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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. The numbers are all on the FBI UCR stats page. As for the above: Right - surrendered when confronted by LE Left - charged an officer intending to do violence
  2. ....because in certain situations they are useful which is entirely dependent on the perceived threat level, in some they are not. There is an endless list of variables.
  3. It was in response to why certain groups are more likely to be involved in deadly force incidents with LE than others independent of racial percentages. As for this incident, I don't know because I wasn't there and no one has released enough details to fairly judge it. Unarmed does not mean not dangerous and is very situation specific. Sometimes shooting an unarmed person is clearly murder and in some cases it is clearly self defense. There may have been sufficient indicators to make a reasonable person believe this person was dangerous such as a deranged and drugged intoxicated appearanc
  4. The answer is simple but not for the reasons above. Right now young black youths are the most violent thing this country has seen in a long time. Crime stats show they are so over represented in crime per capita that it is frankly shocking. Violent criminals of all races carry over this violent behavior with their interactions with those enforcing the law so common sense tells you the numbers will be higher for those who are the most violent. How shocking you ask? Right now this country is roughly 72.5% white and 12.5% black. There were roughly 14k murders in this country last year. The o
  5. You may be closer that you think. Obsession, grandiose view of ones self, delusions and paranoia are all huge flags.
  6. Holder Frames Ferguson PD For Racism Using Bogus 'Disparate Impact' Stats Unable to pin racism charges on Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Attorney General Eric Holder is using half-baked data to manufacture a case of racism against his entire police force. Holder's race-baiting civil rights crew combed through several years of Ferguson Police Department data on traffic stops, searches and arrests and "found a pattern of racial disparities in Ferguson's police activities." "African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and vic
  7. Wonderful take on the situation from Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke who happens to be black, a law enforcement officer and a Democrat. He sees straight through the smoke screen the race baiters are using to separate this country. “Eric Holder has been the most race-obsessed Attorney General in the history of the United States…Eric Holder makes decisions that are color-coded, everything that he does is put through the racial lens. He’s had Ferguson, Missouri, and its police department in his crosshairs ever since he went down there after that tragic situation with Mike Brown a
  8. Yup. The DOJ report isn't worth the paper it is printed on. They were going to deliver something to appease the race baiters. Even they could not stretch the evidence enough to hang Officer Wilson so this was the next and only option left. Bottom line, comparing enforcement action based primarily against the racial percentages of the community only means you are setting yourself up for failure. As obvious as it sounds you have to dig much deeper, first look into the type of problems communities have with pedestrians in the roadway for example. You may just find a marked difference
  9. Doubtful...you have to figure how much of the population would use it primarily. Most people in the area commute and would rather stop by some of the large stores they pass that carry more products to do their normal shopping. They would not be so isolated to be the only game in town where people have to shop there or be significantly inconvenienced.
  10. Ahhhh...another good 'ol biased Fed report where they imply law enforcement actions should equal racial proportions throwing while ignoring crime rates.
  11. If the hospital would have provided the proper equipment they would probably not be in this situation now. They chose to treat the patient instead of transferring which mean they believed they were equipped to do so. If that misjudgement ended up putting their employees at risk they bear the responsibility.
  12. Not enough population to carry anything but gas stations and Dollar General type stores.
  13. Terrible. Rushing to protect a community from a gunman cost him his life. Thankfully there are still those brave enough to face the danger.
  14. Maybe they get a new batch in today.
  15. The forum is dominated by two people who post nothing but endless threads about the same tired topics using the forum as their personal soap box. At any time they will account for 50% of the recent threads, most will have no replies until they bump it themselves of course. They also bring it into other topics which people come here for such as current events and local news to get attention. The meaningful threads seem to die quickly after the derailment. Those two things have really hurt this place. Instead of a couple of dozen good topics going at one time like we had years ago, now ther
  16. There is nothing wrong with the roads now and the precipitation doesn't return to around midnight.
  17. It is more expensive actually. I believe you used the same statement recently in a driving without headlights in the rain, I showed that was false also.
  18. At least when they are in jail they are unable to commit the other crimes that target the productive members of society to fuel their addiction.
  19. I really don't understand how this has taken the news by storm. Of course it is a bad situation but she is simply the daughter of a deceased singer, both of who had fatal drug addictions.
  20. Legalization and treatment will never fix a thing. Most addicts don't truly want treatment and the miserable success rate of those who do go show it will never impact the problem in a meaningful way.
  21. The only solution is every time a BS pot stirring topic is posted then counter it with one of your own. Post every time an officer is seriously injured confronting those who choose to ignore our laws. Post every line of duty death on here, not the just the local ones that make the news, post them from all across the country. Post the news stories detailing cops running towards danger, their own well being in jeopardy, to help someone in need while everyone else runs away. Post every occasion where a cop puts it all on the line to stop a dangerous criminal to make the community safer. Post
  22. If I randomly ended up here and did not have the background of 6 years of membership I don't know what I would think after going through the first page of 'recent topics'. I know the repetition and nonsensical drivel from a handful who just use the forum as their own personal soap box for their pet issues would drive me away. If I was looking at it as an advertiser I would chuckle as I clicked the X. The rule appears to be you post your pot stirring rant, if no one cares you bump it by replying to your own thread, if that doesn't work you post it in another unrelated thread that may be
  23. I am going with he "has health problems". I mean that is all any reasonable person can do unless there is evidence to the contrary. Just because some who exist only to stir the pot want to create rumors does not make it so.
  24. No firearms or any other weapons allowed. They will wand everyone and search bags. It is private property so they can enforce a no weapons policy of they wish.
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