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Everything posted by ms.music

  1. I drive out of Jones and heard nothing about it. I would think with 50 some kids sitting behind me at least one of them would have said something.
  2. Wow....I am really surprised, we have been with Dish forever and for the last several months had tons of problems. Have thought about comcast but just wasn't sure. You guys have been a lot of help. Thanks
  3. I am not going to say who I use, but we are thinking about changing our provider due to poor customer service. I am interested to hear what you have to say that will help me make up my mind. The only one that I don't need to hear about is AT&T u-verse.....it is not available at my house. Go ahead give it to me the good, bad and the ugly.
  4. Then it must be you........dallasmama...
  5. I never have ever remembered dreaming...good, bad or otherwise.
  6. Will it be free, only taxes have to be paid on it?? Nope the guy behind you has to pay for it!!!!!
  7. Out of curosity can you tell me how much you are looking to spend. We may be looking to put our house on the market! We haven't decided yet.
  8. do you guys accept food donations.....some people may be able to donate food that they have already purchased but may not be able to afford to donate any money. Just asking in case I am not the only one that doesn't know!
  9. Saw it this morning a little before 7am. I stopped my bus to have the children look at it. It was huge and beautiful! Even the kids were blown away!
  10. wish I had some thin mints! my favorites!!!
  11. I can not believe what some people will take! Let me explain....this little bike started off as my sons first bike when he was 3. He is now 13. We took it to my father house and my sisters son rode it, he is now 10. Now my 4 year old has been riding this bike since he was 3. He wanted it painted yellow and maroon-----sooooo my husband painted it for him. Now mind you this bikes only value was sentimental.....why would someone take it? What does bother me is that someone came onto my property to take it. We live on 2 1/2 acres and our house sits back off of the road. I know that it was here ear
  12. ms.music


    So we had someone come out and look at our outside unit today and check the freon.....what should I have paid for this type of service. I also am not sure that he actually put freon in although he told me that it was low. Now I feel as if I need to have someone else come out just to check the freon which means paying another person as well.
  13. Been using them for 13 years and all my kids love Dr. Young and Dr. Carter!!!!!
  14. As a bus driver myself I know that our elementary students were let out about 10 minutes early and when I arrived at my middle school they were calling the kids to their bus as we arrived. Right choice or wrong choice I am glad that decision is not up to me to make. Weather is unpredictable and then you get blamed for making the wrong decision......and as far as I know all of the buses made it safely to their destinations. Some parents were called and asked to meet the buses if the driver felt that it was not safe to travel the roads. Safety is one of our biggest concerns. I know that everyday
  15. Capt. Phil Harris suffered what his family described as a massive stroke on Jan. 29 while the fishing vessel was in port at St. Paul Island, Alaska. He was flown to Anchorage for surgery. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/02/10/discovery-channel-deadliest-catch-captain-dies/?test=latestnews So sad!!!
  16. I love this show.....I DVR every new episode. Captian Sig is my favorite. You are right Phil had a hard time last season!
  17. Or could it be because your husband went out side to trim all of your bushes out front and when you got home he had pulled up all of your plants....Japanese Maple....pampas grass, and azelas and now the front of your house is naked!
  18. I drive for paulding and we don't have email addresses.
  19. We just found out that this can work against you as well. We just received a statement from our cc company where we purchased some items from Sears. They were running a pay it off in xx number of months with no interest. So we did! Have done it several times with big purchases including all of the appliances in our kitchen when we remodeled. On this statement we had a $45 charge (membership fee or whatever). When we called the cc company they suggested that we cancel the card. After a long conversation the lady that my husband was talking with did tell him that they were trying to weed out all
  20. I say it's a baby..... I WIN.....
  21. That is one of my pet peeves. I once watched a car full of teens park in a handicap spot and gave them a good talking to. Let me not fail to mention that my own daughter was in that car and I was pissed! I don't know if the others learned anything from it, but I sure hope my daughter did!
  22. According to the many posts on FB.
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