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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. Oh, I ain't that great. Trust me. When 6pm rolls around and i've been at home with a baby all day, i'm trying to make dinner, the baby is crying and he's still not home I get a little witchy. I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I do try to let him know I appreciate him becuse I know he works hard and he does the same for me. and yes, he works 7 days a week as well. Sometimes the burger flipping schedule sounds good to me also. He works on his own equipment because he has the know how. But I assure you that if he ever needs any help he will call you! You're a good guy Subby.
  2. Well, I don't want to toot his horn (as much as he would like it )but we do have the greenest lawn in Paulding. He's good at what he does.
  3. My husband dosen't have to say a word, I just know. I don't pay the bills, if I did I would be even more offended that someone thinks it's just a phobia and not reality. I know we will be fine, we always are. It just bothers me because my husband works his ass off for us and I never want him to have to worry. He's done a damn fine job keeping his company afloat in this economy, I couldn't be prouder.
  4. Politics or not, I see the worry in my husbands eyes when he pays the bills and the money is just not there. Tell him it's just his phobia. For us it's reality and it sucks.
  5. I just finished the New Fannie Flagg book. It was full of lol's. I have never laughed that much reading a book before. My husband thought I was faking. again. I think he was just jealous because he was reading James Patterson. No lol's there.
  6. I wondered that too. Somehow I don't think it really matters, has anyone else seen the house off of Mt. Tabor Church near the Picketts Mill battlefield with a pool in the front yard? it's not a blob pool, It's a regular above ground pool.
  7. meh, you don't NEED a ladder. have Tow throw ya over the side. And when it's time to get out, jump off the side. Just remember to tuck and roll when you hit the ground. Remember the other day when I said my pool wasn't too cold because it's in full sun all day. Well, now it feels like bath water. I still get in it though.
  8. Carbonated beverages only make you more thirsty.
  9. I'm just glad I won't be pregnant this summer. Last summer was hell.
  10. I might try to make it out to one of these. Me & my baby are bored. And now that he has a clean bill of health we can leave the house again.
  11. I'm guessing she does it a lot if she was that nonchalant about it.
  12. Same here. For most people, landscaping is a luxury. When people lose their job and can't afford their bills. The landscaping is often the first to go. My husband started his business right before 9/11. He managed to pull through. Only recently has he started to lose clients due to the crappy economy. Things are not good for us right now. It's scary.
  13. my daughter did something similar recently. Except it was chocolate milk and she's 13 so she should know better than to leave a glass full sitting in her room for days. I know the exact smell of which you speak. gag.
  14. I can't guess when people are pregnant, but I can alway guess correctly if it's a boy or girl. I don't think i've ever been wrong. I guessed Mrs. B was having a boy. When I was pregnant with my daughter they couldn't tell if she was a boy or a girl when I had my ultrasound. Didn't matter, I was so positive it was a girl I never even picked a boy's name and I only registered for girl gifts. Good thing I was right.
  15. Ok, I have a real dilemma here. I was invited to my very good friends bachelorette party. The invite was sent via e-mail by one of her bridesmaides. The bridesmaid somehow messed up because nobody recieved the email. I learned about the party last sunday. After I already commited to the pcom party. I really want to come to the pcom party but I kind of feel kind of obligated to be there for my friend. She helped throw a baby shower for me so I feel it's only right. BUT it's going to be a very late night for me if I go and too much party most likely which will mean I won't be driving home a
  16. YES!!!! I constantly know when people are going to die. Usually only famous people. It sounds crazy but I'll usually have a fleeting thought about it. I'll go on about my business then a few days later when I hear about a death i'll remember that I had the thought. My family believes me finally because it happens so often. It happened with Elizabeth Taylor, Heath Ledger, and John Ritter.
  17. Your boss must not realize what a meany you are!! Does he not realize you will hurt him? You threatened a baby for goodness sake!!
  18. Tell him to go over to the Marietta square, lots of good help there.
  19. A womans work is never done. I just locked my doors, in case her multitasking gets in the way of supervising the inmates. I live off Due West.
  20. My husband woke up with it this morning. I feel so bad for him. He works outside all day and can't afford to take a day off. My baby seems better this morning, so at least I got that goin for me! I kinda feel the same.
  21. Wonderful news!!! Life just hasn't been the same since the one in Dallas closed.
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