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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I think it is ridiculous to have a leash law for cats! I have a cat who uses our doggie door to go in and out. He sometimes stays gone for a couple of days. I took him to the vet recently, and they told me he had been neutered. I didn't have it done!!! Someone who obviously loves my cat had it done. I wish I knew who, so that I could repay them!!!


    If he gets hurt or killed while he's outside our yard, I would be very upset but would not blame anyone. It would be his own fault. But, if he is in my yard and someone's dog comes into our yard and hurts or kills him, that's entirely different.


    I think the person who owns the dog should be charged because he should have been kept in his own yard. My dog is kept in our yard because we have an invisible fence, which was well worth the money.

  2. There is no way that I could ever forget my child in the back seat of a car!!! That's the first thing you do on your way to work if you have kids!! Drop them off at daycare or the sitter.


    I think there should be charges brought against the mother and they should not be minor ones!!! That poor baby! I just cannot imagine how any normal person can forget their child.


    I do know of an instance where this happened, though. My old boss (an attorney) and his wife were at a family member's wedding. They were not watching their son, who was about 3 years old. He was wandering around and found an open closet that he thought might be fun to explore. He got in there and feel asleep. The parents left and were about halfway home before they realized they didn't have their son. The older daughter, who was about 12, didn't even mention the fact that her little brother was missing. These people were nuts anyway. They told the story to everyone and thought it was funny. I didn't think it was funny at all.

  3. I don't know about homeowners insurance covering the tools. I will be calling them however. I don't know how we'd prove that the tools were in the truck. I would think they'd have to have some kind of proof.


    My husband is planning on being at the bank at 9:00 this morning. And I will be calling the auto insurance at 8:30!!!


    This is the first time that he's had anything stolen from him, and he's taking it really bad. Especially since he was stupid enough to leave money in the check book. It kind of worries me that our address is on the checks.


    The office who investigated told him that the truck was probably taken to downtown Atlanta or to Birmingham. I doubt we'll ever find it.

  4. The tools is my concern. I am sure he uses those to make a living, and I am sure the truck is covered under insurance, but tools probably not. Having the tools gone can really set someone back.


    Yeah! The problem is that he has always refused to lock his truck. When people were entering vehicles in the driveways of our subdivision, he still wouldn't lock the truck.


    I just found out he had quite a bit of money inside his check book that was in the truck. He was going to make a deposit in the morning.

    Now I am just sick!!!


    We only have liability on the truck, so we're really in a mess. I guess it's a tough lesson, but hopefully he will learn that we do not live in a perfect world and you can't trust people.


    He has had to take off the rose-colored glasses!!!

  5. My husband called about 15 minutes ago, and his truck was stolen from the Old Time Pottery parking lot in Douglasville. It is a 1989 Chevrolet, white in color. Tag #WD94YT. It has a white ladder rack on it. All of his tools were in the back. The door on the driver's side is gray.


    He's with Douglas County SO right now.


    If anyone is driving around and spots it, please call 911.



  6. I blamed the mother from the start. I just don't understand how people cannot watch their young children at all times. If you have young children, they should be your very first priority. The chores can wait. Sleep can wait. Nothing is as important as your child.


    It really makes me angry that they are going to put the dog down. This time, it was not the dog's fault. He was in his own yard, minding his own business. Because of the little girl's sorry a$$ mother, she was killed. If her mother had been paying attention to her, she would not have wandered into the dog's territory.


    Very, very sad!

  7. I heard they have merged with another bank. There goes our good bank!!!


    Before I opened my account with Regions, I "interviewed" three others. Regions was, by far, the best. Now they will be the same as all the other "big" banks. I think I will be bank shopping again.

  8. It could also be alot closer like a 18 year old and a 16 or 17 year old. What KILLS me is .. the boys get labeled as sex offenders and NOTHING happens to the girls ? Ummm they are usually willing. Maybe mommy and daddy don't wanna believe their little angel would do such a thing .. but girls like sex too.


    AMEN!!! Teenage girls can be into sex as much as teenage boys are. I do not feel that teenage sex should be a crime and a teenage boy who has sex with his girlfriend SHOULD NOT be labeled as a sex offender. They are not doing anything that hasn't been going on for years!!!

  9. Bill Carruth has become a speedway lately. The worst intersection is at Hiram Sudie and Bill Carruth if you are turning left or right off BC. Can't see a damn thing. They should have graded the road different. We have already had several accidents there.


    Both my daughters were involved in accidents at that intersection while they were going to Hiram High. Thankfully, neither one was injured, but it totaled both their cars. I hardly ever go that way, but I see it hasn't gotten any better.

  10. I feel sad for both families involved, but I want to know why no one was watching the child. She was only 5 years old and had Down's Syndrome. Children that age have no fear and are so curious about things. She should not have been unsupervised. If it were me not watching my child, and something like this happened, I would definitely feel guilty. I don't know how I could look at myself in the mirror every day. The mother, or whoever was supposed to be watching the child, should feel some responsibility in this.


    As for the dog's owners, the dog was in their yard and chained. The news said there and not been any other complaints regarding the dog. I just hope they are not charged with anything. They did not do anything wrong.


    It's just a sad situation and my prayers are with all involved.

  11. Prayers said! He should do fine.


    My grandson couldn't stick his tongue out. That little piece of skin on the bottom was connected too far up on his tongue. They clipped it when he was 10 months old. I was worried about anesthesia and all kinds of horrible stuff went through my mine. He did great!! Me and his parents were the ones who needed sedation!!

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