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Braves' Dave

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Everything posted by Braves' Dave

  1. So, as per the advice,I went to Kennesaw and they fixed me right up, for 39.99. I'm happy
  2. Thanks to each for the response & for the info - guess I'll be in New Hope tomorrow.
  3. A month or so ago; there was a thread here regarding places where one could get these 'expensive' ignition keys for a more reasonable price. Does anybody know which merchants have the cheaper ones?? While on the subject of auto security - I need (lost the others) a keyless entry remote. Does anyone other than a dealer program one of those things?? I can buy one on-line but they say there isn't a simple way to program one!! Thanks for any ideas or solutions....
  4. Anyone know what all the sirens in the area of 278 & 61 area about?? Hate to hear them on windy day.
  5. Earlier, someone posted a tract layout for the hospital and where it would connect to the existing building. Anyone know where to find it?? I'm curious as to where the traffic light will be and whether it will be synced to the one at Bill Carruth...
  6. We had the Mega Ball(23) 15 times , I think.... [$30]
  7. Curtis - thanks for all the work you're doing setting this all up. Appreciate Pubby documenting the transaction !! See you at the 'winners lounge'!!
  8. Alright so I can't spell - - but I can come up with $20 so I'm in again....
  9. Curtis - Add me in - I'll be by the office Monday!!
  10. I thought that was going to be a video of Ms Nellie!!!!!
  11. That bus and the associated vehicles are in full view of the sheriffs deputies that patrol the Walmart parking lot, constantly; so I'd figure they'd be apt to know whether something needed to be done about them they could handle it....just saying
  12. That's great - Thanks to her for her service - I know it'll be a great holiday for your family
  13. Sure hope it all comes together for you... Dave
  14. RIP Lorene - you earned it - you were a great, thoughtful and generous neighbor Sympathy to the family
  15. A very, very interesting, informative thread.
  16. Had it all day Friday - got up Saturday morning feeling fine! ?????
  17. The "Beast" seems to have hit a bump in the road!! http://www.rte.ie/news/av/2011/0523/media-2963651.html#
  18. Mine was running great - course it's the one I bought from you!!
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