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Posts posted by drosser

  1. When my oldest daughter was 16, I turned her in for having drugs in my home. She refused to listen to me. When I found out she had them, I called PCSO. They came out, searched her room, and scared the s--- out of her. They didn't find anything that time. She got caught a couple of days later on the school bus. Yes, she got in trouble, and it was well-deserved. She had a lot of other things going on that I didn't know about at the time. If I'd have know what was happening, I'm sure I'd have handled it differently.


    But, in the long run, I think it taught her that there are consequences for illegal activities and that you can and will go to jail.


    If she'd been one of the Barbie Bandits, I'd have been the first one to turn her in. No matter how you look at it, what they did was wrong. And they aren't "little girls". They're both old enough to work in a strip club, so they've pretty wise to the ways of the world. I have no sympathy for those two!!!

  2. I just cannot imagine! My 20-month-old grandson has learned how to unlock and open the front door at home. His dad installed new locks up high so that he cannot reach them. He would unlock and open the door, then say bye-bye and head on out. You cannot be too careful around little ones. They are smarter than some people give them credit for.


    My prayers are with this family.

  3. I will keep Olivia and her parents in my prayers. That's such a pretty name. That was what my daughter wanted to name her second child if it was a girl. She's having another boy, and his name will be Daniel. I'm going to share this with her so she'll stop complaining about how big she is and how pregnant she feels!! She's due May 8.


    It's amazing how these little ones can survive nowdays. They didn't use to be so lucky.


    My ex-sister-in-law had both her boys at about 24 to 26 weeks. Both of them are healthy with no problems now. They both weighed under 2 pounds.

  4. I've seen it on TV, but I hate to buy something that I've never actually seen or that no one I know has used. I hate liquid make-up. I can never get it to blend right. I think I'll go to Ulta and have them to a match for me. If I like it, I'm gonna get it!!

  5. Congratulations!!! I have lost 20 pounds since 01/01. That was my New Year's resolution, and I have stuck with it. I have 15 more to go, but I am very motivated. I'm gonna look good this summer!! I've already been able to fit into a pair of my favorite jeans that I had refused to get rid of!! Can't wait to go shopping for a new bathing suit!!!

  6. My daughter went with her best friend when she was 17. She was (still is) a very responsible girl. They had a blast! She called me several times every day and I called her, too. I think it all depends on the maturity level of your child. They stayed for 3 days and the only problem we had was the HUGE cell phone bill from where we kept in touch!!


    She came home and told me all about the "idiots" she observed who were drunk, acting stupid, and getting in trouble. She didn't understand how they could be having any fun!!


    I do know that when we were in PC last year, a lot of the hotels/motels had very strict rules about spring break. A lot of them won't rent to anyone under 25 during the week of spring break.

  7. I use it. It leaves a very nasty taste in your mouth. For me, sometimes it works quickly and sometimes it doesn't. I still wake up several times during the night, but can usually go back to sleep. I've used it off and on for about a year.

  8. Anyone see the bus accident of NorthSide Dr? It fell onto the interstate from the bridge.


    A good friend of mine saw this. She said it was probably the worse thing that she'd ever seen. She was almost in tears when she called me this morning. Very, very said. So far, they've said 6 confirmed fatalities and 9 seriously injured.

  9. Bad weather, cave crickets, and the fear of something happening to one of my kids or grandson. Also, I don't like to ride with someone else driving. I've been in two really bad car accidents and both times, I was the only one not injured. I have a real fear that I might not be so lucky if it happens a 3rd time. My husband's driving scares me to death!!!

  10. I saw this on the news this morning!! OMG!!! I hope they don't go easy on them just because they are young and female! The fact that the blonde was smiling, just burned me up!!! They probably come from well-off families and thought it would be a "fun" thing to do!!!


    I hope they get the full punishment allowed by law!!! I don't care how young they are!!

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