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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. I don't know exactly what happened but it sounds rude to me. Being duped or set up should NOT be a part of any business.
  2. This is one of the few reasons I am okay that we got redistricted to East. That drive is an accident waiting to happen. I may still end up school choicing my kids to North depending on how next year goes but I have already told them they will not be driving themselves. All those curves and then all that congestion up there is both crazy and scary. I have a friend whose daughter goes to McClure and whenever she would have to be driven due to some meeting or something she would have to drop her off well before the official time due to the traffic that she would encounter if she waited. S
  3. I didn't realize you were a fellow Abney parent. I have to say each school has there own little system. At Moses if you were to park in the parking lot you might be parked in by those in the car rider line so it is actually best to park in front of the school as close to the front of where the line is going to be as possible. Those of us who are regulars there know that the third car rider line stays back until the announcements start to allow for those who park to get out but a lot of times there is someone who decides they don't want to wait a little further back in the first two lin
  4. I'm still playing catch up because I had a class tonight. I am up to Gaga but I'm tempted to forward a bit. I have to admit at the begininning of the season I didn't picture Lauren in the finals but I do like her. I am not a country music fan but both Scotty and Lauren sure can sing. Going into last night I thought Scotty was going to win but after that song Lauren sang about Mom's I thought~dang that was good. That coupled with lack of sleep and it being the end of the school year had me all teary eyed.
  5. My 13 year old is going to start out the Summer by going White water rafting with his Dad. Then he and my 14 year old are going to RUSH camp with about 530 other middle and high school kids. My youngest will be going to SURGE camp later in June where the rest of us will be helping out. We will start off July with a family trip to Lake Michigan (my folks have a place up there so we all~my siblings and our families) try to get together one week a year. LOVE this week! When we get back it seems like my daughter will have about a week before Band Camp starts. She's very excited!! Go Ra
  6. Metabolism stinks. I used to be able to eat whatever and lose weight. The past six months I have been exercising more than ever and eating better than at any other time in my life. More salads and fruits and veggies. I even gave up bread and restaurant food for lent and I have still managed to gain. My sister says I need to have my thyroid checked but I don't even know what that means. I have most recently tried to watch my calories (1000 or less most days) and it has not made a difference. I am just learning to accept myself the way I am with all these changes. I'll keep trying t
  7. Cute pic. For some reason I pictured you as a woman. I don't know why. I thought the same thing with Caped Crusader when I first joined.
  8. I bet some of the high schools will put on camps for younger girls. I know when my daughter was younger they did. I bet they would like going to one of those since it is HS age girls teaching them.
  9. I'd like to think most people would return that much cash or make an attempt to return it.
  10. Are these the type places where people go to get those Vitamin B shots? I was seriously concerned for my BIL and SIL when they started doing that 5 or so years ago but it seems like a lot of people are doing that these days.
  11. I don't have a problem with Moms breast feeding their 2 year olds but I would be lying if I said it wouldn't make me uncomfortable to have them doing it in front of me. I don't think the law prohibits Mom's from breastfeeding just from doing it in public. I also feel that if a child is still doing it at a certain age it is more of a habit than anything else. I feel like many of the other posters in that I do find it creepy when a kid is old enough to ask for it. I'm not saying it's wrong but it creeps me out.
  12. Haley did look a bit shocked didn't she? Or maybe it was something else. I like her voice but then again I like Lauren and Scotty too.
  13. It takes me about 2 years to grow enough hair to donate. But I don't like my hair real short so I tend to wait as long as possible between donations. The first time I donated I did @ 14 inches but now I just do 10.
  14. I bought the one you are looking at from Amazon for my Dell Inspiron and it has worked great. What sold me on it besides the price was the one year warranty, which is more the Dell gave us on the one that came with the laptop in the first place. We were told Dell only warranty's them for 90 days. Before I saw the one year warranty my thinking was that even if it only lasted 6 months it would still be cheaper than the $130 (I think) that Dell wanted to replace ours.
  15. I'm glad to see this topic because I have a few tipping questions myself. The person who cuts my hair used to work at a place where it was $35 for a cut (wash and blow dry included). Now she works out of her home and charges $25. I always tip her but I am assuming she is making more than she did when she was working at the salon plus she saves on gas and probably a few other things. I had recenly been wondering if tipping was expected in this situation? I have another question regarding tipping. Last year I bought a Groupon for laser hair removal and decided to check it out. One my s
  16. As far as America's Most Wanted it seems like the article I read said they were going to still do something like Four or more 2-hour specials throughout the year or something like that.
  17. I like Brothers and Sisters too but can live without it. I was reading through a list of @ 44 cancelled shows and was surprised to see some of the ones that I thought were pretty good as well as bunch I had never heard of. I will miss Chicago Code, Detroit 187 but the show I will miss the most is Off the Map. I loved that show.
  18. I would recommend getting a few more opinions. I know you have already seen 3-4 ortho's but it might be worth it in the end. I would definitely go with someone you feel totally comfortable with. When my daughter was getting her braces we went to Smith (now retired but by far the least expensive), Dr. Justice and Dr. Singleton. We ended up going with Singleton Ortho. but liked all three. I have also heard positive things about McClendon (sp?). Most Ortho's offer discounts for things like military, teachers, paying up front, etc.. All of them did consultations for free so you won't be
  19. 60! Dang I thought she was in her 40's!
  20. I loved Dr. Will too~~ I had totally forgot about him. I haven't watched Big Brother in years but the year Will was on was probably the best. I think Rob was shocked that they didn't vote him out long ago. I loved all his quotes and I didn't think he was nasty at all. The year he and Amber were on was awesome and I totally wanted him to win that year. I'm am so glad he and Amber are still together and seem to be down to Earth and haven't gone all "hollywood" like some reality stars end up doing. I don't know how many times he quoted The Godfather but his little one on one camera
  21. A $25 gift card sounds perfect. When I graduated from college my Dad said I couldn't have a party or send out announcements because it was "soliciting gifts". That thought had never occured to me and I was just excited and proud to be graduating~~it took my 5 years and a lot of hard work not to mention money. I was extremely hurt. My parents were divorced so my Mom threw me a party and invited my Dad's side of the family. Nearly all my Dad's family (he came from a big one) RSVP'd that they were coming and my Mom spent weeks getting ready for it. The day of the party none of my Dad's si
  22. I felt the opposite. From the beginning Rob had a target on his back and to be honest it wasn't very smart to not vote him off right away. In my opinion he has been one of the games most popular players and he had to play a near perfect game to get to the end. Of course once he got there I couldn't see anyone else beating him except maybe Matt.
  23. Don't get me wrong I think it totally sucks. I can see myself doing the same thing and feeling just as screwed. I can't tell you how many stories I have heard (many on here) just like this. I have a friend who lent money to her brother to take his daughter to Disney and he got a Tatoo with it instead. My own sister has given money to another family member way to many times and not gotten paid back while this other person buys new things and wastes money left and right.
  24. What BS are you talking about? I loved it. I am so glad Rob won. I have been watching Rob forever and just couldn't be happier for him. In fact I teared up several times tonight. This might just be my favorite season ever. I really liked Matt and loved how he shared his faith in God and kept the faith despite the frustrating experience he had. It was awesome seeing him win challenge after challenge on Redemption Island. I could go on and on but I want to get back to the Reunion show. I will say I totally expected Phil to suddently sound normal and say the whole nutso thing was
  25. When I was a teenager I went to a Youth Conference and I can still remember 25 plus years later one of the things we were taught~~never lend money (or items for that matter) to a friend or family member. Always give without any expectation of getting it back. If you get it back~~great but if your not expecting it back you can't be disappointed. I think if everyone learned this at a young age a lot of relationships could be saved. Sorry you lost your friend (and $300).
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