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Everything posted by tbird

  1. tbird

    OLTL Fans

    I am OK with AMC and OLTL going away. If they try and take GH--I will be pi$$ed!!! It is the only soap I have kept up with pretty much all of my life!! Started watching with my Granny as a very young child and I still DVR it. I usually stay at least a week behind, but on one of those nights or weekends when there is nothing else to do--I will catch up on them!!!
  2. Oven fried chicken, brocalli and hominy
  3. Wonder if this could have been one of the crazy ladies that has been discussed in the past???
  4. I get AARP stuff in the mail every few months and have been getting it since right before I turned 50.
  5. I have been using Amerca's Best for about 10 years and the one at Barret Parkway (down by Stevie B's in the Ross/Steinmart shopping center) is the best!! You pay $99 every 3 years for exams and I wear their brand of contacts (made by Coopervision) and they are less than $50 for 2 boxes. They are the similiar version of the Accuvue Breathables, but I could not wear the Accuvue's. I purchased a pair of glasses from them about 3 years ago and they were around $100. I just very rarely wear my glasses and these are fine for me.
  6. Don't know which house for sure, but the number was 611. I looked it up on the reverse address search on 411.com, but the name didn't mean anything to me. It was a domestic fight and one of them took off walking??? I remember them saying that SHE was at the stop sign at Old Sudie and Sudie, but they didn't say which one--since there would be 2 of them?? I was still up reading and listening to the idiots that had left over fireworks (most of which was my next door neighbor).
  7. Well, that bus probably wasn't cheap(several thousands) and I am sure it gets about 6 MPG and with the cost of diesel--they probably can't go far. Yes, it is unusual, but at least they don't have a child living in the woods or a shelter???
  8. I am on Hiram Sudie--closer to Davis Mill. Heard 2 or 3 sets of sirens going by. Since I wasn't asleep, laying in the bed reading while my neighbor kept everybody awake, I got up and turned the scanner on. They had an overturned car on Sinyard Circle off McClung and a house fire on Pine Shadows. GSP said they had 2 teens in custody with the wreck and 2 ran. The fire sounded pretty bad--I just wonder if it was fireworks related???
  9. Yep--been going on over on Hiram Sudie too. And we are not in a subdivision. The house shooting them is to the left of me and my living room and my bedroom face that direction--so I can't get away from it. And it's not bothering my dog so much--he is asleep in the chair beside me, on his back with his feet straight up in the air!! The cat on the other hand--is sitting on the couch with this crazy wild eyed look--scary!!
  10. Postman delivered mine today!!! Just in time, because I was about to get ready and head to Barnes and Nobles!! Already downloaded 3 of Lorie O'Clare's books. She is somebody new that I have found and really like her stuf--so far.
  11. I am getting the Kindle keyboard 3g. The Fire reminds me too much of an IPad and I hate anything Apple. And plus I like the non glare screen. The grandkids got one last year and I have just now broke down and got me one. I read at least a book a week and have been mostly buying off the sale/clearance table at the book stores. I would go every couple months and drop around $60--I hope this will save me a little bit!!!
  12. You ordered something from them and got it in one day???? I ordered me a Kindle Christmas day and they just shipped it this morning. My daughter ordered hers the same day and she got hers yesterday. I AM LIVID with them!!! And of course--they pretty much have no customer service.
  13. I have one of the small chest freezers. Did not pick it out, I won it when the Ingles on Nebo Road opened up!!! It has come in very handy--especially since it was free!!!
  14. I used to use bacon grease in everything. Then I tried this Goya (maybe Hoya--don't remember) stuff that you find in the mexican section at the grocery store. You can get it in all different flavors, pork, beef, etc. It comes in little pouches and you just sprinkle it in your beans, soup or whatever and it tastes great---without all the fat and calories!!
  15. I saw it and I knew it had to be you!!! Congrats!!
  16. And being that it is in Douglas County--JUST GO AHEAD AN PAY THE TICKET!!! Douglas is the worst county around to try deal with anything legal. Some counties will lower stuff, but not them!!!
  17. I only have to return a coat for my son. He is hard to fit because he is about 6'2" and skinny as a rail. Luckily I found one at Sears in Cumberland on my lunch today--and I have to take the other one back to JCP. But then again, I haven't heard if all my grandson's clothes fit or not. He belongs to the other son and is also tall and skinny for his age. But dang--they make pants and jeans so dang long now. Even though he is tall--everything is too long for him!!!
  18. I have just the basic low end model (don't remember which brand)--and it works fine. Never had a problem with it cleaning the dirtiest of pans or baking dishes. I paid less than $200 for it. I have a friend that went all out and got the high dollar Maytag, with the food grinder, time set, etc. Of course it is all the push pad. She had not had it 18 months and it quit working. Called the repairman out and luckily she had an extended warranty. The push pad had gone out and they brought her a whole new dishwasher!!! Said it was cheaper for them to replace the whole unit than to replace the pa
  19. You can call a lanscaping company and get them to give you an estimate, so you kind of know what you are looking at--amd to make sure they don't try to rip you off!!
  20. If the accident was worked by the GSP--get the insurance information and contact them. They have to pay to fix your yard!!! It has happened to my parents many times and they have ALWAYS got paid for fixing their yard. Get a copy of the accident report and contact them immediately!!
  21. Yes--that was the house. If I remember correctly--there was an old Chrysler/Plymouth (or something similar) that sat in the garage/barn for years!!!
  22. I do remember my Daddy talking about there bein after a huge fight over the property after Mr. Austin's death. I think he had pretty much left everything to Brad and other members of the family were protesting that. If I remember correctly--Brad won. And everything I have ever known of Brad--he is a really good guy. He helped his gradfather a lot, for many years around those stores.
  23. Funny!! We used to have a cat that would suck on your finger. We got him as a very small kitten and we just figured it was a baby thing and he would outgrow it. Well, we had him for about 12 years--and right up until he disappeared, he would still grab your finger and suck on it just like a bottle!!! He would do it to any guest that come to the house (usually my kids friends)--and it would totally freak them out!!
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