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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Fried potatoes, field peas,stewed squash and cole slaw. Think I will skip the cornbread, although ot would be good, just not in the mood to make it.
  2. I go to the one down on Roswell Street occasionally. I have found a few good deals--one being my black leather briefcase bag. It looked like brand new and I got it for $17---I have seen ones just like it for well over $100. Heck--even my attorneys were impressed with it!!!!
  3. Can I have your leftovers??? Sounds so much better than my son's chili!!!!
  4. My son says he is cooking chili. Ground beef is thawing and he went to the store to get rest of ingrediants. We'll see!! He has never offered to cook before, but then again, he has just moved back home!!! I made the most wonderful chicken salad for lunch. I baked a whole chicken last night and used the leftovers.
  5. Sorry---we let them just keep it with the last cat. Even though these were very wild cats, we still would not set the trap when it was supposed to rain or get really cold. Knowing that this cold spell was coming--we just decided to turn it back in. Funny thing--the colder it gets, the more you hear them under my house!!!! I guess they are looking for the warmest spot. At least they have found some shelter--thye just can't live there forever!!! Seems like somebody on here said they had a trap. You might try doing a search????
  6. Animal Control charges 25.00 deposit for 10 days (maybe 14, don't remember). We just had one and caught 10-12 WILD cats (absolutely beautiful by the way) within a 3 week period. Yes, we lost our deposit--but worth it to get these cats out from under my house. I think I still have 1 or 2--hearing weird noises at night and they are driving my indoor cat crazy!! When we first got the trap---I was more interested in catching a possum that was roaming around. The Animal Control guy thought I was crazy. He said to just leave it alone. He had obviously not walked out on my porch at 10:00 in the
  7. Guess your company should have let you go home early. No need to be such a SA.
  8. My DIL works on an ambulance and she was working last night. She said they got really busy about 1:00 this morning??? What are people thinking---it is snowing and icing over and you are out on the roads in the middle of the night??? She said they mostly worked wrecks after 1:00 A.M.
  9. Stewed tomatoes and homeade bisciuts. Just took the biscuits out of the oven.
  10. Just went outside here in Marietta. It is snowing, very lightly and the tiniest flakes I have ever seen!!! Looks like a spec of dust floating around. If I didn't know better--I would think it was debris from the courthouse construction behind us!!!
  11. Seems like I saw somewhere that they were going to be having controlled burns at Picketts Mill today. Maybe they are using helicpoters to keep a watch on them????
  12. I am the law office right behind the courthouse on Roswell---nothing here. I just went to Walgreens and NOTHING. Just cold.
  13. I heard on the radio this morning that Macy's was having a one day sale and had bed in a bags for 29.99. I have been using a Maltese (I think that's what it is called) spread from JCP and I love it!!! It is light weight so in the winter I just put my down blanket under it and I am plenty warm enough. They aren't that expensive when they have them on sale and they hold up very good after washing. I just got tired of the bulkiness of a comforter and my down blanket is very thin--not one of those big puffy comforter looking ones--it come from JCP also.
  14. RUMMI CUBE It is soooooo much fun!!! Target had some on clearance this weekend and I picked up an extra one. Ours is getting a little worn. My 10 and 7 yr old grandkids love it also. We will play several games at one sitting.
  15. Now we have the LAW expert in here--everything will be solved.
  16. That's funny!!! Have any of you ever heard them on the scanner??? They sound really stupid. I am surprised that they don't get in trouble for the way they talk. They will sit and make fun of drivers and laugh about what they are about to do. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL.
  17. If you only have a first mortgage---they will not go after you for any defiency balance after the sale of the home. If there is a second mortgage--they will sue you immediately for the entire balance of their loan. They know that there will be no funds left over after the sale once the first is paid off and all their fees are taken. Trust me--I see it EVERYDAY. We were also told that Obama was not allowing first mortgages to go after anybody---don't have anything in writing--but they are not doing it.
  18. I got busy working and forgot all about it!!! Sorry. I brought work home on Thursday and of course I waited until today to do it.
  19. Not real sure but I think you can only put a doublewide on 3 acres or more. Years ago, you could put one on a half acre if you had county water. Don't know about moving into a mobile home lot.
  20. This is not the FIX that everybody thinks it is. Yea, it has HIS name behind it, but believe me, I see it EVERYDAY in my job. Folks try for months to work something out with a mortgage company and they fail. I get at least 4 or 5 calls about about foreclosures asking can we help with the new Obama Law. No such thing as far as I know. I think it is all just programs that he wants mortgage companies to use--but he can't make them use it.
  21. I have a really good friend that put her daughter up for adoption in the 60's. They found each other about 8 or nine years ago. They are VERY close now. Her daughter totally understands why she was put up for adoption as she actually wound up an unwed mother in her middle 20's (even though she was with the guy 4 years before and 3 after the child was born) and she says that she could just imagine how it would have been in the 60's. One of the attorneys I work for was adopted and he just started the procedure to find his parents. He got married recently and wants to know for when he starts
  22. You need to turn your kitchen sink and bathtub faucets on until they thaw. Mine froze one time and my Daddy made me do that to keep them from bursting when they thawed.
  23. BOA is probably the servicer, just like CountryWide was until they failed and BOA took over. I am seeing more and more mortgage companies taken over by BOA everyday. I think they are aiming to be the one and only mortgage company in the near future.
  24. I use a mixture of Velveeta and cheddar and add Carnation milk, tad of butter, salt and pepper. I don't really have a recipe--I just mix it all up!!!
  25. Mine are cooking now. About to put a meatloaf on and will make mashed potatoes later. And I think we will also have a peach cobbler!!!! Of course, my kids will be coming over to eat (well, one has already moved back in). Neither my DD or my DIL can cook!!!!!
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