnant to sit in those seats for that long. I'm sad i'm not going. I vote go! Team go!
  7. Agreed. It can be a deciding factor for me as well.
  8. My hubby watched it also, it really changed his perspective. I couldn't watch for fear of seeing animals being mistreated. I'm a sensitive sally.
  9. mmmmmm...deli meat. listeria or not, I can't wait to have a Subway BMT after this baby is born. Something about not being allowed to eat certain foods that makes ya want it even more.
  10. a Christmas baby!! Yea, you definately got jipped. My dad's is the 27th so I always give him 2 gifts on Christmas day.
  11. Birthday parties really have gotten out of hand IMO. My dd is 12 so tahnkfully no more "theme" parties for her. It's sooo expensive to rent places for parties. We did bowling one year, gymnastics the next, Mcdonalds a few times ect..the fact that my dd's b-day is Dec 10 made it even harder with Christmas and all. When I was a kid my party was always at my house, never anything but a cake & ice cream. Not only that, my parents always said that my party was their gift to me, thats all they could afford. seems how they already gave me life, I couln't really ask for more!!
  12. She did it for attention IMO. If she were really sooooo depressed she wouldn't have been out performing one weekend after a suicide attempt. I agree, I can't imagine leaving my dd in that way. It's all for publicity which is sad.
  13. That's a good idea, but yea, it would really up the chance I accidentally lock the keys in. It certainly is a terrible feeling.
  14. LOL! That's a possibility. Thats one reason I don't like mine beeping, I don't want anyone looking at me. I'm shy
  15. I would agree, but mine beeps the first time I hit the lock button. I wish it didn't.
  16. I grew up in Powder springs. Are you suggesting I have intolerance for the things you listed or that those are all things I enjoy? I'm a NASCAR fan. Go Biffle! I have a tattoo, My favorite alcoholic beverage is bud light. do you have a point? Or are you just spewing BS again? I grew up next door to crazy people. how or why is that an issue? I do not approve of their actions or attitude which is MY right.Nobody here has to agree with me, that is YOUR right.
  17. um yea!! That's hilarious! My kid is the most picky eater on the face of the earth! I deal with this almost everywhere we go. the kid can eat before or after the party. I would never expect anyone to change their menu for my kid. BTW my child also does notlike pizza, what the heck??? who dosen't like pizza?!
  18. ok, they abused their animals (I can't even go into detail about what they did to their dog) they abused eachother to the point where one of the sons was actually ran over by the other son, both his legs were broken. The dad abused the mom, quite regularly. They yelled racial slurs to the neighbors who weren't white and the list goes on. If you or anyone else wants to show tolerance toward that family have at it. They were bad people. It's funny how quick ya'll are to jump on me for calling out a racist. So apparently it's ok for others to have feelings toward certain groups but not me? I
  19. I never claimed tolerance for racists. they were bad people. not because I disagreed with them but because of the actions made by them.
  20. well, I guess i'm not cool. I don't have issues with anyone because of their color, religion or sexuality. Never have. I grew up next to an extremely racist family and they were really just a bunch of backwoods, ignorant, imbred, a-holes. They kinda helped me realize at a young age how I didn't want to be. I save my hate for the people who's ACTIONS warrant it. molesters, murderers, abusers ect... I don't surround myself with bigots so I was actually unaware it was cool?
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