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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. He was found in an attic of a garage. I bet someone is going to get charged.
  2. NO! I am going back and forth between CNN and HLN. One report said that it flew for 75 miles. Thinking realistically, IF he was in the balloon and fell in a wooded area of Colorado then he is probably deceased and will be a meal for the wild animals. I am not meaning to be insensitive but I am thinking forensically. My hubby and I toured that area by car in 2003 and some areas are very heavily wooded, while others include subdivisions. Bears are seen entering the subdivisions in the suburbs of Denver all of the time. HLN just reported that today was a parent conference day at school so th
  3. Reported on HLN that the floor of the box was made of thin plywood. I thought I also heard a measurement of 20'x5' ??? Was that correct?? That seems a little large.
  4. According to the National Weather Service, Sunday and Monday night we will be in the upper 30s. That's when I will turn on my heat. The cats will be greatful! http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?s...09&map.y=92
  5. I am having the same problem for the past 2 weeks and I have searched everywhere! Thank you for the advice.
  6. A fact that most people do not realize is that the CDC chooses 2-3 flu strains PER YEAR for each yearly flu vaccine. This does not count the new H1N1 vaccine. How many does that add up to over a lifetime, not even taking into consideration the immunizations for other diseases? Also the new nasal spray contains the LIVE virus, so who is to say that it can't be spread by an individual wiping their nose after receiving one? As an adult I had never received flu shots until 2002-2004 then I had 1 per year for a total of 3. Each time I would either go into a bad fibromyalgia flare up with more
  7. That's what I was wondering too, because during an equinox you can get an egg to stand on end.
  8. Looks like a garter snake but I have never seen one that big. As long as it isn't venomous then it can be a good snake to have around for catching rodents and bugs. Your hubby is a giant compared to that snake's size, so if I were the snake I would be scared enough to bite too! LOL Maybe he could of helped with the halloween display?
  9. My hubby is the one who brings home the bacon, I do not even draw disability. His company has a mandatory 3 weeks (15 business days) of furloughs for every employee this year and he has lost alot of overtime. We were fortunate that he had 3 weeks of paid time off available to compensate for the furloughs, but his overtime pay is almost half our income. The furloughs are required to be taken by October 31st, so he couldn't save them for the holidays. His company has some locations here in the U.S. but their home office is in Germany.
  10. When you say "wedding" are you including the honeymoon or just the wedding and reception? Including our honeymoon (but NOT our rings/engagement ring) ours totaled about $6500 9 years ago for 60 people. All of the wedding party wore white because my husband wanted white tails. His best man jokingly made "White Wedding" our theme song, which was fine with us since we love rock. I hired a DJ and a caterer and went all out on the reception food and cake. The cake was square and round 5 layers with crystal swans, white roses and hand made airbrushed pink tiger lilies with green ivy to match t
  11. The "Werewolf" sounds like a demonic entity. ??
  12. PM I love this idea! I have spoken to my chiropractor before about some type of meditation but I have no idea how to go about learning. There are SO many different forms of meditation and different types of learning media on the subject, it's too confusing. I believe this might help because there is no such thing as muscle relaxation in fibromyalgia. The muscles seem to be in a constant state of tightness and exercise becomes very painful. It seems like an oxymoron that you can keep fairly good muscle tone (from the disease) and still gain weight! How can you have both? It's weird to me.
  13. AT&T Privacy Blocker for $5 a month, if you have a home phone it is well worth it.
  14. Can anyone give the exact address or location so that we may all know?
  15. I bought some at Walmart last week. It's a mix with blueberry and I think some apple or grape juice and made by Minute Maid near the fresh juice section beside of the milk. It was great and is already all gone just by me!
  16. FYI: I think if you are pregnant you have to get the injection and not the nasal spray. Go ahead and call your doctor because I thought I heard on the news tonight that the next "shipment" of vaccinations to the Atlanta area will be the injections.
  17. OMG I am glad someone mentioned City of Angels! I bawl like a baby EVERY time I watch that one. I also have the soundtrack to that one because some of the songs are pretty cool.
  18. I loosely call the playing of rock with classical instruments "rock opera". I love it! The sounds of electric violins with steel guitars! We went to Birmingham last year to see TransSiberian Orchestra. I have been wanting to see them for 4 years. It was the most awesome concert I have ever attended. Not just with the sounds of the rock opera but the laser lights, the video screens, fire, fireworks, fog, and real snow inside the building, not to mention the story put together by all the music. It was amazing! My latest favorite group with this type of music is Escala. I recently purchased
  19. Steel Magnolias (several parts), Ghost, and Bed of Roses.
  20. Bead necklaces, paint peace signs on the jeans.
  21. I don't think this was the same episode I just watched on FOX.
  22. This link is for the forecast page for Dallas. On the right is a small picture of the radar, just click on that picture and it will pull up the radar for you. National Weather Service Forecast Page for Dallas, GA
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