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Everything posted by feelip

  1. Rugby is a sport you play with two balls plus a rugby ball.
  2. psst! If Todd was part of the GOB why would he make Shearin look like an ass in front of the entire county. And I think most people (including Jerry if he could get a truthful statement through his lips) would tell you that the skirmish with Todd is what cost Jerry the election. If Todd was part of the GOB THE LAST thing he would want to do would be unseat the Golden Goose.
  3. What about boats? Do I need to start buckling up in my boat?
  4. Dude? A football is pointed on both ends. Kickball is for playgrounds. <<duckandcover>>>
  5. I don't really know Todd other than the few times I saw him at the BOC meetings. I will say this. He has apparently been self-employed. Anyone that has ever been successfully self-employed knows the value of a dollar. Not so sure a government employee would know what it means to do without for a few weeks while waiting for a client to pay. We don't need the instant gratification type running the county these days. Hard times are here and everyone should spend accordingly. Your turn. Tell us what Beverly Cochran can do for the county. BTW, just the fact that he's not one
  6. Nuisance? Mosquitoes are a nuisance. Diving into the ocean and coming up with your head stuck in a tarball is nasty. If you don't think this oil spill will destroy the Florida panhandle by August I think you are doing some extreme wishful thinking. And I don't think the Gulf Coast will ever be the same in my lifetime.
  7. I have paint drying.
  8. He is still buzzing from the weekend. Too much Kentucky corn juice.
  9. Where your proof that Beverly Cochran isn't a part of the GOBs? Not all the GOBs were members of the PBA. And not all the PBA members were part of the GOBs. You know as well as I know that there is no "proof". That "proof" crap is just something that my old buddy BeachBum started on here.
  10. I never saw them as an iron fist. They were all kind of panty waisted if you ask me. But they were arrogant and did show a misuse of power. Regardless of how much I disagreed with someone or didn't want to hear what they had to say, if I was getting paid to do a job and part of my job required me to listen to some lowly citizen ramble for 5 minutes every month, I know that I would give them my attention, eye contact, and not shuffle through papers, roll my eyes and give that smirky little chicken sh*t frown that Jerry always did. But then I hear he's calling the shots down at the c
  11. Git up diddy. You are crushing my cigarettes.
  12. I try to buy as much of my fishing stuff as I can from Natures Tackle Box. They are great folks with the stuff I want. I don't mind paying a little more to keep from driving to Bass Pro Shops. And I prefer spending my money with someone I know by name instead of a corporation. I'll check out the Wileys, I'm about due for some new shades.
  13. Seeing a lot of Signs for one candidate. Plan to check to see who is bank rolling that campaign before I vote.
  14. What was it you didn't like about the WileyXs? I started looking at them and though about a pair with the seal to keep bugs and wind out of my eyes when I am running the boat.
  15. I must not be "most men" because I prefer natural. The fakes look fake. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but having a set that look like they are about to explode just doesn't do anything for me. I'd rather check out a National Geographic.
  16. I like it too. And I'm a freakin Cherokee.
  17. Not to mention the little trick they play on depth perception.
  18. Hey CC, check the warranty. I'm sure it's good. I have sent glasses back to MJ twice. Once they replaced my glasses with any style they made (that's how I got the $300+ pair with glass lenses ). The next time they replaced the lenses for $60 after my dog turned a pair into a chew toy. I have been impressed with MJ.
  19. I see them advertised and some of the bass pros have been doing some ads for them. Are you buying them online or from a retailer? Let me know how they work out.
  20. Just got back from Charleston. We loved the area. Sullivan's Island and the Isle of Palms are great. Only a four and a half to five hour drive and it's all Interstate.
  21. I have three pairs of Maui Jims. Some of the best polarization you can buy, especially in the glass lens styles. I have two pairs of the carbonate lens (plastic) and one pair of the glass. The plastics are feather lite and a heck of a lot cheaper. I have also owned Revo and they are great sunglasses. I wear sunglasses even on rainy days. They improve your visibility when driving in the rain. Don't do cheap sunglasses, they cause cataracts. PS, the MJs are great sight fishing sunglasses.
  22. I am guessing that whoever was paying for the gas 3 weeks ago had the gas turned off. The gas company's responsibility stops at the meter or else they would spend thousands of hours troubleshooting problems inside of houses. Sorry to give you the same info twice. Guard Dad knows gas. Just pull his finger and see for yourself.
  23. Now there are a couple of role models. And I agree, way more impressive than throwing a perfect game. I think I just became a Tigers fan.
  24. feelip


    Thanks. Is this a confirmed fatality?
  25. Here's why: I heard this big kaboom!
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