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Everything posted by bombthrower

  1. i forgot to add that the Masons were there also, Beulah Lodge #698 gave free hotdogs, chips and cokes to anyone who attened the services.
  2. There is a memorial Service at the War Memorial in Dallas every Veterns Day and Memorial Day, it is always held at 11 o'cloack. The War Memorial in Dallas is located just behind what used to be the Henery Winn building across the traffic light from the old court house in Dallas. Turn off Confederate Avn, as if you were goin to Jeff Eberharts Funeral Home and it is imediatly onb your right.
  3. There are over 125,000 people in Paulding County now, but at the memorial service at the county War Memorial in Dallas there was only about 60 people there. The Sheriff was there with their firing squad and bugler. The Fire Department had their Color Guard there, and of course the American leagion hosted the service. There were mostly Veterns and their wifes in the audience. But, Where Were You?
  4. All the republican signs were picked up from the school that were used as polling places by Wedesday evening, and a lot had been picked up on Tuesday after the polls closed. The Democtrates just started picking theirs up today. yes, there was more Democrat signs other then Will's.
  5. Don't forget the girls on Hee Haw.
  6. There is some RINOs contributing, but no republicans, just the same good ole boys who have always ruled the county. The Austins, the Bagbys, you know the same old Democrats that will say they are a republicvan to fool all the new people in the county who do not know any better.
  7. No, the lack of a good education should not normally be a positive factor, but neither should it be a negative factor. i have met a lot of prople who do not have a coolege education, but have had a lot of common sense, and been self educated through reading, travel and experence. I have also met some overeducated idiots, with degrees fromn impressive univercities. Formal education is not always the best one, J.B. Hunt, did not have a MS in bussiess Aministration, but look at he did. He waws just a truckdriver with a lot of common sense and a vision.
  8. I would rather vote for the dizzy doltz, who will vote for the things that I want her to vote for , then for a highly educated person who will vote for everything i am against. Yes, that R or D does mean a lot these days.
  9. I used to watch those two shows years ago, when they were not completely products of the democtat socilist propaganda machine as they are now. The reporters on those two shows invented the in your face reporting that you are complaining about. Yes, I am proud to say, that I do watch Fox News now.
  10. Let me get this straight, so you are sayingm that the TV reporters for 60 minutes and 20 20 are punk reporters? That is the way those and other reporters operate.
  11. When Paulding County High was built they merged three schools, Dallas d[ the big high school in the county], Hiram and Matthews Consolidated School [which was the colored school]. What all the new people in the county don't know is that when the bond issue was passed to build Paulding Couty High, the people knowing voted to intergrate the school system. That was in 1965, that the bond vote was held. I graduated from Dallas high, and though i would like to see it renamed Dallas High, i think it should remain as Paulding County High as a memorial, that the people of Paulding county were no
  12. The next time you see a school bus parked look under the wheel well and you will see just what i decribed, but they are very large carter pins.
  13. i saw the news on channel 11, the trainer said she was just behind the driver and she saw him suddenly start swirving all over the road and then it flipped. From the position of the rear axle and it being total seperated from the bus, it looks to me to be a mechanical failure. When a rear axle starts to seperate, it does cause a vehicle to swirve. The Axles on a bus are held on with large round bolts held in by large carter pins. If the carter pin breaks, the bolt goes out, and then you have aaccident.
  14. The Finches solded High Schoals to the county several years ago. it is now county propery
  15. I don't know about you'll but I would rather vote for a conservative house wife who would follow the guidelines of the tea party for less goverment, then a political science student who has carer plans of being a liberal career politican. Our founding fathers wanted common regular citizens to be representives for our goverment. Even a person who has failed in buiness has more experence and knowlege then someone who has just studied it. As I said before, if they are going to vote wrong, I would just as rather they not be there to vote at all.
  16. Remember, Sonny was a party swithcer. he is stil basicly a RINO, and slips back into the Democrate mode of never meeeting a tax that he didn't like. The people who work for the toll agency have a vested intrest in kepping the toll, if it goes away, they lose thier jobs. So they will come up with any excuse to keep the toll.
  17. You know the old saying, there are lies, damm lies and then there are statisics.
  18. The way some of our represenatives vote, I wish they would miss voting more often.
  19. The First Babtist is the one on main Street , that had burnt down, and then was rebuilt. It is a the split where HardeeSTR goes to the left towards Dallas Elem school and main Street now goes to the new courthouse. The area they wasnt to build the trailhead sounds like it will be on the triangle where the old Sinclair station and Walravens TV repair used to be.
  20. Be nice and polite to the nice policeman and nobody will ever be hurt. The ambulance driver was not running with red lighs, he did not yeild to the cop , who did nhave lighst on and he flipped the cop the bird. That was extremly dumb. Sense this was not an emergeny run for the ambluance, the EMT should have stayed in the back and took care of his patient, when he left his patient to get out of the ambulance he was wrong. When the EMT screanded and argued whith the cop he was wrong. I always say take care of the bears, they are there to help you.
  21. When paulding county built the airport here we got the air rights from the FAA, Atlanta can not build a another airport here now because they can not get Air rights because we have them now.
  22. If they built a Barnes and Noble and a Red Lobster here I would be broke all the time. When i go to Arbor mall I can never get past the Borders, but i prefer Barnes and noble.
  23. i find Rev Sharpton to be offencive, him and the other race pimps, who make their money screaming racism and shaking down corporations for money. Aol the cartoon showed was that it was a bad bill that looked like it had been written by a crazed chimp, and need to be stopped.
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