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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. I have had the Roku2 for several years now. I had an older TV that did not come with wifi or apps so I got the Roku2 so I could watch streaming media. I like that it had the AV outputs as well as HDMI because the TV I was using it on only had 1 HDMI and I was already using that. I recently go another TV that did not have Internet apps so I was thinking about getting another Roku until I found out that my blueray player was no longer working. I decided to get a BlueRay with apps instead of the Roku since the price was about the same and it killed two birds............ You would
  2. Meh, people are making it out to be more then it is. Went I rode from Tara Trummond up to Coot's lake and beyond the only issue I was sort of worried about was the remoteness if I fell or something and got hurt. But I had my cell with me and people knew where I was and about how long it would take. Plus I don't recall ever not passing someone coming the opposite direction. Hiram Depot up to Tara Drummond is a good ride and always people walking or riding. Only reason I switched to that location is because it is slightly closer to home and easier to get to now plus here is a pretty n
  3. I have not been around much so apologies if this was already mentioned. Taco Bell is coming to Crossroads. :yahoo:
  4. I renewed my DL last year after I moved. Went to Cartersville. Had all the needed docs and was in and out in 30 minutes. Half of that was waiting for the power to come back on and their computers to boot up. Just used my birth certificate, SS card and utility bill.
  5. Buy him a TV that comes with Internet apps. I have one in my home office that is all I use it for, Netflix and Huluplus. Does not even have cable attached.
  6. If you make fast food joints as your career choice (manager positions excluded) then getting paid $15 an hour is not going to make a difference in your life.
  7. My mom told me that the 15 items only counts as different items. So if you had 10 of the exact same item it only counted as 1.
  8. LOL, funny because that is the section I was going to say is the best place to ride. (of course it is also the section where that lady was killed) I use to ride from Tara Drummond up to Coot's lake but that section is very isolated. I have not tried going from Hiram towards Cobb yet so don't know what that area is like but there is a lot of people coming from that direction. I think when it comes to safety being around other riders/walkers would be the safest. Which is part of the reason I switched from Tara Drummond to Hiram. (plus it is closer to where I live now). Edit to a
  9. How many subs work an average of 30 hours a week per year? That is the criteria for whether or not a employer has to provide insurance. A person must work an average of 30 hours a week per year. The monitoring period is from Nov 1 2013 till Oct 31 2014. A person would have to work a majority of 4 days a week or more to average out to 30 hours a week per year. That is assuming they work the entire day and it is a full 8 hour day.
  10. So the subs can't get hired by the company that the schools are going to contract with???
  11. Wish my monthly premiums were that low. Another thing BCBS did with my plan was they basically doubled all the co-pays. I talked it over with the spousal unit and we are switching to Kaiser for next year. Just can't afford to pay what BCBS is asking for and from looking at the available services with Kaiser I don't really see any difference other then the extra money I can keep in my pocket. Plus Kaiser will pay for vision checkups where BCBS does not so it's really a win win.
  12. Crazy idea,, why not asked them instead of just assuming you know what is going on.
  13. Quick question, if you have to go to the ER or outpatient surgery with Kaiser is there specific locations you have to go to? My current coverage is BCBS and pretty much everything is done through WellStar. I am looking at almost a 40% difference in premiums between BCBS and Kaiser and the co-pays under Kaiser are less then BCBS also. I guess the trade off would be the limited places you can go with Kaiser.
  14. Is this someone you know personally? Or are you just making an ASSumption.
  15. So it is that time for annual enrollment for health insurance at my work. We are offered several different plans and as usual the cost(premiums) have gone up so I am considering switching to one that has lower premiums. Of course the trade off is out of pocket expenses. One of the plans offered is Kaiser Permanente. The premiums are lower then the plan I have now and the out of pocket expense is comparable so I am wondering if anyone else has used Kaiser and what is your experience. I realize the plans within Kaiser are probably going to differ but just looking for your general opin
  16. Well that would explain why traffic was backed up on Old Burnt Hickory Rd almost to Cobb County. Fortunately I live right at the Cobb County line but it was almost to the entrance of my subdivision.
  17. So all of a sudden my home phone, land line, from AT&T just stopped working. If I call the number all I get is a busy signal (do not have call waiting). Tested out the cable in the house with a know working cord still not working. So before I call AT&T I figured let me see if anyone else is having the same issue, this is in the Crossroads/Burnt Hickory area. You know maybe there is an outage or something. And I also checked the outside box. I was going to plug a phone straight into that but the jack is hard wired so that is not going to work.
  18. Yes. They had members of the GADOT there to answer questions and several large overhead satellite image maps showing the proposed route. Being my first DOT open house I thought it was done very well. Simple and to the point.
  19. Roundabouts have one very simple rule. However is IN the roundabout has the right of way. If 4 cars all come to the roundabout from each direction they could all enter at the same time with no issues.
  20. Good luck anyone understanding ObamaCare. The people who voted for it didn't even know what is in it and still don't.
  21. I have lived in 3 HOA communities, never had any of them specify which trash service I had to use. I just look around at what others use and go with the same.
  22. the question I did not see asked is what will be price difference? More then what you pay or less? the reason they do this because typically if they can get a majority of the homeowners to go with the same service you get a reduced rate. YMMV
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