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Posts posted by drosser

  1. My daughter just called and told me. I hate so badly to hear that. I guess in our hearts, we all knew there would not be a happy ending. It's even worse that it WAS the baby's father, and a police officer to top it off. The surviving child now has to grow with with a mother killed by his father, who will be in prison. My heart really breaks for him.

  2. We bought two tickets last time and didn't win anything. We thought our chance would be better, but they weren't!!!


    I figured they'd be sold out by now, but I guess they aren't as popular as they were last time. I hate to spend $20 and not win anything!! One dollar is a lot less to lose!!!


    I might buy one because you just never know!!!

  3. I did that with both my girls.


    My daughter did it with her first son and was planning on giving it to her second son when he's 6 weeks old. He already sleeps six hours straight and will go right back to sleep after being fed. He's going to be a really good sleeper!! She won't be giving him cereal until later.

  4. I think (providing this is true-blood test pending) that he (and all other's who pull his stupid crap) should be forced to drive from school to school and talk about the effects of being a teen and the results of drinking and driving.


    This will be a "eye opener" for other teens, and punishment for the child and hopefully, many lives will be saved.


    I have mixed feelings about jail time...he is already going to suffer plenty, just knowing he did it...what good will sitting in a cell do? Adults, or multiple offenders deserve the slammer (and should have to repay the fees incurred to "live off" the tax payers)



    I agree 100%. IF alcohol was involved, this boy will have to live the rest of his life knowing that his decision to drink and drive killed his younger brother. That's a HUGE reality to live with. However, he did break the law by drinking and driving.


    This is such a horrible tragedy. My prayers are with the family.

  5. I have a problem with 12 million people illegally entering my country, using the services I have to pay with my taxes, steal social security numbers from citizens, drive around without insurance, protest and cut in line while other people spend years and pay thousands of dollars just to get the chance to come here.



    The Mexicans are not the only ones!! There are many, many Americans who won't work, live off welfare, have no insurance, and commit crimes against fellow Americans. At least the Mexicans want to work, and they will work their butts off to make very little money. I hate that my tax dollars go to support ANY person who won't work, but that's how it is.


    So, it's not just the Mexicans. If you've ever been to Mexico, you'd understand why they want to come here!!

  6. Three times!!


    1 - highschool sweetheart - married long enough to have two kids - he was a cheater - stayed married just over 4 years


    2 - married for 10 years - he turned out to be a child molester - he's in prison now


    3 - been married to my wonderful husband for almost 5 years - he's the best - totally different from the first two - they say the 3rd times a charm!!

  7. I heard this on the radio just as I left work. When they said the bus was enroute to P B Ritch, I knew it had to have happened close to my house. The road was closed and we had to detour. We ended up on Bethel Church Road and came back out at the light on Ridge Road. You couldn't see the vehicles, but I saw the pictures on the news. It was awful!!


    I am just so thankful that no kids were on that bus. The news said the truck driver crossed the center line and hit the bus head-on.


    My heart goes out to all involved. They will all be in my prayers.

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