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Everything posted by tbird

  1. You will be right on the Square. We have gone to Hemingways several times after work on Fridays--but have now heard some not so nice things about it and won't go back. One of our attorneys and his friend play at several different spots on the Square every weekend. And they play most events at the Strand. I think his buddy being a former assistant DA helped them out!!!
  2. You can look at their menu online--and pictures of their deserts!!!! I am a huge fan of the Fancy Chicken Salad--mixed greens, a huge amount of grilled chicken, sauteed peppers, fresh mozarella cheese--and it is so good that you don't even need any dressing on it. Kindof funny that they were able to stay open during the snow/ice storm this year--but then got hit with a fire to put them out. I am sure that they won't be closed long at all.
  3. Not sure--I did not hear the first part of the call.
  4. The car wrecked on Humphries Hill road and they have him in custody. I can't believe that City of Hiram chased somebody that far, going that fast down 278???? Seems like it could have pu an awful lot of innocent folks at risk???
  5. They are chasing somebody down 278 towards Cobb. I did not hear the first part of the calls. Approaching Florence Road going 95 - 100 mph. Just crossed Brownsville, all over the road, still going 90+.
  6. The only Americas Best that I know of is on Canton Highway. My neice lives just up the road and I stop in there sometimes. My best find has been a couple of bedskirts (just white--one was kindof eyelet with scallops) for $1 apiece. Went in looking for white bedskirts and walked out with 3!!! Heck of a lot better than $15-$20 even at Walmart.
  7. There are certain situations where you can quit your job and draw unemployment, but not many. Years ago, I had a friend that changed jobs and was promised XYZ----after 8 months on the job--the employer di none of what was promised and she quit. Because the employer did not hold up the contract--she was able to draw unemployment.
  8. YES. Couldn't agree with you more. And don't even get me started about seeing all the Mexicans in Marietta, driving Denalie(sp) SUV's all tricked out with thousands of dollars worth of wheels and such--then you go in Walmart and they are buying groceris with food stamps, baby and kid stuff with WIC, etc. (and yes, I have witnessed the purchase and then watched them go get in their vehicles) And then go to the pediatricians office (especially somewhere around Scottis Rite and see them all getting free medical care--while you are working out payment arrangements to pay what your horrible in
  9. When I was younger, my mother kept a jar of baking soda mixed with salt in the bathroom for us to brush our teeth with. I think the salt is good for your gums??? I like brushing with baking soda, but now I use the mentadent with baking soda. About the only other thing I splurge on is my hair products. I have tried using the store brand gels and sprays, but they don't work. I try to go to Ulta when they have them on sale and stock up. I do get pedicures in the summer and I have my own nails, so I just get mainicures---it really helps keep your nails.
  10. I started going to Dr. Wizner when he first opened up in Powder Springs (in the old downtown part) many, many years ago. I have never had a problem with them at all.
  11. Honey, I am right there with you. My hair is straight as a board, very thick but fine, and no body or anything. For many, many years I kept a perm (body wave) in my hair. I finally went a lot shorter than normal and with the right product and a good curling iron--my hair does great. I am still amazed that I have been able to go without a perm for almost 5 yrs now. I do keep highlights in my hair--which also helps the texture and hold.
  12. I still have my razor tatoo phone--going on 6 years. Have looked at the new phones and noe of them are made as sturdy as this one--it is metal not plastic. And I am refusing to add another $30 a month to my bill for all that extra crap that I will probably never use.
  13. You are over the route to Alabama where Dobbins flies to do practices. I am on Hiram Sudie and they fly this way all the time--especailly in the summer. If you pay attention in the summer--they go and come about the same time everyday. They fly low and they are loud. Many years ago--I had porcelin coffee mugs hanging under my cabinets and the helicopters were so low and shook my house so hard that it shook the mugs and cracked them!!!
  14. My guess would be that the insurance company already has a lien filed with the attorney--most do. Most doctors, hospitals, chiropractors, etc. will place a lien once they find out that the patient has hired an attorney. Of course, the attorneys can bargain with them on the amount they get. They do that in our office everyday--offer 40-50% and then bargain from there. They rarely ever get the full amount owed--which sucks, but then again they are probably padding their bill also.
  15. An appeal could take YEARS and eat up a lot of the money with attorney fees and costs.
  16. Yep--in fact I was ragging the owner of the car on FB today!!! And I remember who was driving also!!!
  17. You just wouldn't believe the calls we get with folks wanting to sue folks. One girl wanted to sue her college because she got caught recording a class on her cell phone. When asked if there were any rules or announcements saying that was against the rules--her answer was YES???? Well then, I guess you shouldn't have been doing it--huh??? Another wanted to sue a shopping center because she dropped her shopping bag and tripped over it in the parking lot??? And that is whose fault????
  18. A friend of mine posted this on FB. THis is exactly the thing that gives attorneys a bad name. Yes--maybe pay for her medicals and time out of work, but unless she can never walk again--1 Million +????? This kind of lawsuit is what is killing alot of businesses and such.
  19. Not the first time somebody has ran into a car dealership in PC. Any of you old timers remember the Joe Jones Ford incident????
  20. Nope!! Cause I just bought a brand new one--but I got the smaller Ford Escape. Just checked my mileage yesterday and I am getting 25 mpg going back and forth to Marietta--down 120. Not too bad. But I do miss my Mustang!!! This is just not as fun to drive as the Stang was!!! Darn grandkids---they just wouldn't stop growing!!!
  21. Slept thru any type of storm, got up earlier than normal and now getting ready for a very long day. End of the month and foreclosure filings--and on top of that, my boss is bringing the server down at 12:00 for 2 hrs??? WTH??? He just doesn't think sometimes. So I guess I will be at the office until 8:00 or so, since we were nice and made a 5:30 appointment for a client--which we normally don't go any later than 3:30 or 4:00 on Fridays. And then back to the office tomorrow--for catch up work. Just wish all this work was really appreciated??? But I can't half a$$ do my job--so I will go
  22. Did you ask your nice neighbor if he saw anything???? But then again--I haven't seen him home much lately!! And it was probably time for his morning social breakfast!!!
  23. And those are the ones that I could not wear!! Worst feeling ones I had ever had--and I have been wearing contacts for 23+ yrs. Just goes to show that you can't go by what everybody else can wear!!!
  24. I tried the Accuvue for a couple of months and could not wear them. It felt like they were sliding around on my eye. They give me a sample of the same type contact, made by Cooper Vision and it is wonderful. Most comfortable contacts I think I have ever worn. And they are cheaper!!! You can't really go by what everybody else says---your eyes will decide for themselves. You might have to go thru several different brands to find the right fit. When you are wearing contacts--you should not be able to "feel" them at all--just see better!! Good luck.
  25. tbird


    I say go with a 4 wheeler. Much more fun and most folks that I know with go carts have nothing but trouble with them.
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