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Everything posted by bombthrower

  1. Just think, only seventeen thoussand years ago, Ney York City and the rest of the northern part of North America, was buried under a mile high glacier, along with most of Europe. I guess it must have been the campfires of the early humans that caused the globel warming that caused them to melt. But then again, it might have been the almost normal series of periods of golbal cooling and warming that the earth has experenced in the last serveral hundrd thousead years. Man caused globel warming is a fallicy.
  2. [quote name='former member' timestamp='1293595633' post='3349662' The title of the thread was about the number of executions being down because of the short supply of the drug and the number of death penalty sentences. That is something we need to address as a society if we are going to continue the executions. You made it about the death penalty. It was not about that in my first post. Lrt us start using the gillotine, it is very cheap to make and reuseable, it is swift and probably painless [ no one has servived to tell us weather it really is or isnt], a little bit bloody [ I woul
  3. I forgot to add to my last post, that if you wnat cheaper gas: DRILL HERE DRILL NOW GIT RID OF THE DEMOCTRATS AND CUT THE BUGET.
  4. dThe major reason for rise in the price of gas, is what we have to pay for imported oil. Oil is priced in Dollors and the dollar is weak. There are two reasons the Dollor is weak, one , is the lop sided balence in trade. Wehn we import much more then we import that creats a surplus of dollors overseas. Two, the huge federal debt and it's repid expanion causeing fears of anticpated inflation. Sense the Democtrats toke contol of congress four years ago, they have beren spending our money like drunken sailors and printing money like it was going out of style, The world has been watching this
  5. bring back hanging, shotting is to good for them. A firing squad used to be a soldiers death, hanging was for common criminals. The biggest expense in death sentances is all the lawyer fees for all the appeals, give them two apppeals in a two ear period and then excute them.
  6. [quote name='The Sound Guy' timestamp='1293400144' post='3347691, there is no point in our killing all our manufacturing here and stopping pollution here when we'll buy all the replacements from a country (cough, china, cough) that will pollute the air and then have it blow this way anyway. Now if the bloody Liberals were *serious* about the environment, they would put a import tax on all items from countries that are known to have slack environment control in order to have reduced prices, to encourage US manufacturing with pollution controls. Presto, we have high paying manufacturing job
  7. The last period of globel warming was durning the medival warming period [ which the globel warming so called sciencists leave off their graphs], drunig which period Europe had sharp increase in food production, trade, and general prosperity. There was no so called green house gases emitted by any humans to have caused it. The EPA, however has managed to help destroy our economy, by forcing industry to move overseas, where they can escape such idiots. Remember that the enviromental wacko nuts only reguard capitalist pollution as dangerous, coummunist or socialist only do what is nessessary
  8. If the EPA realy had such regulatory powers, then why did it spend so much time trying to get the courts and congress to declare cabon mon [ I cant remember how to spell it], a green house gas? Are they next going to try to regulate us as polluters because we breath out that gas? Again go back to the first sentance of your first post.
  9. former member, The first sentance of your post says is all. When a House and Senate totally dominated by left wing of the Democrat Party, will not pass a law, then you know that it is not supported by either the people or by conculive sceince. Article I. Section. 1. of the consitution says that ALL legislative powers shell be vested in the congress. It does NOT say that the powers to make laws shall be vested in the courts, or in the EPA. When any part of the goverment should so disregard the consition and the will of the American people, then it does need to be desolved for the
  10. The congress represents the people of the US. and when a agency thinks that it is above the people and the congress and can create it's own laws, then it needs to be defunded and disolved. The EPA is under the control of a bunch of eletist socialists, who hate capitalism and who think that their duty is to the earth goddess and not to the their nation. A rouqe agency that needs to be done away with.
  11. NO, locxking up your chocolate is smart, if I see chocolate I can't resist it and most people are the same way. i appreciate people locking up their chocolate so I can't eat it and gain weight. You need to lock it up from Pubby too.
  12. Now why in the world would anyone even think of going west to go North? I 75 runs parell to US Hwy 41 from Chattanooga to the Florida line, Paulding was never even considered for I 75, and only a rea dumb A** would have thought it would have been.
  13. The repeal of DADT is another example of the liberals trying to disarm the U.S.and destroy our mlitary. Sence the Vietnam war, they have cut the size of the military by 2/3, The percentage of the federal buget is the lowest in a century, and now they have offended most of the soliers in the combat arms, and the ones who want to jion the combat arms. you can not win a war with just the clerks and jurks or what is called the REMFs. The liberals lost the election and now are trying to get their revenge on the American people by passing the bills which the people destest, and was the reason th
  14. I was onece told that the Shariff department had to transport some of the high scool and middle school students that had been kicked of the bus for the rest of the year, those that were not bad enough for juvenal detention center, but still to bad to be allowed on the bus.
  15. I kept my status as a 5 star voter [ voting in every election]. I am a proud member of the 1244 voter club.
  16. Metropolis by Fritz Lang Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith starring Lillian Gish
  17. I am glad to see it back up again, I like naviity sceans for Christmas, they remind us of the reason for the season. Also Surepip hates it, that is another reason to like it.
  18. Why should you care? Try PFC Brady Manning for one reason, PFC Manning is in a stockade awaiting courtmarcshal now for leaking those thousands of documents to Wikileaks, thus endangering the lives people in Afganistan who helped us,as well as trying to destroy the political careers of foreign servace personal in our goverment and that of freindly goverments. PFC Manning is a extreme homosexual activist, who is angry over the military's postition on allowing him to serve, who decided that if he could not get screwed the way he wanted to get screwed, that he would screw the whole country. On
  19. Everybody is always trying to reinvent the wheel, because they keep forgetting why the wheel is round in the first place. My father joined the Army back in 1936, he used to tell me stories about queer[ I am not PC] master sargents and other NCOs getting into kife fights with each other over wanting the new privates to be their buttboys. Dad told me that even though Homosexuality was against military law, it was tolorated back then. In 1939, when the draft first started and word spreed from the new privates to their mothers and Fathers what was happening to them by the queer sargents, and
  20. Braswell is in the North West part of Paulding, it staddles the Polk-Paulding county line. To get to Braswell, you dcan go by driving west on Braswell mtn Road from Hwy61N, or you can go west on US Hwy 278 until just before the Plk couty line and turn on Bushy Mtn Road and travel that gravel road for several miles down the mtn untill you reach Brqswell Mtn road turn right and you are there, or you can go on US Hwy 278 i9nto Polk county down the mountain till you get to Coots Lake, turn right go past the silver cot trail, go past the railroad to the stop sign, go straight and foll it to Bra
  21. Once again people are mistaking a dedeption to optain a liqor licence for a bar, for a actual city. The whole charade of a city, was done over thirty years ago to to be able to open a bar in the county in order to make money. They never did plan on it to be a real city, town or village. The new people who moved into the subdivion that was built there upset the whole applecart by demanding real city services from a fake one.
  22. Nitro; The crusdes were defensive wars they started only after three hundred years of aggression by the followers of islan. All the areas that now constitude modern Eygpt Lybia, Tunisa, Algeria, Moraco, Iseral, Syria, Lebonan,Turkey and Iraq, were Christian before the year 650. By the statart of the crusades the musims had conqured all of North Africa,Spain, had advance into Southern France, and were almost to Constanople when the Eastern Roman Emporer, asked the pope for help to save the Easten Empire and Chritanity. You have been reading to much PC BS., there is no such thing as peacefu
  23. I get the AJC daily for local news and the comics, for national news and editorial content I get the weekly edition of the Washington Times.
  24. Yes, the navy corpman,[who serve as combat medics for the marines] are enlisted, but they can make a exception in his case. Back in the days of the draft, COs like the 7th Day Adv. would allow themselves to be drafted if they could serve in either non-combatpositions or as medics, they served bravely as medics, at least one recieved the MOH in Vietnam. If he would do that , then I would respect him and ackowlege that his commitment as a CO was real. He would then also be repaying the debt he owed for his education.
  25. If he really wants to be a CO, no problem. Just reclassify him into the medical field, as a navy aid man, and send him to the marines as a combat medic. Then send him to Afgafistan, where if he does not want to be with the marine patrol, he can go over to the taliban and explain to them why they should convert to Christanity and be pasificts
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