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Posts posted by drosser

  1. That's fairly close to me, too. I am not very far from RRR. I'm home all this week but hubby is working. I'm going to double-check my doors. We have a lot of kids in our subdivison and, with the good weather, they are out playing. I hope this would be a deterrent to the thieves.

  2. My grandson used to have his car seat on the side behind the passenger seat. Then my daughter switched him to the middle of the back seat because he could see better (out the front) and she felt is was safer in case some idiot hit either side of the vehicle. It just makes more sense to me to keep the child in the middle because it would be farther away from any side impact. If the child and seat are properly installed, there is no threat of the child being ejected through the front windshield.

  3. My kids are 21 and 24. They still get stockings. My husband and I also have one. And the dog and cat, too!! And my grandson!!! I even have one for the unborn baby!! It hangs on the hook with my daughter's stocking. I put candy, jewelry, money, lottery tickets, all sorts of little things I pick up during the year!! The dog and cat get toys and treats!!


    I will always do stockings!! It's just a big part of Christmas!!

  4. My grandson went to the doctor today because he had a runny nose, was very congested, and was sleeping a lot. He's 17 months old, and this is the first time he's ever been even close to sick. Luckily, he is not running a fever and doesn't really feel bad. The doctor gave him a prescription for something to clear up the congestion and told my daughter to use a humidifier.


    I hope he doesn't get any worse. She's in for a surprise because she's never had to deal with a sick baby!!


    Sorry to hear ya'll are all sick. Hope you get better soon!!

  5. My mom stopped giving gifts quite a few years ago. She would buy for my two girls and, now that she's retired and on a very low fixed income, she buys an outfit and a toy for her great-grandson. We don't buy anything for the adults on my side of the family.


    My husband's family consists of 4 adults with their spouses and a total of six kids. Two of the kids now have spouses and one has a child. It is supposed to be that once the kids graduate from high school, they are put into the adult category. But, that's not really happened. We buy for my three nieces, one who is 18 and in college. We always buy for my husband's daughter and her husband. We usually give a small gift of some sort to my in-laws. The in-laws always buy a gift for everyone and several for the kids.


    We (my husband and I) buy for our three kids and the two spouses. This year we went a little overboard on the grandson, but it was so much fun buying for him!! We try to spend the same on all the kids but, depending on what they want, that's not always possible. We always tell them to tell us a few things they would like and then we choose one or two.


    For each other, we just buy stuff that we need. We don't spend a lot. We don't really have a spending limit, but we certainly don't get carried away.


    I love Christmas and would love to be able to buy everybody something they wanted. Unfortunately, I haven't won the lottery yet!!!

  6. I started both my girls in dance at the same time. One was 3 and the other was 6. We didn't have a whole lot of money, and it was expensive. But they enjoyed it so much!!! The yougest one stuck with it and was always involved in something. The older one decided she didn't want to do any anything other than girl scouts. The youngest went from dance, to gynmastics, to cheerleading. . .now that was expensive!!!

  7. My grandson had surgery in May. He could not stick his tongue out and they had to clip that little piece under it. I was a nervous wreck. He couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight. My daughter stayed with us the night before. We kept him up until midnight. We fed him right before he went to sleep. He got his paci (which he normally doesn't use) during the night if he wanted a bottle and, believe it or not, he was satisfied. We had to wake him up. We had to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. and he didn't go into surgery until around 8:30. He started getting really cranky and my daughter was very upset. So we took turns letting him "walk" up and down the hall.


    I wish I knew how to post pictures. I have some of the cutest ones taken while he was at the hospital. It was Gwinnett Medical Center, and they were WONDERFUL!! They gave him a teddy bear and were so nice to us.


    The surgery didn't take very long and he was in great spirits after it was over. He just wanted a bottle!!!


    It's so hard when they're that young. I hope everything goes will with Lily's surgery. I'll keep you guys in my prayers!!

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