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Posts posted by drosser

  1. If you get a "true" invisible fence, it will work great!!! The only problem is that it is expensive. Also, you have to work with your dog for several weeks to properly train them about the fence. The electric fences you buy at Home Depot, Lowes, etc. don't work very well at all.


    We have an invisible fence for our chocolate lab. There is no way you can get that dog to go beyond his boundaries!!! I took his collar off one day and put his walking collar on so that I could take him for a walk around the neighborhood. I couldn't even drag him out of the yard!!! He was terrified that he'd get shocked!!


    We can leave the collar off for days and he will still not go out of the yard!! If you've got the money and the time to spend training your dog, it is the best thing you can buy!!

  2. We ate there the Friday before Christmas. The cheeseburgers and fries were awesome, even though the meat was as thin as a piece of paper! The baked beans were gross!! I'm hoping they will get better the longer they are there. I normally eat at the one on Cobb Parkway because is is close to work. They have the BEST food!


    But, I will definitely go back to the one in Hiram!! The milkshakes are wonderful!!!

  3. That's wonderful!! Thankfully, there are still some honest people in this crazy world.


    About a week before Christmas, my best friend lost her change purse with $500 inside. We had been shopping on Saturday, and she was hoping it had fallen out of her purse and was in my car. No such luck!! She began calling around to all the places she'd been after our shopping spree, and someone had turned it in at the Wal-mart in Villa Rica. The best part. . .all the money was there!!!



    May God richly bless these honest people!!

  4. I've developed problems with sleeping for the past year or so. My doctor prescribed Lunesta. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. I just can't fall asleep!!! And I always wake up several times a night if I don't take the Lunesta. I absolutely hate the taste that it leaves in your mouth!!! It alters the taste of anything you eat or drink for several hours after you wake up. I only take it on weekends because if I don't get a full 8 hours sleep, I am very groggy when I wake up. During the week, I just don't get much sleep!!!

  5. My oldest daughter's favorite was her black and white throw that matches her furniture. I thought it would be her luggage!!


    My youngest daughter's favorite was her Baby Phat purse and her "skinny" maternity sweaters!!


    My grandson's favorite was a little Sponge Bob chair that my mom bought him. He kept running over and sitting in it. He even opened some of his presents while he was in it. He'd sit down and then stand up and clap!!


    We had an extremely good Christmas at my house!!

  6. Best gift - new vacuum cleaner from my daughter's boyfriend. My just burned up on Friday!!


    Worse gift - a small round dish that is painted like a peppermint and two little knives that look like candy canes. Got that from work!! I saw it at Hallmark for $6.95!!!

  7. I wish it would snow a lot!!! Enough to keep me home on Wednesday and Thursday. My daughter has her sonogram on Friday and I'd hate to miss that. Of course, she can always reschedule!!!

  8. Well, enjoy every Christmas, because one day you will wake up on the morn of the 25th of December and they will all be gone...this is our fate...


    It is really different when your kids are grown, and you sleep until you're ready to get up. But...then come the grandkids, and it's fun, fun, fun all over again!! My grandson will be here at 2 (hopefully). He just got up a little before 12 and is having a blast at home!!! It'll take some time to get him ready to come see Grandma!!


    I do miss those days of being woken up at daybreak to the sight of two beautiful little faces looking at me, ready to see what Santa brought!!!


    Everyone, enjoy your little ones because they grow up way too fast.

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