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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Invest in one of those huge beach umbrellas with the silver lining---for the UV rays. I have seen many folks have little ones out there with just those thin flimsy umbrellas and even with major sunscreen--they have some burnt babies at night.
  2. I think you mean 431/231??? The only thing that I know to do is maybe the Calloway Gardens area. There are several things to do around there.
  3. I love my stargazers, but I can't bring them in the house. They are the one flower that is too strong and tear my sinuses up!!
  4. Mine was out during the night--on Hiram Sudie. I woke up around 4:00 this morning and it was back on.
  5. To us folks born and raised here--92 and Acworth Hwy IS considered New Hope!!!
  6. No--you don't hear AC calls unless they are called out by the SO. Their calls go straight thru their office and not dispatched like fore and rescue.
  7. Hispanic male at New Hope Kroger wants them to come pick him up so he can be deported. They had to get a translator for him. Gave his description over the scanner and officer is on his way.
  8. I dropped my AT&T land line about 2 yrs ago and went with TMobile home phone($10 a month). Had to keep the AT&T DSL and I had to keep the higher spead because of working from home sometimes and filing electronically with the federal court. My phone works fine unless the DSL is down--then it is dead. Doesn't happen very often. I just wish I could get DSL with somebody other than AT&T or Comcast--I hate them both!!
  9. Sorry not a wedding person. I do know that my son and DIL had a huge wedding at one of those old homes in downtown Roswell. Her mother offered them 20K at first to not have a wedding--DIL refused. Wedding then turned into her mother's ordeal--everything was done to impress her friends. They now regret not taking the money.
  10. I LOVE the west end. My friend has a house in a neighborhood just before the Publix and Winn Dixie where Front Beach and Back Beach come together. Spent 13 days down there in May and headed back next Friday. If I take the grankids--we usually stay at Horizon South, which is very comparable to Gulf Highlands--with A LOT less traffic.
  11. Yep--but I do a sausage biscuit!!! Sometimes we get the sweets and they are wonderful.
  12. If you want touristy, overpriced food and rude crowds--you can go to Captain Andersons, Margaritaville, Pineapple Willys, etc. IMHO--not worth the time or money. Boondocks and Dusty's have much better food. Boondocks is casual family setting and Dusty's is family/bar setting (but not wild). If you want to eat in one night--go to Buddy's Seafood (79 and Back Beach Road at the Y) and get some good steamed shrimp--they quit steaming at 5:30. If you want decent pizza--try the Spicy Noodle on 30A---not too far past where the Publix and Winn Dixie is at the end of Front Beach and Backbeach R
  13. Since AC is under the Marshall's office--I would think that you can go there. I know that if you report somebody for something around their house--they will tell them. That is why we have to just put up with some stuff around here. We are not in a subdivision, but have a couple of rental houses in the neighborhood that leave a little to be desired. And the sad part is that the owner has lived right here all of his life (close to 60 years) and now he moved up the road and rents his properties to some of the scummiest folks you have ever seen.
  14. My grandkids got some ZOTZ at Walgreens the other day!! And I miss the Seven-up bar. It actually had 7 different little bars all together--covered in chocolate. They were one of mine and my Daddy's favorites!!!
  15. Furlough days---don't even get me started. If $100-$150 a month is going to make these folks go broke--they were already there. Banks are about the only other businesses that get ALL of the holidays that government does--just because they take the same days as the Federal Reserve. Many companies are now cutting back on holidays and such--not just government. It's just a money saving thing. Does it boost morale--probably not, but at least they have a job.
  16. I think when you consider tha number of holidays, etc. that government employees get--they get paid pretty darn good. How many times have you walked into a tag office, post office or any such and had to stand a wait forever because they are moving in slow motion, talking to each other or just plain out ignoring you??? I can say that I have seen it happen numerous times--in several different counties--not just Paulding. And don't get me started on the post office folks. That has got to be the most stress free job in the world.
  17. I used to shop at the Kroger in Hiram. Even though I live pretty much the same distance from that one and the one at 61 and 278--I rarely go that way. I find myself stopping at the one on Dallas Hwy now on my way home from work. Their customer service leaves a little to be desired---and I am one to tell them about it!!! I only go to Walmart for dog and cat food, cat litter and such--so I only go there once every couple of months or so because I buy in quanities. Target, I go every once in a while---if they have some really good deals.
  18. This should only be allowed if the person is "on call". I had a family member that worked for AC years ago and on the weeks he was on call--he drove the truck home--just because he would sometimes get a call in the middle of the night. That should be the only reason to drive a county vehicle home. Most folks that do drive one home probably make enough to drive their own vehicle anyway. My job has never provided me a car and I am sure that most folks are the same--why should you be different if you work for the government??? And it would be different if they ONLY used the vehicle to go back
  19. The thing that gets me is the fact that there are very few cops that will write tickets for the new texting law. All you have to say is that you were dialing a number. And I have been told this by about 6 cops and a JUDGE. Useless law--nobody is enforcing unless you admit to it and then there are very few.
  20. Same thing except I use 1 cup of suger and then I sprinkle sugar on top of the mixture before I put it in the oven.
  21. I have AT&T internet only. When I dropped my home phone with them--they had to come out and do something, but I don't remember exactly what. I do have a home phone--$10 a month with TMobile and it comes thru the internet. Works just like the AT&T phone, but a lot cheaper. I traded cars in February. Payment went up about $40 dollars, but insurance went down about $20 a month. The Escape gets an average of 24.5 MPG and the Mustang was getting 16-18 mpg--so I am saving a little bit per month. Just got a new job and got a 6K per year raise--so hopefully things will get even bet
  22. I live just a couple houses down from here--on the other side of the rode. I remember when the original owner built it. His family also owned ALL of the land that Settlers Mill is on. At one time--it was a nice house. The last owners made it "their own" and pretty much ruined it. With the acreage--it would be a decent deal with a little cosmetic work--and yard work.
  23. Dusty's--ask for Jennifer. Boondocks--great food. Buddy's ---the best for take home. Salty Sues--know the owner and it is a good place. I usually just get the salad with some meat on it--quite tasty. And of course--a doughnut or biscuit from Thomas's!!!
  24. If I am not mistaken, this is the same area where PC Marine Adam Cole had his motorcycle wreck and laid on the side of the mountain for several days before anybody found him. He is a walking miracle.
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