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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. My dd was 8, her 2 top front teeth were very crooked, kids made fun of her. We don't have dental insurance. It cost us $6000. We set up a payment plan. She had them on about 3.5 years. We went to Dr. Justice. I'm not that pleased with the outcome. Her teeth are much better than they were but not good enough for $6000 IMO.
  2. OOPS!! I so sorry! I made room, try to pm me again please.
  3. ok, can you PM me the address to send it to? Do you know how long before you get them in?
  4. I love cloudy/rainy days. LOVE them. I have often thought I would fit in well in that part of the country.
  5. ooh, ooh. I need a Michigan one! How can I pay you? I don't do paypal.
  6. Thanks, I thought about it but i'm now on beer #something and a "happy pill" my friend gave me earlier. I shouldn't drive. I'm pretty happy now and quite relaxed. What is it about men, nekkidness and drinking out of 2-liters?
  7. I just finished watching "Killing Bin Laden" on Discovery. Very interesting. Of course, thats no help to you now that it's over. But i'm sure they will air it again. and again. I'm proud of my daughter, she came downstairs and I told her it was on, she ran upstairs to watch. She's only 13 but has such an interest in important matters and current events. Other than that i'm sitting here alone wishing I was at the pcom ladies party. I stayed home to rest my brain. My baby is at his grandmas so I have the night off. My husband is in the garage shooting the breeze with his friend. Silly me, I
  8. Same here. I thought I was the only one. My poor family, they haven't had Italian food in forever. I just don't like it. We haven't tried it yet either. I want to though.
  9. couldn't you shred the cauliflower and shape it into round balls? then bake, like tater tots? I guess it might require something to bind it together? idk.
  10. OK! i'm gonna hold you to that! We almost tried Regans but we just weren't sure about it. We LOVE Indian Pass oyster bar. It would be a crime to go down there and not visit that place at least twice. And I agree about Toucans. Not that impressed. Thanks for the info.
  11. Scallops and Mexico beach in the same sentence! Heaven. Question- where are some good places to eat in Mexico Beach? besides Toucans. We tried a little hole in the wall/bar, I can't remember the name, it's the one that has games set up outside. kinda dumpy. I think it was painted red. and yea, I love anything with horseradish! I will be trying that recipe soo too!
  12. Only 4 more weeks!!! I gave birth in early October so I was miserable the WHOLE dang summer. And yes, tthis is a contest- who was the most miserable.
  13. Well duh? Didn't you see where I said sharing is caring? Share!! please.
  14. This looks so good. I bet it would be awesome with scallops too. Thanks so much!
  15. Well, it's safe to say i've gone from a simple craving to a full on NEED for some seafood. Blondie, that recipe sounds so AWESOME!! They all do really. Ugh, I guess now I need to get dressed and go to publix. Thanks y'all!
  16. That sounds yummy. My husband is anti-talapia. Ever since he saw something on tv about what they eat. I don't remember the specifics.
  17. I have so many facebook friends at the beach right now it's got me slightly jealous and craving seafood. Seafood is my favorite, scallops are my favorite. If you have a recipe or dinner idea you would like to share, please do! Sharing is caring.
  18. I understand. I miss mine too. He works Mon-Sat and half a day sunday. Add that to taking care of an 8 month old and we get almost no quality time together. In the fall his work will slow down and we will get away for a little bit. Maybe the beach. One thing we do do lately is read in bed together at night. Not the same book, separate books. it's nice to have quiet wind down time together.
  19. I don't know about this one. IMO the HPD's story sounds more believeable. How can you be so sure Patti Labelle is at fault? I find it hard to believe someone who wasn't mentally disturbed would look on approvingly while a man was being beaten. Does she have a history of such things?
  20. Absolutely the meat is the BEST! I should have said that. Thanks for clearing that up Pubby.
  21. IMO West Metro's produce isn't anything to brag about. Not sure if they are still commerce members or not. I guess i'll know here in a minute when the post is or is not removed.
  22. Dang! who knew? Cauliflower can be converted into anything I do believe. Looks great!
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