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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Sorry!! I didn't mean to upset anyone with the description of the perpetrators. It was very difficult to keep up with what was going on. The officer who was heard on the scanner was pretty worked up and was having trouble getting his message across. I was just posting that I though the scanner said it was black males involved. I wasn't sure, but I though that's what they said. I would have posted that I though they said it was all white males involved if that's what I though I heard.


    If a description is given on the scanner, whether it is black or white, most people post it. I don't care if they were white, black, green, or blue. . .they had no business creating problems at the mall.

  2. I always go there to shop, but it's early on Saturday morning. I can't remember the last time I went there at night. Won't be going again! I didn't hear anymore about the incident last night because I was so tired, I went to bed!! I hope everything turned out alright and they got all the people involved.

  3. I grew up in Smyrna. We would walk to the local store and hang out there. We would walk to Belmont Hills Shopping Center and go to the movies. If there was a carnival in town, we'd stay there all day and ride the rides, eat cotton candy, and just hang out.


    We'd get dropped off at the skating rink and then leave with someone who had a car and ride around. We were always back before our parents came to get us!


    We never had to worry about anyone trying to kidnap us or anything. It was pretty awesome!

  4. I know this is in Douglas County but a lot of us, as well as out kids, go to the mall. There was a fight of some sort. This was a little before 9 p.m. They evacuated the mall and were giving money back to people who had bought movie tickets. They did have some of the suspects in custody but had a bolo out for a vehicle (I didn't hear what type it was). They said they had confiscated a knife and a chain. I think they said it was all black males involved.


    Pretty scary!! At one time, they were running through Parisian's!!

  5. When my daughter was in 11th grade at HHS, she had a part-time job and had just got her check cashed at work. She "forgot" to take her money out of her wallet and, the next day at school, her money was stolen. The sad thing is, it happened while she was at lunch. The rooms were supposed to be locked while the class was at lunch. The school had surveillance showing a janitor going into the room while the class was at lunch. The school refused to do anything about it, so we got the sheriff's department involved. They tried to get prints from the wallet but couldn't because of the material it was made of. They talked to the janitor who, of course, denied taking the money. We know the janitor took the money. The teacher even said there was no way anyone else could have done it. The janitor up and quit a few days later.


    My daughter learned that she had to be more responsible about where she took her money, and she learned that even a lock won't alway keep a thief out.

  6. My grandson will be 22 months old when his baby brother is born. I, too, am worried about how he will handle it. He is the center of attention now because he's the first child and first grandchild. He is a very good baby, though. I told my daughter to just make sure she includes him in EVERYTHING. Even though he had no idea what was going on, we took him for the sonogram. He was fascinated by the screen!! We tell him all the time that he's going to have a baby brother. My daughter lets him rub her belly, and she tells him that his little brother is in there. He absolutely adores other kids, no matter what their ages, so I'm hoping he'll love his baby brother from the start.

  7. My kids are both grown, but I left them overnight with both my mom and MIL when they were babies. Both grandparents loved to have them!! I missed them, but they were just across town. You need the time for you and your husband. Just because you are a mom, you don't stop being a wife!!! Babies need to get used to other people. And your little one will be just fine!!!


    I first kept my grandson overnight when he was 8 weeks old. I've been keeping him overnight on a regular basis ever since. My daughter deserves some time to herself.


    Take advantage of the uninterrupted time you will get with your husband.

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