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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. No, i'm not unable. I just prefer to take her myself. there are many reasons I don't want my kids riding the bus. A nearby child molester is just one of them.
  2. You sure should! What better excuse than a new baby?? Is it a boy or girl?
  3. i'm pretty dang tired. I haven't had good sleep in almost 8 months. It's getting better, but my baby still thinks 4am is an appropriate time for waking.
  4. Free is always better. well, maybe not always. Still, how much gas will she use driving around Paulding collecting "free" paper holes? I'll bet Walmart has cheap paper holes. Sorry, I know i'm being difficult. I'm just bored.
  5. I'm confused. Don't they sell confetti at party stores? Isn't that what we are talking about? Confetti? Not trying to be a smarty pants, I swear!
  6. This has been happening since the beginning of time I think. Every graduation i've ever attended has had screamers. Come to think of it, I think my mom may have woohooed for me. She probably couldn't help it though. The joy over me actually graduating on time with my class may have been too much for her to contain herself. I do agree though, it's tacky.
  7. I feel that way too, about me. not guy though, girl.
  8. Go up there! I'm sorry you're sad. I'm sad too, the baby has an ear infection. We will be staying home. Not that we had plans anyway.
  9. My BIL broke his femur a few years ago, he had no insurance but did require surgery. He had the surgery that night. I don't get whats going on? I'm sorry for your friend. How upsetting.
  10. very sad, but not unexpected. Addiction is sad.
  11. The online registry specificially said "Child molestation" in the situation i'm referring to. Are minors caught having sex with minors labeled as molestors? I assume not, but I really don't know.
  12. I'm pretty sure they can't either. and no, I haven't reported it. Is sad that I should have to.
  13. My DD's bus stop is 2 doors down from a child molesters house. Until or unless that changes, i'll be taking her myself.
  14. MAYBE the driver is sober? dosen't sound very reassuring.
  15. Why do people care so much about who wins? The winners, with only a few exceptions are currently singing at county fairs and car dealership grand openings.
  16. According to sTru tv, the Florida taxpayers are now paying for her defense.
  17. same here. I already made dinner though. I just wanna go to bed.
  18. This is very sad and i'm very sorry but I don't see how someone who is a meth addict can take such good care of their kids. Kids shouldn't be around meth addicts, ever.
  19. I sure missed ya!! And that baby boy is SO FREAKIN CUTE!!! Brady has a friend! oh and I hope you are limiting his swing time.
  20. how many mg are used for each smoke?
  21. I get mad just reading about her. I'm pretty sure I hate her.
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