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Betty Jo Bradley

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Betty Jo Bradley

  1. Opie get outta here before you get us all in trouble, and don't be tellin' your Pa nuttin' or Boss either.
  2. Boss, does this mean I can finally get those bigger flashers you've been promisin' me?
  3. The topic has been made invisible until Pubby can review it. safe travels through mayberry
  4. sweetie I have been giving mayberry's all day
  5. Just passing through folks Happy New year
  6. you do now sweetheart Are you sure?
  7. Is there something I can help you with in Mayberry today?
  8. sugar you are gonna be to busy to give mayberry's out
  9. The boars nest is only for the popo but I will take you as my date but what happens at the boars nest stays at the boars nest Bobby Jo already has a date mom would say I am proud of you daughter and look who is talking what does Bobby Jo have that I do not have?
  10. I wish I had had a week off and LR the place is called the Boars nest
  11. wishing you the best for tomorrow and a speedy recovery, it is hard to keep a good woman down so you will be fine
  12. you are the best rock thrower I know Ernest T
  13. oops time got away from me that happens when you go to the boars nest I have given the top 10 posters for today a mayberry
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