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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. me and hubs are going to Florida! We leave friday and I can't wait!!! we are going to stay 2 nights with friends in Cape San Blas then we are going to Mexico beach to spend a night alone. We haven't been anywhere alone in at least 5 years. Baby will be with grandma, I'm so sad to leave him but this break is sooo needed. I can't wait to eat oysters at the Indian Pass raw bar! If you've never been, you're missing out!!
  2. I too would like a dead bear head mounted on my wall, staring at me while while I watch t.v.
  3. I don't think it's necessarily about getting thicker skin, I think it's more about realizing that there are all types of people and opinions in the world and learning to deal with it. Some people always want to be right and will fight like hell to do so. Right fighters, there are a lot around here. Just the other day I was dammed to hell for not liking Micheal Vick. If that had happened when I first started posting I would have let it get to me and I probably would have lashed out, but after being here a while I know that some people are not worth the time or effort and I shouldn't waste a sec
  4. I know, too harsh. hey! I said I was in a bad mood. You are correct, I do think Christine is pretty. The others are homely and I standby it. She is may favorite by far.
  5. I'm watching On Demand. Idk why, it's so boring. Kody gets on my last nerve. I can't stand the look of concern he gets on his face when the wives are expressing their displeasure with him during the interview parts. and all the wives are very homely and obviously jealous of the new wife. I guess I just can't help but to be fascinated with the lifestyle. I just wish they picked a less dorky family to profile. Maybe they were the only ones dumb enough to go along with it. ETA- can you tell i'm in a bad mood?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbUC-UaAxE even though it's not November
  7. I want a farmers market basket!! Can you send me that link that you posted a little while back? We are taking the baby to my MOTHER IN LAWS then we are taking the girl to see Battlefield Los Angeles. It got 2.5 out of 5 stars on the review I read, so i'm slightly weary. The special effects seem cool though. Then we are going to eat Mexican food. somewhere.
  8. yea, I'm pretty sure i've seen it at the New Hope Publix. Call and ask.
  9. You are correct! mostly. I don't think anyone who has been conviced of a felony should be playing in the NFL. I think it sends a bad message. But thats just the way things work now. People are constantly rewarded for bad behavior. That's just my opinion people, Please don't damn me to hell. again. I wish the guy well and hope he continues to do good things.
  10. I said I don't care for him. calm down. That's not a judgement.
  11. I like The nuclear boneless wings at zaxbys. Even if your taste buds have cancer, you can still taste them. I also enjoy dipping my fries in cheese at Steak n Shake.
  12. I forgot to buy a ticket. I'll never get my inground pool with waterfall and a night time nanny if I keep forgetting to play.
  13. I can respect your opinion on this. I personally can't get past the things he did but he did serve his time. My thoughts are that he would still be killing dogs today had he not been caught. To put it lightly, I don't care for him.
  14. I didn't know she was sick! I remember seeing her on Fox news a lot a few years ago. I always liked her. RIP.
  15. Thanks for having my back ya'll. I'll be sure to return the favor. Which could keep me kinda busy with Momof3 and all the fights she starts.
  16. John Denver also did a song called Lady. for me, 8675309. Thats all I can think of, and my abilities do no include being able to post a video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rnJ8plfgOk
  17. I hope not too!! thanks, it helps to know that there are other excessive droolers out there.
  18. not the answer I was looking for. haha! yea, I started feeding him cereal about a month ago, now he eats stage 1 foods. He loves em!! Thanks for your input. Mine was 9lb 14oz, so he's a big one too. Thank You!! you can even see the drool all over his bib in the picture. He is definately teething.
  19. I had my first at 19 also. At least you tried! Being the parent of a baby is a constant guessing game I suppose. This baby is my husbands first, he's doing quite well. So far.
  20. I love the heck out of him!!! and yes, I remind myself often that he won't be waking me up forever. Thats one thing about having kids 12 years apart. I look at my daughter and wish I could still love on her, so i'm always reminded of how fast it goes by and I enjoy his babyness to the fullest! mostly...2am is not that enjoyable but I get it.
  21. I get that, but I also think some baby's just take longer to get to that point where they sleep through the night. thats why I was curious about other peoples experiences. I am definately to blame for his sleep habits. I admit it. He sleeps good compared to what he was, so i'm not complaining. Like Blondie with her puppy, I just don't want him to cry, so I get him up and feed him.
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