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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I do not believe that the public will ever know the real truth about what happened. I hate this woman was killed but, like several others who have posted, I believe that if you shoot at the police, you are asking to be shot.


    Also, drug dealing knows no age limits. I'd bet there are plenty of older people involved in drug dealing.


    It's just a sad situation all the way around. Hopefully, Chief Pennington can make some sense of it.

  2. I have an 18-pound cat. He's red and white with long hair. He was born right here in this house, but is scared to death of anyone other than me, my husband, my youngest daughter, and my grandson. He is petrified of anyone else!!! I have no idea why he's that way. Oh, he loves our 80-pound chocolate lab. They are really funny to watch!

  3. Still waiting to hear from one potential witness, so I hope that pans out. Has anyone else had an accident where it was declared no fault. I am just wondering how insurance is going to handle all of this.



    I was hit in the rear last December. It was pouring rain, the police took forever to get there, and then didn't give the lady who plowed into me a ticket. Fortunately, her insurance company (State Farm) didn't give me any problems and accepted the claim. That was probably because it was a rear-end collision.

  4. I clean the house and do the laundry. Sometimes I cook and sometimes my husband cooks. Sometimes we cook together. I usually end up cleaning up no matter who cooks.


    My husband does the yard work. Occasionally, he will load the dishwasher! He does any home repairs that need doing. And most of the time he takes the trash out and takes it to the curb on pick-up day. . .except for today - HE FORGOT!!!


    Oh--and both of us work full-time.

  5. We even put a "no soliciting" sign up by our doorbell, and the Jehovah Witnesses still stop by. Also, the AJC sales people stop by regularly. I don't mind the kids doing fundraisers, but I hate the other ones.


    My husband thinks I'm paranoid because I like to keep the doors locked when I'm home alone. He makes fun of me all the time!! I don't care though. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

  6. I want continued good health and happiness for my grandson.


    I want another happy pregnancy, easy delivery, and healthy baby for my youngest daughter in May.


    I want inner peace and happiness for my oldest daughter.


    I want continued success for my husband's business.


    I also want a new laptop, some new jeans, and a new cell phone!

  7. Congratulations!! I just recently found out my daughter is pregnant again!!! We are praying for a girl!! She had her first sonogram yesterday, but it's way too early to tell. She is due on May 8.


    Your DIL is huge!! Jessica was really big with her first, and he weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces. She is really tiny when not pregnant. I can't wait to see if she gets as big this time!!

  8. I hate DFCS!!! In cases like this, they seem to do more harm than good. I don't feel like they care about kids when they are so willing to disrupt the only family a child has ever known and turn them over to compleete strangers.



    My daughter was molested by her step-father. When she was 15, she reported it to a caseworker at a treatment facility were she was. DFCS called me. I was totally unaware of what was going on. I met with a DFCS worker who wanted to know if it was true. I had no idea, so I told them they needed to bring my husband in and speak with him. My daugher started to deny it happened almost immediately after she told. She got scared and was worried about the conseequeences. DFCS NEVER even spoke to my husband. I confronted him and, of couse, he denied it.


    Well--now he is serving 15 years (not nearly enough) in prison for what he did to my daughter. My daugher will never recover from what happened to her. She struggles every day just trying to live a productive life. If DFCS had done their job when my daughter finally got the strength to tell her story, the abuse could have been stopped long before it was.


    Fostermom, my heart breaks for you and your family. I cannot imagine the pain this little girl will go through after being ripped from your home. You are and will continue to be in my prayers.

  9. We didn't have many at all! We have a lot of kids in our neighborhood, so I don't understand why we didn't have a lot of kids come by. I love giving out the candy and was very disappointed that we didn't have a big crowd.

  10. I dunno...I think traditionally, the mothers and especially the grandmothers preside over female circumcision rituals in the cultures that practice them. Men are rarely, if ever, involved. In those cultures who support this form of barbaric mutilation (my opinion), men are not involved. It's the men who support this so that women cannot enjoy sex, but it's the women who carry it out.


    That's what I've heard about this type of thing. IMO, I don't think the father was guilty. I think the mother and grandmother did it and blamed it on the dad when it came time to divoce. This mutilation should have been noticed by the mother way before it was brought to anyone's attention. I think they have the wrong person in jail.

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