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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. None in the utopia some of these folks apparently exist in. There are no bad people our there doing bad things, anything that happens is the fault of the cops. Anyway, whenever a cop does break the law which is a much more defined standard unlike the court of public opinion, the investigation that leads to them being charged is lead by other cops.
  2. Obviously...but our methods and restraints on what we consider punishment are what they are. I wasn't trying to debate what is overly harsh and what isn't, I was speaking of the prison system as it is regulated by the Constitution and the law. The reason we take a man's freedom as punishment for a crime is because it's the most precious right we hold.
  3. Yup...I don't even get the point of this thread. No...it is just normal procedure for someone locked up on death row. Taking his freedom and possibly his life (which won't happen in CA) is the punishment, pretty much every inmate has access to some sort of outdoor exercise as part of their existence.
  4. That article makes no sense, total fluff piece. Many death row prisoners are housed alone since they are separated from general population and all inmates have access to some sort of rec yard. It appears they are restricted to the small fenced court instead of the large yard general pop gets. Not very "cushy".
  5. You know exactly what it is. We are now a nation of 318 million and everyone is connected with a 24/7 news cycle with reporters itching for the ratings that now come along with "police _______black man".
  6. This conversation is probably way over your head so don't try to think you understand how I think.
  7. No...this is well past that, I can understand that line of questioning and love discussing things like that. This is a group painting law enforcement with an overly broad brush who have already convicted the officer, set up the conspiracy theory if it was found justified and projected that into a Holocaust situation on what is in a news headline. Nothing different than what you and your crew are doing. You are painting everyone who says this could end up being justified as Nazi sympathizers. Everything in life isn't black and white. Something can be tragic, obviously unwanted yet still
  8. I really don't care about politics but it is truly is amazing to see how hardcore liberals view the world. Nothing but fantasy with a chip on their shoulder. Refute one off the wall claim and the pop up 3 more filled with all the cool buzz words of the day. I mean now we are at the Nazi level comparing it to the Holocaust.
  9. Hmmm...I could have swore I just told you there was a time and place where they are useful and I explained how they were situation dependent. I have no idea how you use that to claim they are never used.
  10. BS. It is the only action an agency can take in that situation due to the scenario that must play out. Officers are also given time off in many different types of critical incidents that do not involve a shooting. This always accompanies a trip to the psychiatrist to get a "fit for duty" release. Why do agencies do this? Because critical incidents, especially shootings, impact many guys in a very negative way which is a drastic difference from this culture of 'blood thirsty cops' you are trying to imply. It is not a vacation, it is the beginning of an investigation where you are the spot
  11. Who said he rushed in? Maybe they were simply checking the area trying to find the guy when he charged. Maybe the officer was observing at first but it appeared he was about to make entry to a 3rd parties dwelling necessitating he make contact right then. Maybe the suspect saw the cops arriving in the area and went to them. There are a million variables other then some trigger happy cop went in 'guns blazing'.
  12. Tasers and pepper spray are most effective against passive resisters and are usually the lowest levels of force per the courts that an officer can use. It is a tool that is intended to allow you to take control without stepping up to physical force. Less lethal weapons are not anywhere near 100% effective and training tells you not to use them in situations when there is a high risk of danger if there isn't 100% success. If the action has already moved to the physical stage you have likely moved past those type weapons unless you have a whole bunch of people there with the full variety of f
  13. Aggressively charging someone is a violent action in itself, an assault by law, which enacts the self defense statutes since a reasonable person believes they are about to be injured.
  14. It is everybody's fault but the one who chose to be violent.
  15. Some find a way to introduce politics into every aspect of their life. What a sad existence that must be.
  16. As long as the race baiters keep fueling the fires and motivating these criminals you will continue to have unrest.
  17. Why is it those who complain the loudest when they feel something was wrong can never tell you a better way that passes the real world test. Everything is easy from a comfy recliner in the safety of your living room when you have the clarity of 20/20 hindsight at your disposal.
  18. Just because a card is issued by the county does not mean all expenses are paid by them. I was issued company credit cards for years, from small businesses to a Fortune 500 company, all allowed personal use as long as it was paid monthly when you reconciled your expenses.
  19. It is a LAPD motto that was spread by Hollywood in all the cop shows and movies over the years, now people mistakenly think it is some sort of blanket legal standard that can be used to hold officers accountable when they have a complaint.
  20. Well....off the top of my head I would say that community was in danger. When people are in danger you send who you have, if that is one cop then so be it, if it is 4 even better. Not at all. Cops do things daily at their own peril to save human life from dealing with suicidal people to intervening with violent criminals. Sometimes that means confronting people who end up trying to hurt you. Many times it means going towards the things everyone else gets away from. I just live in the real world where it is obvious the group sent to confront the bad in society will sometimes find
  21. Nah....we are just talking about real life and not the utopia some think they live as they MMQB from their comfy chair.
  22. Yup...that is the quandary. You get one chance and it is more than likely those less lethal options will fail against a doped up assailant. In the blink of an eye the choice must be made, lose and you are on the ground getting your head bashed in with little to stop it. The dopers have amazing strength and feel no pain.
  23. No reason to have feared this guy either I guess, he was naked after all which means he isn't dangerous. http://miami.cbslocal.com/
  24. Naked really isn't key to this situation, just a headline grabbing descriptor, the actions of the offender is the only thing that matters. It will be judged right or wrong by how a reasonable person would view his aggression and what level of danger it put them in. A naked man sitting in a lawn chair sunbathing is much less of a danger than one running full speed at you because the PCP has made him shed his clothes. Give any seasoned officer two identical situations, one with a clothed unarmed person and one with a naked unarmed person and I bet nearly 100% will tell you the greater dange
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