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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. Two records set today. One pollen count is 8000 and the second the most days in March since 1906 with the temps in the 80's. I couldnt breathe when I got off the bus this afternoon with the pollen so high.
  2. I cant help but agree. I have missed a baby laying on my chest sleeping away! Now if the part for my puter would come in so I could have my laptop back it would be a perfect world!
  3. I like this thread. I was thinking about this same thing when I was holding my sweet granbaby this morning. There are so many things that I wish I had but I wouldnt trade what I have to get them. I have a family I would lay down my life for, friends who help me when I am in need (some I have never met), money is tight but I have something to eat, a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head and clothes on my back. There are some who dont even have that. I am thankful to God everyday. I hope you all have a wonderful blessed day!
  4. Gipper Girl my daughters kidneys shut down she had it so bad and here is a picture of that sweet little girl the next day. She was in the hospital 4 days before she had her and 2 more after. She is now over a month old and never would you have know all my daughter went through. We are praying for you and God is in control. HUGS
  5. LOL.....You cant handle the truth!
  6. Also Brightwater sub on Old Griffn road.
  7. She really is! Why would she cover that up?
  8. Amen! By the way Britt is thanking you everyday for the wipe warmer!!! Have mercy!! Looks like she has a cottage cheese butt though...lol
  9. Just let me get the kiddies off the bus and home safe and then let it pour!
  10. yep understand that and really glad to hear things are good with her!!
  11. I have had all of those too. They couldnt find anything on an MRI? I understand the pain he is going through and I am praying he finds relief!
  12. That is one of my favorite movies!! Truvy: I bet you money she paid $500 for that dress and don’t even bother to wear a girtle Clairee: Looks like two pigs fighting in a blanket. Truvy: Oh, Sammy's so confused he don't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
  13. How many times have you wanted to do that when someone cut you off....lol
  14. Thank you!! I have had about 5 now and 2 of them didn't work but this time I already feel so much better!! The fusion I had from the two ruptured disks has made my life so much better even though I still suffer from pain its nothing compared to what I was living with! I hope your husband gets some relief himself. Has he tried trigger point shots? I have gotten relief with those when the nerve blocks didn't help.
  15. Had a nerve block today and it went ok today. Had it done with no anesthesia and when he found the nerve that was causing the worst of my pain I about jumped off the table!! Am on bed rest for 24 hours. I pray that this will give me some relief for a while. I go see my orthopedist in March to see what I need to have done next. This bone disease makes me feel so old. My grandbaby Riley Grace has thrush but the meds are helping her a lot. She is still such a good baby even when she is sick. Have a blessed day my friends!
  16. Fried Green Tomatoes....."I am younger and faster." BLAM....."I am older and have more insurance." Steel Magnolias....."I love ya more than my luggage." Supernatural...."Pudding!!!" NC you made me choke on my coffee!!!
  17. I hope this holds off until I get home from my nerve block!!
  18. You are right Ivylove! Gipper Girl Thank you! Michael Flatley is sexy! When I used to watch him on TV I think I would sit there the whole time with my mouth open.
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