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Everything posted by Ugadawgs98

  1. Suspect was Navy....last rank was Aviation Electricians Mate 3rd Class. Served with the Fleet Logistics Support Squadron in Ft. Worth TX. edit: Discharged in 2011, currently in Naval Reserve assigned to Fort Worth NAS.
  2. It is likely going to be a military member. They apparently had the credentials to get through the security point at the main gate. The shooting started at the interior security post at the access point to one of the buildings.
  3. Which bring me right back to my original statement. None of the bolded cities have strict gun laws. Simply, it may be an arguable part of the pie but it is not the sole factor that either side can point to as proof. If gun laws were the issue 4 out of the top 10 most violent cities would not be in areas where gun laws are favorable. If gun laws created violent cities then 4 out of the top 10 safest cities would not be in California. I have said it several times, there is much more to the crime rate than gun laws. Poverty levels, population density, local economy and geography are alwa
  4. You are mixing lots of different stats to craft one debateable conclusion. In fact a couple of the states you mention do not even have a city with a population of >250k so of course they dont have a chance of making the list you posted. I am intimately familiar with the gun laws of two of those cities in the top 10 list, Atlanta and New Orleans. Lets narrow it down. Are you implying the violence in Atlanta and the war zone in New Orleans is because of oppressive gun laws? Do you not consider Georgia and Louisiana gun friendly?
  5. ....and 1, 3, 7, and 9 all have gun laws on the low end of the scale. How in the world either side can point to lists like this as somehow proving their point is absurd. Both sides can bend the facts to fit their agenda. There are safe and dangerous cities with strict gun laws, there are safe and dangerous cities with lax gun laws. There is more to the mix than the laws.
  6. Not really. The city with the highest murder rate, New Orleans, has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation. Their murder rate is an unheard of 57 for every 100k residents. There are also several other cities in the area that are high in violent crime which also have less restrictive gun laws such as Atlanta, Miami and Memphis. Then on the other end you have NYC which has the some of the toughest gun laws in the nation but also has one of the lowest murder rates of any mega city at 6.3. California is another perfect example, it has several big cities in the state which all ha
  7. Well of course....there are 300 million Americans and 50k troops in Afghanistan, even less on the front lines. Not true at all. No conclusions can be drawn either way when simply comparing gun laws to crime rates.
  8. Your elected representatives write the laws which in this case provides the actual definition of what a weapon is when on school grounds, not the schools.
  9. The story plainly said he was 18. Of course it can. As long as there is a proper chain of custody nothing prohibits evidence located by another from being used in a criminal prosecution. It happens daily in all sorts of scenarios, some where it is just the average Joe involved and not a school administrator.
  10. I call hoax and bet the server just got busted. If she has any assets the may be gone after the civil suit. Red Lobster may want to get their checkbook out also since it was their employee involved.
  11. Hmmmm.....that must be a different world than I live in daily. Using your thought process no one would ever be arrested or prosecuted for fear of a retaliation lawsuit. Bottom line, lawsuits are not that scary when you are certain of summary judgement based on the plaintiffs own filing.
  12. I must ask what makes you think that? It does not matter if the DA drops the case, does a pretrial intervention or prosecutes it to the fullest extent of the law which is all within their discretion. That has nothing to do with if the arrest was legitimate. All that matters is probable cause existed that a crime was committed at the time of arrest. You are not going to win a lawsuit for false arrest when there was clear evidence of a criminal act in accordance with state law and published school policy.
  13. Depends totally on the scope of the search. If I obtain a search warrant for a stolen refrigerator and meth is recovered from the sock drawer it will be thrown out if seized because I exceeded the scope of the search. If the warrant is for a stolen gold coin then the meth would be good to go as long as it was discovered while I was searching for the gold coin without needing an additional warrant. It can go even more in depth, lets say while on the refrigerator warrant I discover a map in a drawer leading me to a buried body. I exceeded my search so the buried body would likely later be
  14. Sounds like a good venture for private business. Tax money is quite thin right now.
  15. No...there is plenty of legal precedent that any evidence of criminal activity recovered during a legal search is admissible. Just because I am searching your car because of the odor of marijuana does not mean I must ignore the dead girl in the trunk.
  16. No....a search warrant does not preclude other evidence of criminal acts even if it is not the focus of said warrant.
  17. The school safety zone law specifies a knife with a blade over 2" is unlawful to be brought onto campus, it does not have to be physically possessed on person. It is illegal for any weapon to be stored in a car on school property unless that person holds a GA Weapons License. So yes...a 3" knife in a students vehicle is 100% illegal.
  18. Well he works for the city in a public capacity. Anything he does in that capacity is up for approval by his bosses.
  19. If it is seasoned properly it will normally wipe out. Any tough stuff left over will normally loosen if you bring water to a boil in it. If that does not work a little salt rubbed around with a wadded up paper towel will do the trick. For those who wash and scrub it with soap, you are removing the seasoning which is the most beneficial aspect of CI. It may cook okay but it will not live up to its full potential of natural non-stick without seasoning. I have seen CI pans in restaurants that were treated properly and well seasoned over the years. You could basically fry and egg dry a
  20. ....or simply the mother suffers from Bipolar and Schizophrenia as stated which means her reaction , coping mechanism and mannerisms may be outside of what most consider 'normal'. From the suspects they have obtained confessions, admissions made to family, admissions made to friends, linked to a recent incident of another failed robbery also involving a shooting and the suspects own family led them to the pond where the murder weapon was recovered. They also have ballistics matching the recovered gun to both robberies. It does not get much clearer than that.
  21. They better be excellent and keep it that or or failure will soon come. That type of food selection is difficult to maintain a steady customer base. Not many people go out to a restaurant for a hot dog on a consistent basis.
  22. Back up any important files such as photos or music to a usb flash drive and reload Windows. Sometimes starting fresh is the best answer. It should have come with Windows CD's or a recovery partition on the hard drive. http://support.gateway.com/emachines/desktop/2009/gateway/dx/dx4300/DX4710faq6.shtml
  23. No kidding...there are plenty of jobs which require much more training and responsibility that commonly start less than that.
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