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Everything posted by bombthrower

  1. The price of Gas is largely determind by the price of oil. The price of oil is determinded by the demand for oil and the value of the dollor. More drilling here in the US would lessen the demand world wide, and the cost of transporting would be less, also that oil would not be as open to speculation in the market based on unrest in the middle east. The price of oil compared to gold and silver today is about the same as was in the 1950s, while the value of the dollor compared to gold has changed a lot. [ in 1950 gold was a $32 per once, now it is at $1,750]. The massive overspen
  2. Pubby, a left wing Democtrat is not going to win in a conservitive county like paulding no matter what his education. People will vote for a person who represents their views and values, not someone who opposes what they want. i met Avery in your office a few months befor that election and I ask him a few questions like does he support Obama care and Obama himself, when he answered that helthcare should be a right and that he supported Obama, i knew that we republicans did need to worry about him, that he was going nowhere in the election. To win in Paulding County the Democrats
  3. I vote in every election. i don't like to vote early, to me there is something all American about voteing in your own precect on election day, and then being at the courthouse to watch the votes being tallyed.
  4. They want to close down the store and then they complain that there is no store in the area to buy anything. They will also0 complain that their property values go down from the boarded up store that will become a shooting gallery.
  5. dThe best pistol i ever had, that fit my hand perfect and could shoot the best for accracy was a Ruger 44 magnum Super Blackhawk. I smuggled it over to Nam back in 1970, but could not smuggle it back.
  6. In Germany you can get beer at Mcdonalds and french fries at KFC, they play to the local market there also.
  7. If you are traveling on a holiday and the resturants are closed, go to a truckstop, they have good restuants are open 24 hrs/365 days a year. The Petro and Flying J trucksops are real good, and there is a lot of 4 wheelers stoping to eat there. the TA is also good, but the Pilot, Loves and other small truckstops just have fast food places in them.
  8. And a Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all
  9. The banning of the the light bulbs are another reason that the people are really starting to distrust the goverment and it' intentions and want the EPA disbanded. if they can tell you what type of light bulb to use, then they can start to tell you what other products to use or ban. only people who dispies the marketplace and the right of comsumers to purchase what products they want could posibly view the ban as a victory. The way to start a dictatorship is to take away the small liberties first.
  10. once again Democrates have snached defeact out of the jaws of victory. Again, the left wing democratates have the US leave a country, and will pull out the monetary support, advisors and political infulence and leave a nation at the mercies of our enemies. again, they don't care how many people from those countries are killed, inprisoned, stipped of their God given liberties [which our soldiers have tried to teach them that they have], or haveing any chance of a democtraic goverment. Again they have proved their absult selfesness and selfcenterest of their motives. n
  11. Ray Stevens was singing the truth about Eric Holders Departement of Injustice and polical Correctness.
  12. plase come to the Memorial Service at the War memorial in Dallas at 11:00 The service is sponcered by the ladies Aux of the American legion Post #111, The Sheriff's Department will provide the firing squad, andBeulah lodge # 698 will provide free hot Dogs, chips and drinks for those that come after the service. The War Memorial is located in downtown Dallas, at teh Trafic light next to the old courthouse, go north on Hwy 61 (Conferate Ave} and tur right after 40 yards, as if you are going to Jeff Eberharts Funural Home and it is right there.
  13. I like jerry, i think he did a good job as chairman, and I will vote for him if he runs for congress.
  14. Is not the worker's paridise a wonderful place,whwere everyone is entitled to a ride in someone else's car. Awonderful palce with such cheap mass transit that that all the trains and busses are always completely filled and the highways are empty bercause there are no new cars, because no one can afford one, so there is no pollution, that is air polllution, of course the sewage system had not worked in fifty years.
  15. This topic remindes me of the story of the side show at a carnival, where they had a cage with a lion and alamb together and everyone said how wonderful it was, but every evening after the show they had to replace the lamb. Just think about it.
  16. If it is supposed to be a memorail to those who lost someone, then the first responders should definatly be there. they lost friends and coworkers who were in and around the toweres, while they were tryng to save lives. I hav3e the feeling that they are going try something very politicaly correct, that will make the heros that were there very angry and upset and theey do not want that to be seen on national TV.
  17. you know3 what they say about paying the sticker price on a new car? only a sucker pays that. Go back and tell them what you can really afford, and they will usually lower the amount. insurance and the goverment [ medidare, medicaide and Tricare] will only pay one third of that ammout, so the hospitals jack up their prices by 2/3, knowing that the goverment will only pay the 1/3, this way they can still make some money, to offset the free medical that they have to provide to the deadbeats.
  18. Blame FDR, at the onset of WW II, he insituded wage and price contols, sence embloyers could not compete for emplees by offing high wages [there was a labor shortage due to the demands of the military ie. the draft], they competed by offering bennifts like health insurance. Moral of the story, wage and price contols never work, and keep the goverment out of business [ the goverment will screw everthing up].
  19. Like I keep telling people, " what part of fundamental believe in Islam, that they must either convert nonbelivers, enslave us or kill us, don't you understand." That is their orders from the Koran, and they are not going to stop. If it takes them one year, ten years one hundred years or a thousand years, they will not stop unless we kill them first. Get this in your head, we are in it for the long run.
  20. So far the only tolerace i have seen between islam and Christains has been a one way street, we tolerate and forgive, and they take and then kick us in the rear for being nice to them. Polictical correctness in stupidity intesified
  21. Give them time and there will be. i have read about and seen on the news about a lot of "Honor Killings", if their daughters try to live like normal Americans or do not marry the " Husbands " their father chooses for them, or eeven change their religion.
  22. I would find it more interesting if you could ever find a story of a islamic mosque, letting a Christian congration use it's mosque. Chirstians are much more tolerant and open minded, and do use Christian charity. In Isamic countries Christains are forbidden to build new churchs, and in a lot of islaic countrys are even forbidden to rebuild or repair their churches.
  23. I agree with your quotes, if you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing and everything will be taken from you.
  24. I am always amazed, how people new to the county always seem to think that Paulding was always forrests and pastures. Before 1935, this county waqs all farmlandand the main crop weas cotten, and you had to hoe out every weed or blade of grass. So when it rained all the streams ran red with Georgia clay. The depression and the bool weavle, drove the farmers of their land and Benny Jones started to buy up the land and put it into pulp wood land.
  25. i lost mine in a foxhole, when i was in the Army.
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