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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I totally agree. Since the home isn't on base, then the wife only has to file a warrant with the sheriff office local to the home to get the girlfriend out of the house and the officers will physically evict the girlfriend if needed. All the wife should need to show is a marriage certificate and a mortgage or lease bill (maybe). The warrant could be for eviction and for trespassing, then possibly for damaging the wife's personal property. Then definitely change the locks! and get a good lawyer.
  2. I am heading that way now. Have a good day.
  3. It is supposed to get to 40 degrees tomorrow, so it will probably melt.
  4. OMG one of my neighbors already has rolled up the base for a snowman and it is about 3.5 FEET around!
  5. Toilet paper and milk but I have plenty.
  6. I thought I had just heard a bus go past my house. I do not know which school it would have been from though as I didn't look.
  7. I already have those items but hubby just got back from Publix with chicken, steak and chops, etc.
  8. Snowing here on East Paulding Dr. near the New Hope Publix.
  9. Snowing here on East Paulding near the New Hope Publix.
  10. No, not because he is in the military but because it already sounds like he is being a jerk to her and the child.
  11. Good morning! Supposedly the snow is still coming.
  12. Umm Augusta is supposed to get 2-4 inches, so you might want to call before you leave.
  13. Does the girlfriend LEGALLY have the right to boot the wife out of the house? If not then the wife could take out a warrant on her to have her arrested or at least removed from the house. The wife may even have grounds to sue the girlfriend for any damage to her personal property. Is the home on a base? Would civilian law or military law cover the type of case? She definitely needs a good lawyer because at the very least she will need one for child custody, child support and the divorce. Oh and insurance coverage for the child is sometimes added to the child support orders.
  14. There are plastic covers you can buy that allows you to thread a padlock through them to stop others from cutting on your water.
  15. It is going to be worse south of I20 than it will be here and my radar is showing precip. over Panama City right now.
  16. Prayers said for both. Please have a safe trip.
  17. From what I understand, I was due around St.Patrick's Day and was born on Easter Sunday April 6th. It has only landed on Easter one other time in my 40 years. Congrats on the baby and the due date. I would be counting down the days.
  18. Good morning. Thank you and you too Luv. Hopefully I will be asleep soon. I have backwards hours due to my insomnia. Later on I will probably be working on the housework. It is supposed to be mostly sunny with a high around 50 today, with a 50% chance of showers and a low around 37 tonight. Everyone have a wonderful and safe day!
  19. Ohhh I love that song too. I am sorry to hear about your Dad but glad that you made it home safe. I have heard about the weather becoming bad from VA to NY.
  20. You can't claim OTC meds or supplements as medical on your taxes BUT you can deduct them from a healthcare flexible spending account that is usually provided through an employer. I've been there and done that for many years. You also cannot claim the same medical expenses on taxes AND your healthcare spending account, you can only claim on one or the other. I add all doctors and prescription copays, deductibles, etc. together for our taxes but usually we don't reach the percentage you need to go over for the refund to kick in. I can't remember but I think it is like 6-7% of your annual income.
  21. Hey Congratulations in both the wedding and the move! I hope we will still hear from you.
  22. I use to participate in beauty pagents when I was a young girl, so it is kind of like a title. I created it in 1998. I was a Ms, I grew up in GA, and I have always loved storms and weather. The house I grew up in was in Hiram. It had a back yard that faced west and I would go sit in the backyard watching a storm as it came moving in. I would stay out there watching it lightening as the storm came closer, feeling the wind on my face and then when it starting raining hard I would go into the house and watch from the windows. So when I created my SN in 1998 I created MsGaStorm.
  23. Oh that is so wonderful! Happy Bday to your Dad.
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