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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Hope you feel better soon!! Is this at the same restaurant??
  2. Well I just got back from the Dr's office and I am so sore and tired. It am blessed by being able to get this done. Its been 9 months since the one. GOD BLESS and HUGS for all!! I am off to sleep it off.
  3. Thanks Ms G!! I know you would and you have blessed my life more than I can say!! I hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!! You deserve it Lady for all you do!! HUGS!! Thank You Tess so much!! Thank You and I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving too!!
  4. I just wanted to say thank you to all of the wonderful peeps of P.com. I am going to have a nerve block tomorrow without any numbing so when I get home I wont be able to do much and I wanted to thank you all so very much. The kindness I have been shown this last year in particular had meant more than I can say. In words and deeds you kept me putting one foot in front of the other and not giving up hope that things would get better. To look at what was still good in my life. To focus on that and not loose faith. I hope one day I can repay that kindness in some way. God Bless and as always HUGS
  5. Once I get home from my first nerve block in 9 months let it rip!!!
  6. I felt better because I was there for her and family. My son's girlfriend bless her heart is 19 and tells me your are going get over it....lol I admit it I do feel its unfair alot at times that I dont have someone in my life but I have learned more about what makes me happy and I am liking that more and more.
  7. I couldnt help but chuckle over this!!
  8. Uh Oh I better get milk now!!! Wait I dont drink milk. Sorry couldnt help myself.
  9. My kids and grandkids are the reason. I know its not about me and I went yesterday knowing that. I was ready to face the both if them for the sake of my daughter and her family.
  10. Heck I could use some work done on the car anyway so go right on ahead and just give it a shot...lol Oh and I will also blow you a kiss if you shoot me the bird too! hehehehehee
  11. :rofl: Shoot when people try that with me they are going to squeeze into the 1/2 inch I leave between the car in front of me and my car. I get blind and deaf too. I cant see you or hear you blowing the horn at me either.
  12. Spunkywman


    I dont watch TV I watch NetFlix. AT&T is not the best but heck of alot cheaper that Comcast.
  13. Thanks for saying this! I went to a family funeral which was my Ex's Mother and it was very hard because she was there but I was the one who was loved through this. We were so close even after the split and I was with her until she died from cancer.
  14. OK....I went and dang glad I did! I was there knowing she was supposed to be there and was just going to enjoy the event with them. Guess who did not show up? I am not going to say I was happy about it because I realized when my daughter was up there with the Pastor looking for the family she had wanted him there too. What this has shown me is yes I need to get past this. I spent 23 years with someone who moved on so easily and I deserve better. I have suffered enough. I have gotten past health problems, job loss and so much more and my life is better. I am a decent woman who deserves a decent
  15. I am gonna get flack for this but I am gonna tell you the situation. Its my grandson's blessing at church. I am going whether she is there or not. I have they in my life everyday and thats the best blessing in the world. I will be back later to let you know how it went. Thanks for the advice I needed it. HUGS
  16. That makes sense. Its really does. Hard to believe after 10 years it still hurts so much.
  17. It seems she already has. Just the statement that I need to learn to tolerate her. She and their father destroyed my life. I forgave them long ago. I had to for my peace of mind. But to celebrate holidays or events with her I cant.
  18. I was talking to my daughter and she said I needed to learn to be in the same room with her father's girlfriend. I refuse to be in the same room with her. I am not allowed to be on their facebook pages because she is a friend on there. I am wrong? Do I need to tolerate her? It seems as if they are choosing her over me and it really hurts my feelings.
  19. How sweet!!!! She is just precious!!
  20. The schools are always needing help. You can substitute teach, sub in the cafeteria and if you think you could handle it substitute bus driving. All of these you can work as much or as little as you would like. I hope you are feeling better! HUGS
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