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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I wish my boss would do this for just one day!!!! It would probably make a lot of difference---since he seems to think that we don't have enough to do.
  2. Had a fox in my back yard last week. I am right on Hiram Sudie, not in a subdivision, but we all have 1-2 acres with a little patch of woods between us. Once the fox saw my son come around the side of the house and he called the other son's dog--he ran off. Yes--he probably had his eye on the Jack Russell--but that is also a natural instinct.
  3. My son saw a fox in our back yard this week--in the middle of the day. He had the dogs outside with mine on a leash (he's a runner!!) and my other son's Jack Russell was running around to do his business. My son looked up and saw the fox about 10 feet behind Owen (the JR), so he called at Owen and the fox ran off. He said that if he hadn't rounded the corner of the house when he did--that fox would have gotten Owen (he's old and slow). And we have caught 2 raccons in our trap in the last month, along with several possums and about 6 cats. And we are right on Hiram Sudie.
  4. I do visit Borders quite frequently. My 11 yr old grandaughter loves to go to the bookstore and we always find deals. I have found that I can buy the marked down hard back books cheaper than the paperbacks. I never pay over $6 for a hard cover. I read about 1 a week and quite the collection that I am about to pass of to my good friend Blessedmom--was supposed to do that this past weekend.
  5. I bought a steam cleaner at Home Depot ($25 on black friday) and was very surprised at how well it cleaned my kitchen floor. the flooring is old and had many years of buildup from Mop n Glo and such. You could tell a HUGE difference. The only issue that I had was not being able to get close to the edges (guess I will have to buy one of those small handheld ones) and the fact that it did steam all of that buildup off--my floor was dull looking---but clean!!
  6. I think this is the worst bunch ever. The only 2 that I even like is Emily and Shantel(the funeral director). I am afraid that Emily is going to scare him off--and that is sad. But Michelle HAS TO GO!!! She is CRAZY and SCARY!!!
  7. Could not tell what kind of cars. One was on its side and the fire truck and patrol cars were blocking the other one. There were at least 5 patrol cars there and I met 2 more (GSP--I think) headed that way. With that many cars--my first thought was that there had to be a fatality involved. I come home and turned on the scanner, but haven't heard anything. I will say that it was weird that it looked like such a bad accident, but yet it wasn't really holding up traffic. It was positioned more in the turning area off 92 (at Stars and Strikes) and they were just sending everybody in the turnin
  8. I have been wearing disposables for about 20 yrs also. Hopefully your Dr. will work with you and let you find the right pair. I have tried several different brands and some just don't wear as well as others. You might have to try several different ones to find a perfect fit. What you think is a good fit--might not be once you try another brand!!! I have found that a contact made by Cooper Vision and sold by Americas Best is the most comfortable for me. They tried to get me in the Accuvue Oasis, but they were very uncomfortable and felt like they were moving around on my eyes. Then they
  9. Mostly Grands at 92 and Hiram Sudie---they have the best selection of tickets. Lots of stores just carry a few, but they seem to carry everything that is out there. Last year I kept a winning streak on those soccer tickets. They were $2 tickets and I kept winning $20 to $50 everytime. I would then roll half back into tickets and keep winning. Now, if I could only win the new Decades of Dollars game--$250K a year for 30 yrs---would move to PCB the following week!!!
  10. I splurged about a month ago and bought 2 of those $10 Georgia Black tickets. Kept winning $20 and going back and getting 2 more tickets--then I won $100. Put half back in tickets and played for another week--playing half and keeping half. Bought 2 more this week and won $20 more dollars--will trade them tomorrow.
  11. Good Luck in your business. Since my son also owns a landscaping business--I have to view you as the competitor!!!! Just kidding!!
  12. ALL of the fire stations were volunteer back then, not just New Hope.
  13. You used to be able to only dial the 5 and then the last 4--I think!!!
  14. There was a little brick store in the triangle at 92 and 278--originally Petty's store.
  15. You forgot the 2 grocery stores in downtown Dallas. They had been there forever. I have lived here all my life. My mother is from PC. I can't even begin to say what all I have seen in my life. Yes--we used to have to go to Marietta or further to do our shopping--but I would take that back in a minute---just to get back to some of the old days!!! I hate all this traffic--and the folks bitching about PC!! (not you Subby!!!)
  16. Yeah--what she said!!! And I was behind you all the way down Dallas Highway this morning--except when you were going too fast in the spots where the cops sometimes sit!!! I don't need no stinking ticket--I'll let you get it!!!
  17. Son just took the dog out and said it was snowing already. Need enough to keep me home tomorrow!!! (or I am not interested) Don't want to drive my new vehicle in the snow!!!
  18. My daughter is on Orchard Drive off Mulberry and her power is out. They might be headed to my house--since they are total electric and don't want the grandbabies getting cold.
  19. Again---I don't want snow unless it is enough to absolutely keep me at home!!! Don't want any questions about whether or not I can make it to the office. Boss is from Pittsburgh and he thinks you should show up no matter what.
  20. It's not an easy thing to do. I used to work at another attorneys office and they tried a lot of workouts for the big money builders when they first starting going under. these guys had some money and were ready to settle debts like a 25K debt for 50 cents on the dollar--and these companies wouldn't budge. Many wound up just filing BK and walking away from everything out of pure frustration.
  21. CCCS is the only decent company to go to, but all credit card companies don't even accept them. Any of these other companies that offer to "settle" your debt are a rip-off. I have had clients come in and they have paid these companies $2000 or more and not one debt was settled. the company said that it was thier fee that was paid up front. If you are going to try and settle for less than the balnce owed--yu can do just as well yourself. The biggest thing to do is have a lump sum amount and get them at the end of the month--they are more eager to work with you then. Most will still probably
  22. You just have to pay real good attention on here and FB and you can figure out all kinds of stuff!!!! Who begs for what, who spends money they don't have, etc. And lets not forget the ones that use different names--trying to fool everybody. Some times it can be quite entertaining and then other times it just pisses you off!!!
  23. FYI---Animal Control is working today. They picked up a cat in our trap this morning. Give them a call.
  24. But, you the consumer also have to follow the laws and rules. And most broke rule #1 by being late on their payments. I have found that most of my clients that are having problems find out that they have failed to send in 1 document and it throws a monkey wrench into the whole process. If they ask for 100 docs and you send 99--you are the one that screwed up---but go ahead a sue them????
  25. Well-- I was in agreement with you until you start talking class action lawsuit. WTH difference will that make???? Put $100 in your pocket and make it all better??? You know these class actions never amount to anything after all attorney fees and costs are taken first. And how can you file a class action suit when you were in the wrong first by getting behind in your payments???? If you are not behind in the payments and just trying to get a lower payment--why would that warrent a class action suit???
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